
Mingling among Prey (2)

Chapter 4: Mingling among Prey (2)

As the car traversed the mountainous landscapes, Carl, masquerading as David the lost hiker, gazed out of the window, silently absorbing the breathtaking scenery.

The alpine views unfolded before him, but apart from being something to look at, it wasn't something that he couldn't help but desire. Those rolling hills, dense forests, and the occasional glimpse of distant peaks, had a charm to them, but that was it.

'I'm not into mountains, but for sure there's some serenity in them. It makes me calm down, and think about the future.'

'What should I do with my future? Based on the fact Carmilla Faction isn't at war with Tepes Faction, is a good enough signal that the events preceding the story have yet to take shape.'

'As for the plot of the story? Everything begins with that perverted retard who gets killed by the Fallen Angel thoth. For a Vampire like me, the chips should stack on the Devil side… for additional power that would make my stance in this world unshakable, I need power and status.'

'And yet, here I am, hitchhiking free of charge, fleeing from the pursuit of some crazy vampires who want to confine me to a coffin prison. Ohh, worse, their Queen, Carmilla took interest in me, so grateful that I'll shed a tear.'

'But it still amazes me, how this Krassius guy snapped in anger and pummeled the shit the Prince of Carmilla Faction. I don't blame his mental instability from all of the abuse he suffered, but that event could have been avoided so smoothly. You could have killed all of those bastards once you gained plenty of power with age.'

Musing about the uncertain future going ahead, along with the memories he inherited from Krassius Bloodriver, Carl felt a sense of admiration for the Dhampir who wanted to take revenge on the whole Vampire Race, and cleanse this world of their scum.

'One by one, anything can be achieved.'

[What's that about, boy? Are you scheming something dirty on those old folks?]

'Is not that, mister. I was pondering on what to do going forward. I have too many enemies in Austria that want me dead.'

[Change bases. You're not constrained by responsibilities to this land. Go to a place that people wouldn't recognize you and start from there. Train yourself, master the usage of the Sacred Gear, while also inheriting all of my Martial Arts and Blood Magic.]

'The problem is that while in the human world, I need certain documents for traveling abroad. WIthout them, I'm nobody in this world, just a specter without a name. I need to think on how to pull that off.'

[Documents? What for? Back in my days, there was no such crap. If you wanted to work, for example in Venice or Milan as a Condottiere, you didn't need lousy paper to talk for yourself, it was your skills that talked louder than the voice.]

'Mister, we're no longer in the 1400s. People have changed, especially the Human World. Everyone needs to identify themselves for traveling, especially if you move from A to B, you'll need a Passport. Well, not the majority of Europe because of the Open Border policies.'

[Then… I can't help you here. You'll complain again that my suggestions are outdated.]

'I'm not saying it, out of spite at you, mister Dracul. Is just that times have changed, and your straightforward method would lead to more trouble than changed anything.'

Carl allowed himself this moment of quiet to sort out his thoughts and plans while on the background the radio softly played Western music, a surprising twist in the soundtrack that turned his crimson eyes on the player.

(Hitradio Ö3)

'Ohh, isn't this Post Malone? The fuck? Heh, it's been a while since I heard this song, how long? Six-Eight years?'

Hearing that 'Rockstar' song, Carl closed his eyes and played in his mind bits from the music video as he remembered it, especially the 'Japanese Yakuzas' swinging around their katanas along with the blood scenes. With that in mind, a devilish smile cracked on his cold expression.

'Goddamn, even Posty is telling me to go with my guts and travel to Japan. But, fuck me, I'm just a Lv.1 Crook with 0$ on my bank. I don't even have an ID or Passport to jump on an airplane.'

The Elderly couple didn't comment about the music tastes of today's generation, from their perspective it was background music to make the journey smoother. At least the youngster on the backseat could enjoy it.

The irony was that he recognized the song, which meant he wasn't in some parallel universe, or he was and was too ignorant to figure it out.

Carl wasn't sure how long it had been since traveling from Alfenz Kurort to Graz, but he was certain that it wasn't much, only around two hours. It took longer to arrive in Birmingham from London, and with the patience he cultivated by being imprisoned inside a coffin one year straight, one-two hours were meaningless.

'Mister, have I become a monster to think like this? Usually, I would have gotten a bit bored traveling like this, but now it felt just like an afterthought.'

[I can't guide you in this regard, since I was a human at my core. However, from what I know, long-lived creatures have a different perspective over time, such as dragons. They can hibernate for hundreds of years, and to them it would feel like a seasonal cycle.]

'I'm not interested in dragons. It just feels weird. Has something broken in my brain?'


Arriving in Graz, the cityscape unfolded before Carl, who still maintained the façade of David, the lost hiker. The elderly Müllers, Gertrude and Ernst, exchanged glances as they approached the heart of the city.

'No clue what I should do from now on. Let's drop somewhere that wouldn't make the elders suspicious, which is unlikely by now.'

Gertrude turned to Carl with a warm smile, "So, David, would you like us to drop you off at your home?"

'I know this question will come my way. You lady, praise your heart, are too kind for this selfish world.'

[Just act natural and it will be fine.]

This seemingly innocent question stirred a sense of disquiet in Carl. He had no idea where he was, and the absence of a phone proved to be invaluable in this day and age, leaving him without the means to navigate using GPS. 

Trying not to burden the elderly couple, he replied, "Oh, you know what, I'm not too far from Lend myself. Drop me there, and I can catch a bus home. Don't want to trouble you further."

The Müllers, seemingly understanding, nodded in agreement. "Lend it is, then," Ernst said, steering the car towards the 4th district of Graz.

