
Chapter 43: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Toxicity!: Addressing An Extremely Glaring Issue, While Looking To Leave Behind A Proper Legacy!

"Hello viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now, remember, when I, exactly one or two chapters back, wound up doing a chapter, that wasn't action packed viewers, hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now, this chapter, will in fact be, yet another, not action packed chapter...As given recent events...I feel as though, that I need to address this...So viewers, like the previous chapter of this kind...And keep in mind viewers, that this...is now going to be...yet another one...of one of the only other times...that I am going to be giving this sort of complete permission to all of you viewers, in letting you skip this particular chapter...in the exact same manner...As you viewers, as of now, do once again, have my absolutely full permission, to skip this chapter...But just so you know viewers...You will, unlike the last chapter in which I wound up giving this exact same permission...Will not be missing much...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then, who here, knows of a twitter user, by the username of @mahoshojoclips...?...Well, for those who don't know of this...*ahem*...quite unpleasant, and very toxic individual...Because as I have heard, she seems to have the sort of toxic demeanor, as well as an immense allergy of sorts, to anyone, who is generous to her...Or, even looks to give a sort of polite and selfless offering to her...in the form of one of these three fanfics...I mean, if you ask me viewers, she sounds like a real...what's the type...ah yes...a very arrogant, toxic, petty, jealous, and very uptight individual...You know the type viewers...someone who is just immensely 'arrogant'...or someone who just emanates immense 'arrogance'... as in the very two words...That believe it or not viewers, have both been the most repeated words, in any of these three fanfics...Mind you, it might not be the 'most' repeated two words...But, the whole point here viewers...is that those are the two words, that you need to remember from these fics, nearly more, then any other word...I mean after all viewers...I have made an eternal commitment, to not make any sort of money, off of a single bit of media, that I have posted so far on my YouTube channel, and will continue to do so...Until my eventual passing...But more importantly viewers...I don't intend to make any sort of money...from when I do wind up eventually handing over my completed three fanfics...to the anime industry...so that they can immortalize them in physical anime media form...The only thing that I ask for in return...is at least...51% control, over the overall say, in how these fanfics are properly adapted...I mean after all viewers...these are technically original fanfics...But, I think that that is enough about all of this ranting and raving...So viewers, I will see you all in the next chapter...When we will get right back into the action, okay?...Oh, and by the way @mahoshojoclips...you shall reap, what you shall sow...and as for what happens next?...Well unfortunately @mahoshojoclips, that is now out of my hands...as karma...can really work in mysterious way...*I say this while giving a look to the viewers, to pretty much let them know...that karma does very much in fact exist*...Oh, and as per a saying, that I myself go by...'sow bad seeds, and get a bad harvest...'...Which by the way viewers...is a way of me saying...don't come at me the wrong way...Well, that is if you are willing to deal with the karma based ramifications...Oh, and furthermore @mahoshojoclips...but more importantly, as per the words of one Jon Taffer...'It's your fault, it's your bed, now sleep in it!'...As this is proof here viewers, that you don't...ever!...Attempt to falsely berate, or even mistake someones kind and generous intentions...especially if you are attempting to approach them, with nothing but both good, and generous intent in mind...as I was offering you my fanfics...with nothing but good faith in mind...Oh, and Jimmy, Logan Paul, KSI...don't even think for a moment, that I haven't forgot about you lot either...Because after all...I very much intend, to put you three, on blast, like one Johnny Bananas...did to Ashley in The Challenge: Total Madness episode...'Karma Chameleon,'...So Jimmy...do you still want to play the silent treatment...like you're a real life version, of Totally Spies villain Jazz Hands?...Or, do you still not want to do everyone a favor, and just 'Mime Your Own Business,' finally...so to speak?...Logan Paul...or Mr. Twonk...as I have rightfully coined you...Do you still want to try in a feeble attempt, to try and convince people, that you yourself, are not a crypto scamming Twonk?...KSI...just for the record, your song 'Thick Of It,'...it resembles you to a 't'...washed up...as well as the spitting image, of one Sam Bankman-Fried Jr.,...But viewers...I do very much in fact think, that that is more then enough, of my lengthy four wall break ramblings for now...as well as my witty sort of banter...Well, at least for the current chapter...and the current moment...As like always...I will be seeing all of you lot...in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

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