
Chapter 84: Delegate, Execute, Relegate!: The Four Aces Alliance Vs. Gensei Kihara (Part 2)

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers before bringing my attention back up again in order to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...let us now get on with the chapter...But first viewers...like always...before we go into this episode...a quick recap of the previously told episode is in order...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

And here is the episode recap in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

So, as it currently stood, I was in a pretty bad way. And given the currently unstable looking state of Misaka, this was more then justified.

And, as Misaka, who was still currently very unstable, then proceeded, to launch an immense amount of electricity, towards a nearby building. Which I then noticed, had no windows on it. I took notice, of Misaka, then teleporting off of the roof of the building. And I wound up taking off right after her, having used my electricity, to sort of fly through the air, and then use it as a sort of cushion, to get me to the ground safely. As I had used the electricity, to slow my downward speed, as I neared the ground. But, just as I landed, and took another notice of Misaka's still very much unstable state, I couldn't help, but fall to my knees on the ground, and then proceed to slam my fist into the ground, just as I had done in one of the visions, that had been shown to me by Urd.

"It's all my fault Misaka, you didn't deserve to have this done to you. I am so so sorry, that I couldn't protect you more. It should've been me...not you!" I said, between sheer distraught sobs, and the immense tears, streaming down my cheeks.

And yet, I was not able to notice, that me and Misaka, were no longer the only people, who were currently present, in an too familiar looking open area.

In fact, a certain black spiky haired male, and another with an all too familiar looking white headband on his head, had happened onto the scene. And, while I was still violently sobbing, Touma and Sugiita, tried to return Misaka back to normal.

However, unlike last time, Touma's Imagine Breaker, wound up having no effect on Misaka. And as a result, neither he, or Sugiita, could return Misaka back to normal.

And, as if things couldn't get any much worse. Misaka, who was still in her glowing, and also quite unstable looking state, then suddenly decided, to shift her focus, as well as her attacks, towards me. And with Misaka, then proceeding to fire off quite a strong looking attack towards me. It really did look, at though this, was the end of the line for me. However...

"Saint...Twin...Swords!" The all too familiar voice of a certain scarlet haired Love Angel suddenly rang out. Which was then instantly followed, by one Angel Salvia, flying over towards me, with the use of her angel wings.

Which was then followed, by Angel Salvia, then standing in front of me, with her Saint Twin Swords drawn. And, once the attack had almost reached her, she wound up using her Saint Twin Swords, in a sort of swords crossed stance, in order to deflect the attack.

And upon me then suddenly snapping out of my currently distraught stupor, upon seeing Angel Salvia, suddenly dash towards, and then stand in front of me, in order to deflect the attack from a still very much unstable Misaka. My expression, then couldn't help, but then turn, to a small smile.

And it was at this point, that an all too familiar sounding female voice, then chose to speak up.

"Well Lucky Strike, though I would say, that we would currently be meeting again, under much less dire situating circumstances. But given the situation, I would say Keiko, that you could currently, use some help, am I right?" The familiar sounding voice of one Angel Bluebell said to me, with a smile, now very much present, on her face.

And, I then also took notice, of one Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, standing beside her. And it was then that I knew, that what was about to take place. That like back on August 9, would truly wind up going down, in anime history.

"Alright viewers...Yes, Angel Bluebell here...It is so nice to see you all again...Now then viewers...I would say that this, is now a good place to stop for now. In a sort of cliffhanger chapter ending of sorts. Why you viewers may ask? Well, because if I didn't, then there wouldn't be any convincing reason, for all of you viewers, to wanting to read on. So with that in mind viewers, I will see you all in the next chapter...right Keiko?...*Angel Bluebell says this, while smiling in a cute manner, with both eyes closed*...*And this is while I look on at Angel Bluebell, with a sort of shocked looking expression on my face. Since I now knew, that we now, had a very good fighting chance, against Gensei Kihara*"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so at it currently stood from the last chapter. I had just witnessed Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, make their entrance.

However, as it currently stood. Angel Salvia, had currently been the only one, at least for the current moment, who had soared forward, with the use of her angel wings. Which was in order for her, to use her Saint Twin Swords, to block a potentially lethal attack from Misaka, before it could wind up hitting me, and wind up doing any sort of harmful, or even irreversible damage.

"Well Lucky Strike, though I would say, that we would currently be meeting again, under much less dire situating circumstances. But given the situation, I would say Keiko, that you could currently, use some help, am I right?" Angel Bluebell had just said to me, with a smile, now very much present, on her face.

However, even though Angel Salvia, had done an excellent job, in deflecting Misaka's potentially lethal attack on me. Our troubles, with regard to this whole mess of a situation, were far from being over.

"So the point here is viewers...*Angel Bluebell then suddenly clears her throat*...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here...Now then viewers, as I was about to address to all of you...and as I am sure that all of the diehard fans of the Toaru anime series will agree with me on...there are 5 normal level groupings, of Espers, in Academy City...The Level 0's...who can be anyone from a normal everyday citizen of Academy City...To even Touma Kamijou..."

