
Chapter 71: Aritomi's Last Resort!: Keiko And Misaka Vs. STUDY! (Part 3)

"Hello there viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, into what is the third part of this episode...But first viewers...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...shall we?....*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, as for the chapter recap in question...

Which was, as it currently stood, me and Misaka, who at the moment, who was still holding Febrie, were currently looking at quite a lot of charging unpiloted mechs. However, this wasn't going to be the case for much longer.

And, upon Misaka setting Febrie down for the moment, and Misaka, then briefly turning her attention to me. To which she then gave a sort of nod, that I returned a split second later. We then, prepared ourselves, for the fight, against Aritomi, and his mechs.

"Misaka, why don't I have you take the lead for the current moment?" I said, with a very heartwarming smile on my face, as electricity, was currently still crackling, through the bangs of my hair. And, upon me having it flow through to my right hand, which wound up conjuring up a bit of iron sand. Which I then used, to form a razor sharp iron sand composed sword. Which was similar to the one, that Misaka had conjured up, during her fight against Touma, down by the riverbank.

However, the difference with my iron sand composed sword. Was that it suspiciously resembled a sword, that was currently in the possession, of a certain light blue haired love angel. One who would wind up coming up with a plan, that would wind up going down, as the most elaborate, but actually quite simple plan, in anime history.

And, upon Misaka, now using her electricity, to conjure up an iron sand composed sword of her own. We then, proceeded to use our respective iron sand swords, to cut the currently charging mechs to pieces.

"Hey viewers...Keiko here...Yes, I know, not the most ideal time to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you...but you are all probably wondering..."

"Keiko!...Not right now!...Save it until after the battle!...*Misaka suddenly winds up saying this to me, with a somewhat less then pleased looking expression on her face*"

"Okay fine Misaka...you're no fun...*I say this, while letting out a very audible, and defeated sounding sigh. Which suddenly wound up changing into a very cute looking pout*...Now then viewers...back to the fight."

And so, putting the fourth wall breaks aside, at least for the moment. I then, wound up seeing a series of images, then suddenly flash across my vision.

The first one, was of one of the previous vision like images, that I had seen before. Which was Misaka, glowing a very bright blue, and her body, currently looking very unstable. And me and her, were currently in a somewhat open area, that seemed to be in ruin.

But, the next few images, were ones that I hadn't been shown yet. As one of them, was me, currently on the ground, slamming one of my fists into the ground, with a very upset looking expression on my face. And to make it just that much worse, what I was saying, was what wound up slightly flooring me.

"It's all my fault Misaka, you didn't deserve to have this done to you. I am so so sorry, that I couldn't protect you more. It should've been me...not you!" My vision self wound up saying, between sheer distraught sobs, and the immense tears, streaming down my vision selves cheeks.

And upon seeing this happen, I wound up stopping dead in my tracks, with my iron sand composed sword, now completely disintegrating. And it was, while tears of my own, then suddenly started streaming down my cheeks. Almost as if I knew, that what was going to happen, in the not too distant future. And depending on how it played out, would wind up, making the sheer difference, between life, and death.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter, now done and over with. We will now, be picking right up, back where we had left off. Which was the second part, of episode 24.

Okay, so given my current situation, which was me, still with tears, streaming down my face from the last chapter.

And, given my currently dire situation, what with several of the mechs, charging towards me. It looked as though, it was curtains for me. But thankfully...

"Keiko, you need to be more attentive!" An all too familiar sounding female voice said from behind me, as several familiar pin darts, then whizzed forward in front of my vision, and then impacted several of the mechs, and in turn wound up completely immobilizing them. To which they exploded about a split second after they had been immobilized.

But, it wasn't the pin darts, that wound up snapping me out of my tear streaming stupor. In fact, it was the whooshing popping like sound, that usually occurred, when Kuroko Shirai teleported into, and out of my vicinity.

"Oh r-right, my bad Kuroko, I will try..." I said, only to be cutoff mid statement, as several more images, now wound up flashing across my vision.

And these, like most of my last vision like images, were also ones that I hadn't seen before.

The first, was of a curvature of the Earth. Which was then followed, by a very large looking satellite. But, before I could say anything, I heard a disembodied voice, then call out to me. "It's Aritomi's last resort in case you were wondering..." The disembodied voice, wound up calling out to me with just a hint of sass.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" I wound up yelling out into the vision.

"Really, is that how you talk to someone, who has been helping you out?" The disembodied voice wound saying back to me in response. Only this time, with even more sass in its tone.

"What are you talking about?" I now wound up responding back to the voice, now with quite a bit of surprise and shock in my tone.

"Look Keiko, if I were you, then I would be more concerned in having you and Misaka, using your railguns, to destroy Aritomi's last resort. Because if you both don't, then neither of you, are going to have a world anymore. And it won't just be you, who winds up paying for it in the end." The disembodied voice, then wound up saying to me in response, while hinting at the fact, that whoever they were, they knew about the Four Aces Alliance, as well as the other versions of myself.

But, before I could attempt to speak up, the disembodied voice, then wound up answering my lingering question, even though I hadn't asked it yet.

"And yes Keiko, I know all about the other versions of yourself, and the rest of your alliance," the disembodied voice then responded with.

And not surprisingly...

"Hold on a sec, did you just read my mind?!...What?!...Just who the heck are you?!" I now wound up saying in response, with a now very pissed off looking expression, on my face.

"You will learn about who I am in due time Keiko. But for now, you, Misaka, and Kuroko, have Aritomi's last resort to destroy," the disembodied voice, now wound up saying to me in response.

And, all of the sudden, the vision around me, then got bright, and before I knew it, I was back in the current situation.

And, not wanting to waste another second, I then chose to speak up to Kuroko and Misaka, in an effort, to tell them, my new idea of attack.

"Kuroko, Misaka, we need to act fast. But for now, we take this fight, to the sky!" I said, while giving off a very whimsical looking expression. Which not surprisingly, caused very confused expressions, to suddenly make their way, across both of Kuroko and Misaka's faces.

And given my current tone of voice, I couldn't say that I was surprised. Given the current situation, and the fact that it was not the best time, to be saying something like this, in my current tone.

"Hey viewers...Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So viewers...this now marks the end of the third part of this episode...But fret not viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action, in the next part...Which, will wind up being the final part, of episode 24...And yes viewers...I am well aware, that I said that this was going to be six parts...Well, it is going to be four parts instead...So then viewers, I will be seeing all of you lot there then...okay?....*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

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