
284, The skill of reading memories from others, Bi Bidong reproduces Gu Yuena's heroic bearing! [Major Chapter]_1

Spider King's Battle Armor, Haotian Warhammer.

The enormous hammer looked as big as Bi Bidong herself, yet in her hands, it seemed to carry no weight at all.

When a woman combines with violence, she radiates a kind of glamour that is unlike anything else, which Lin Yi called the aesthetics of violence.

This was particularly distinctive when embodied by a woman.

"A woman who can swing a hammer is the most charming,"

Tang Chen said from below the stage.

Thousand Waves turned and teased, "But that's Bi Bidong, the enemy of your entire Hao Tian Clan."

"Oh? But you're talking about the Hao Tian Clan, what does that have to do with me as the Eighth Servant of the Martial Soul Hall?"

Tang Chen replied, his expression unchanging.

Thousand Waves was taken aback.

Then he laughed.

Once the Soul Master competition was held, Tang Chen and the people of the Hao Tian Clan would definitely have a chance to meet.

Thousand Waves suddenly became very curious about what kind of chemical reaction would occur after this "Ancestral Patriarch" of the Hao Tian Clan, who had already defected, met with the descendants of the Hao Tian Clan.

Would Tang Chen pick up his descendants and defect together?

Thousand Waves couldn't help but want to laugh, all because Senior Lin Yi was too attractive!

Now even the obstinate Tang Chen could shamelessly declare himself as the Eighth Servant of the Martial Soul Hall, rather than a person from the Hao Tian Clan.


Above the stands,

Bi Bidong, clad in her Purple Two-Word Battle Armor, approached Lin Yi, dragging the gigantic Haotian Hammer behind her with one hand.

This scene captured the attention of countless onlookers, but the gaze of most men gathered on Bi Bidong herself.

With each step her long legs took forward, it seemed as though she was stepping on people's hearts, especially with her fiery and sexy body revealed by the skin-tight armor, which left many salivating.

"Second soul skill, Haotian Whirl!"

Bi Bidong stopped, and the giant Haotian Warhammer she had been dragging suddenly paused in its motion.

With a clear shout from her lips, the Haotian Warhammer whirled up into the air, its body seemed to emit a deafening "roar," surrounded by scorching air currents.

The entire Haotian Warhammer radiated a blinding purple light, with the enhancement of the Martial Soul True Body.

This was actually a mass attack skill, throwing the Haotian Hammer forward like a returning boomerang – if executed under the Haotian True Body, the massive hammer would mow down a large swathe like a meat grinder.

The two most notable characteristics of this ability were the sudden burst of speed that caught opponents off guard and its terrifying power, possessing extreme destructive force.

Lin Yi felt as if a mountain was crashing down on him.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the scorching air wave surged in front of him, pushing Lin Yi's hair back as the Haotian Hammer landed on him with a resounding "boom."

A more magnificent surge of air spread outwards, as Bi Bidong covered her face with her hand and then immediately raised her head to look at Lin Yi.

As expected, she wore an expression that seemed to say 'just as it should be.'

Sure enough, Senior Lin Yi was fine –

If it were anyone ordinary, being smashed into pulp would have been a mild outcome; Bi Bidong knew all too well how terrifying this Second Soul Skill was under the enhancement of the Martial Soul True Body.

The Haotian Hammer vanished, and a layer of golden light that gradually expanded began to rise on Lin Yi's body, quickly growing to a terrifying extent.

Bi Bidong extended her right arm, and the Haotian Hammer reappeared in her hand.

As she watched the approaching Golden Storm with a serious expression, her face grew tense.


The Haotian Hammer swung once again.

The long, thick, and dark Haotian Warhammer's handle bent into an exaggerated arc midair, as Bi Bidong rotated her body and smashed the hammer forward.

The two terrifying forces collided.

And Damage Rebound, which always weakens against stronger opponents, shattered instantly like a mirror.

Bi Bidong deactivated her Martial Soul, her head armor merging back into her body, revealing her purple hair that had been soaked with sweat.

With the Soul Master competition imminent, everyone shared a common wish.

That was to gain as many damage-enhancing rewards as possible in the short time available, for that was the key to winning the competition.

After all, they were not like Lin Yi, who earned countless rewards daily.

Each of them could only receive rewards twice a day, and even then, the rewards might include trifles – it was just too bitter…

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[HP Loss: 481369]

[Remaining HP: 899,917,326,534]

[Damage Level: Red (High)]

[Random Reward: Extract skills from someone else's memory and apply them]

[Host Reward: Extract skills from someone else's memory and apply them (unlimited)]

Memory extraction ability?

Concerning "skills," this gave Lin Yi a sense of practicality.

Of course, he knew that everyone hoped the rewards would lean more towards damage, and although functional rewards were not bad, they just weren't as useful in the Soul Master competition.

After reading the explanation, Lin Yi's eyebrows raised slightly, and then he said to Bi Bidong:

"Damage 481369, Red Advanced, your reward is to extract skills from someone else's memory and apply them, which is a flexible ability."

Bi Bidong nodded, casually tied up her sweat-dampened hair, and looked at Lin Yi with an attentive gaze as if listening carefully.

"This reward means you can extract the memory of skills someone else has seen with their eyes and turn it into a skill for your own use, with the stipulation that it must be someone else's memory – you cannot extract from your own."

Bi Bidong showed a surprised expression.

Similarly, the people below the stage gaped, their mouths agape, shocked by the ability of this skill.

That means...

Most people's gazes simultaneously shifted toward Gu Yuena at the venue!

After all, they had all seen the scenes of Gu Yuena releasing her skills…

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