
455, Lin Jingyue: I can warm the bed for the Ancestral Patriarch when I go to Soul Land! [First Update]_1

"This is..."

The citizens of Pingyang City all stood in shock, wanting to speak but the words seemed to get stuck in their throats.

Soon, just before the purple-black speck of light was about to enter the black hole in the sky, the white-hot speck of light caught up with it!

They collided, and a massive golden shockwave rippled out in circular patterns across the entire sky, shaking away the gloomy scenery to reveal the original azure color of the sky.

The people of Pingyang City, along with the second and third elders in front of the palace, were astonished to find that the ashes floating around them had turned into powder, the powder turned into specks of light, and then the light specks vanished without a trace.

The burnt smell in the air lessened significantly, and warm rays of light slowly cast upon everyone's skin.

The people, in a daze, reached out to grasp the golden rays, their eyes gradually moistening.

Because the darkness that had enveloped the sky lasted for over two hundred years, almost none of them had skin that was in a normal, healthy condition.

But now, they finally knew what it felt like to have the sunlight shining down on them.

Warmth, happiness.

At this moment, the entire world seemed to have been purified.

Meanwhile, a white-hot meteor was now falling towards the direction of the Imperial City, and someone suddenly shouted from the streets of Pingyang City: "Look! Our Sky God is over there!"


"Go and pay homage to the Sky God!"


In an instant, the entire population inside Pingyang City was boiling with excitement.

They ran towards the Imperial City in high spirits, like moths to the flame, darting toward their own light.


The white-hot meteor landed, Lin Yi slightly bending his knees, the light around his body gradually dissipating.

The second and third elders clutched their mouths in shock, only to see Lin Yi holding the master's head in his right hand and the master's body in his left, standing atop shattered rocks...

Just a momentary collision had directly decapitated the new master.

They realized that they had probably still underestimated the Ancestral Patriarch's strength.

After all, this new master was an entity that could easily kill all four of them Immortals!

So, how powerful must the Ancestral Patriarch be?

Of course, only Lin Yi himself knew that the so-called new master had only obtained a very small portion of his power, like a little finger unable to prevail against the entire person.


"Is that... the new master?!"

The second and third elders looked up and saw that the citizens of Pingyang City had rushed into the dilapidated Imperial City.

Without exception, these citizens widened their eyes at what was in Lin Yi's hands, their faces filled with shock.

The new master was dressed in imperial robes, head severed from body, but curiously no blood flowed out, and the broken neck only flickered with purple-black ghostly light.

This purple-black ghostly light gradually weakened, most of it flowing into the black hole in the sky.

Lin Yi tossed the trash in his hands to both sides, then turned to look at the black hole in the sky.

He slightly bent his knees, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, once again launched himself into the sky.

"Why would the sky break again after it was mended?"

Lin Yi asked, looking at the black hole.

[Because it was the host who mended it, you are not professional enough]

Lin Yi: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, smiling and saying, "Well then, this time it's your turn, and if there's a problem next time..."

[There will not be, please rest assured, host]

With the system's help, Lin Yi raised his palm alight with rainbow luminescence, pointing towards the black hole in the sky.

The vertical column of purple-black light instantly retracted, the whole of it subsumed into the black hole. Lin Yi furrowed his brows, twirling his fingers, and the black hole shrank like a whirlpool until it was completely smoothed over.

"Tsk, the technique really is a bit different from mine."

Lin Yi hovered in midair, making one final check to ensure there were no oversights, before finally descending back to the Imperial City.

Only then did he realize that the citizens of Pingyang City had all run over. They were tearfully grateful as they looked this way, with one person first kneeling toward Lin Yi, followed by a large swath kneeling in unison.

Just then, Lin Yi looked up and saw countless white points of light suddenly appearing in the sky.

These points of light were Xianren disciples, coming by sword flight!

However, these Xianren disciples did not look as one might imagine them to be, wearing clean white robes, with neat and pretty faces.

Instead, they were disheveled, with tattered clothes.

It seemed that these years fighting against the new master had also taken a toll on these Xianren disciples.

They floated in mid-air, standing on their long swords, with tears in their eyes, and bowed their heads to Lin Yi, respectfully placing their right hands over their chests, slightly bending over to pay homage.

"We greet the Ancestral Patriarch!"

The Xianren disciples said in unison, deafeningly loud.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, "It is I who have arrived late, causing you to suffer."

After a pause, he said seriously, "Lin Dingtian is a good child..."

Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, the immortals from the Eastern Continent broke down in uncontrollable tears.


Lin Jingyue was wearing a red bridal gown, dumbly staring at her reflection in the mirror.

So beautiful...

It's just a pity that the Ancestral Patriarch isn't here.

When I get married, shouldn't he be here to see it for himself?

Ancestral Patriarch, where are you right now?

At that moment, Lin Jingyue suddenly felt that the power sealing the dungeon had disappeared.

She looked incredulously around and stepped out of the dungeon in confusion.

Once outside, she felt as if in a trance; it had been two hundred years, and she was stepping out of this place for the first time.

What on earth was happening outside?

Lin Jingyue rushed out of the dungeon, casually picked up a rusty long sword from the ground, and in her beautiful red bridal dress, she stepped slowly toward the exterior of the palace.

Her steps gradually slowed as Lin Jingyue looked at the scene outside in astonishment.

"Second sister, third sister..."

Soon, she saw a tall and straight figure standing right in front of her elder sisters.


The long sword in Lin Jingyue's hand dropped to the ground as she stared blankly at the figure, a silhouette from memories stretching back two hundred years.

Until the moment Lin Yi turned around, she covered her mouth with her hands, crying.

"Ancestral Patriarch..."

Lin Jingyue took off the phoenix crown from her head and ran towards Lin Yi, disregarding everything else, crying and embracing him, unable to speak.

"Two hundred years, Ancestral Patriarch, why did it take you so long..."

Lin Yi touched her head, silent for a long time.


The sky cleared up, the air became fresh, and the minor realm once again became a peaceful and serene scene!

Lin Yi stood in front of the palace, greedily breathing in the air.

At that moment, the Xianren disciples and the citizens of the Imperial City had been ordered by Lin Yi to go rebuild their homeland, and it was time for him to return to Soul Land.

Just then, Lin Jingyue and her two sisters approached Lin Yi from behind.

Lin Yuejiao poked Lin Jingyue's arm and whispered, "You go talk to the Ancestral Patriarch."

Lin Jingyue, highly reserved, came up to Lin Yi's side, first performing a courtesy, then asked, "Ancestor, did you leave the stove on again? Are you going back to put it out?"

Lin Yi's brain crashed for a moment, but before he could respond, Lin Jingyue immediately said, "Can we come with you this time?!"

Lin Shuping immediately said, "I can cook!"

Lin Yuejiao: "I... I can stoke the fire!"

What should I say after you've finished... Lin Jingyue turned back to look at her sisters in surprise.

Moments later, unable to hold back, she said with blushing cheeks, "I can warm the bed!"

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