"Hey...Bluebell was it?...How about you get to the point...*Touma says this while eyeing Angel Bluebell somewhat wearily*"

"*Angel Bluebell then suddenly sweatdrops*...*She then deeply sighs before responding to what Touma just said to her*...Okay, seriously Touma?...Can you please let me..."

"Bluebell...Just get to the point already!...Or do I need to remind you how things went between you, me, and Zachary, several chapter back?...*I say this to Angel Bluebell while, like Touma is currently, eyeing her quite wearily*"

"*Angel Bluebell then once again sweatdrops*...*She then once again deeply sighs*...Okay seriously Keiko?!...*Angel Bluebell says this with a now noticeable tickmark, now present, on one side, of her face*...*The tickmark, as well as her angry sounding tone and expression, now quickly disappear, almost as quickly as they appeared to begin with*...*Angel Bluebell then once again deeply sighs, with a sweatdrop, now once again present, on one side, of her face*...Okay, alright Keiko...*Angel Bluebell then turns her attention forwards again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...*She then once again clears her throat, before then speaking up, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...So viewers...the simple and short of this is...Level 0's like Touma...are not really normal everyday citizens...Level 1's, like that of Uiharu Kazari, are just above Level 0....Level 2's like the Graviton Bomber, Hatsuya...Who had used the Level Upper, to become a Level 4...Level 3's...like the Sister Clones from the Level 6 Shift Experiments involving Accelerator...Well technically, most are Level 3's, but you basically get what I mean by that...Anyway, there are also, the Level 4's...like Mitsuko Kongo...Kuroko Shirai...just to name a few...and finally, the Level 5's...of which there are only 8...Well, technically, because Keiko and Misaka are sisters, they are both ranked 3rd among the 8 Level 5 Espers...So in a way viewers...it is technically both 7 Level 5s, as well as 8...But viewers...I really do strongly recommend, that you go and read, Going In Almost Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind, respectively...Because if you still aren't...then you are truly missing out, on quite a bit of missing context, as well as overall information...*Angel Bluebell now suddenly realizes, that her fourth wall break. Despite her wanting to keep it short, has now dragged on for far too long*...Look, the point here viewers..is that you really need to go and read them...or, in the similar words of one Jerry Lewis from Totally Spies...'It's mandatory'...And so viewers, with that now very much in mind...Let us finally, move on with the chapter now, shall we?...*Angel Bluebell says this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, in a cute looking manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment.

In fact, it actually wasn't even that long, after Angel Bluebell had finished her lengthy fourth wall break, that something suddenly happened, that none of us were prepared for, and didn't account for.

In fact, maybe even as much, as only two seconds, after Angel Bluebell had finished her fourth wall break. That me and her, then heard a familiar voice, then shout out to Angel Bluebell. "Bluebell, lookout!" The unmistakable voice, of Angel Lily suddenly rang out.

"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" I then heard Angel Lily say shortly thereafter. And, with Angel Lily, quickly motioning her right hand, over her leg band. Which was quickly followed, by Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip appearing in her right hand, in a quick flash of light.

I then suddenly took notice, of Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, then wrapping its way around Angel Bluebells torso.

And about a split second later, Angel Bluebell, was then suddenly tugged slightly sideways. However, just as it looked as though she was about to open her mouth, in an effort to ask Angel Lily, why she had decided to use her Saint Spiral Whip all of the sudden.

I then noticed a high speed electrical based attack, only manage to miss Angel Bluebell by mere inches. In fact, it had actually wound up hitting, where she had originally stood.

And upon realization, of what Angel Lily had just managed to do, with having just saved Angel Bluebell from certain injury or harm. I then wound up giving a small smile.

"Well that was very quick thinking on Angel Lily's part...Never knew that Angel Bluebell, and the rest of the Love Angels, were able to work so well together," I thought to myself, while the small smile, was still present, on my face.

And, once Angel Bluebell had found her footing again, after she had managed to quickly regained her balance. She then, chose to speak up.

"Nice quick thinking there Lily, you have my thanks," Angel Bluebell said to Angel Lily, with a grateful smile, now present, on her face. As Angel Lily, then withdrew her Saint Spiral Whip, causing it to de-materialize, in a small flash of white light.

And speaking of Limone, and almost immediately, after Angel Bluebell had said her statement. It was then, that an all too familiar bright light, then managed, to light up the sky. Even though, the sky, was still ominously dark.

And with the sudden appearance, of an all too familiar line, of descending crystal steps. It was that I somehow knew, that things, would only get better, from here on out. And finally, Angel Bluebells elaborate, but also simple plan. Would surely wind up going down, in anime history.

"And that viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here again...Anyway, I will be seeing you lot in the next chapter, okay?...*Angel Bluebell says this, while smiling, with eyes closed, in a cute manner*"

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