Getting off at 15 Leuzenhofgasse, Carl found himself at the threshold of the city's labyrinthine streets. "Take care, you two. I'll make sure to give my prayers for you two."

[Oy, don't you curse those beautiful people. Have a Soul for fuck sake.]

'What have I done?'

[Don't invoke the name of God, even if he is dead. It will bring misfortune, afterall, we're sinners.]

'I'm not a sinner. Since when?'



Not leaving the slight bickering between the two to affect his set of actions, Carl smiled a bit in gratitude, as he watched the Müllers drive away. Making sure he was left alone, he glanced around, and picked a random direction, determined to explore Graz without revealing his true intentions.

'Where there are people, there's also a future.' Carl decided to follow the flow of the city and its people.

Strolling along the Kalvariengürtel Road, he found himself drawn to the Mur River, then glancing at the flowing river, he could instinctively tell that if he was to follow the river, he would get to the Old Town of the city. 

[Are you certain?]

'It's an old story that can be confirmed even by you. Early civilizations settled around bodies of water. Obviously, as the cities expanded, you might get lost navigating the streets, but this one? It's my current highway.'

[Mhm, you're right. Without water you can't do much with your followers.]

The sound of flowing water and the vibrant atmosphere of Schwimmschulkai Road captivated him. He mingled with the locals, blending seamlessly into the crowd, basking in this strange energy that he forgot ever existed after his confinement. Such experience was unfamiliar yet strangely welcoming. 

Left and right, as he saw people pass by, he unconsciously began gulping his saliva, as if feeling thirsty, and strangely the essence of those humans attracted him like magnets. His fangs protruded out a bit, while his nails grew longer, a sign that he was ready to hunt, willing or not.

[Get a hold of yourself, kid! Control your desires.]

'... Urgh, was I about to kill someone? That's how it felt? Almost, as if someone deep down was screaming, pushing me to sate my thirst with their blood.'

[That's your dark subconscious afflicted by the Curse acting upon you. Nothing you should be scared of as long as you train and gain discipline over your body.]

Now, Carl found out how big the influence of the Curse of Vampirism had over himself, and it could also explain why Krassius was such a monster who would even enjoy himself drinking the blood of Vampires.

As he walked, the sun casting long shadows in the late afternoon, Carl approached passersby, adopting the demeanor of a curious tourist. "Excuse me," he asked a couple enjoying the riverbank, "I've just arrived in Graz. Is there an interesting place nearby that I should visit?"

The couple, a young man and woman, exchanged glances and then the woman taking good notice of this black haired youngster, who from her perspective was a hot 10/10, pointed in the direction of the city. Her response came with a warm smile, "Oh, you're in luck! You should definitely check out Schlossberg and Uhrturm. They're iconic landmarks, and the view from there is breathtaking."

Appreciative of the guidance, Carl noticed that something was up on how the woman gazed at him, as if trying to 'devour' him, which was blatant 'harassment', thanked them, "Schlossberg and Uhrturm, got it. How do I get there?"

The young woman enthusiastically explained the route, "Just head back to the main boulevard, Kalvariengürtel Road, and follow it until you reach the Mur River. Once you're there, you can't miss the signs leading to Schlossberg. The Uhrturm is right on top of it."

"Thank you so much," Carl said, expressing genuine gratitude. As he walked away, he noticed the couple suddenly get into an argument, with the woman justifying her actions without taking accountability. 

"Stop acting so jealous. Besides, I don't even know what got into me, just looking into his eyes made me feel like talking with him all day."

"Don't do that ever again, or we'll break up."


'Well. That… was awkward.'

[Indeed. But I can't blame them. You young ones didn't grow in wars and in scarcity, so with all the right nutrients you grew up like proper gentlemen.]

'How to beat around the bush and avoid saying 'You're handsome'.'

[Eat shit, brat.]

'Likewise, old man.'

Following the directions provided, Carl returned to the main boulevard, Kalvariengürtel Road. The city unfolded before him curious about exploring this location like an authentic British Tourist who didn't know better. Graz was revealing a blend of modernity and history. 

The buzz of city life surrounded him as he continued his journey. Upon reaching the Mur River, he effortlessly followed the signs that led him to Schlossberg and Uhrturm. Carl's enhanced agility allowed him to cover the distance with a stride that felt almost like a brisk run, enabling him to arrive at the historic landmarks swiftly.

As he ascended Schlossberg, the panoramic view unfolded before him, revealing the Old Town with its iconic buildings. The city's charm, a mosaic of architectural wonders and lush greenery, captured his attention. The distant sound of church bells echoed through the air, drawing his gaze toward Graz Cathedral.

[Ohh crap, that spooked me a bit.]

'You, the notorious Impaler? Spooked?'

[Yeah me, can't I be normal for once? I'm new to all of this modern civilization's changes.]

'Anyhow… If the bells start ringing, they usually happen at a specific time. It's already 6 PM? Time sure flies by,' Carl mused, momentarily lost in the beauty of the city below.

However, a sense of practicality nudged him back to reality. 'I think it's better to avoid any contact with the Church, and instead, steer myself to another place for tonight. Hmmm, let me think... Which is a great location that is highly populated with foolish people who might be vulnerable and susceptible to my charms? Nightclubs, Bars, and University Campuses.'

His internal deliberations guided his decision-making process. 'It would be bad if I continue suppressing my hunger. So, let's do this. But before that? Let me pickpocket for some new clothes and perfume. It would be bad if I get enough for accommodation.'

As Carl descended from Schlossberg and blended into the bustling streets of Graz, he subtly began relying on his vampiric abilities for an important job, funds acquiring. His dexterous fingers moved with a supernatural grace as he skillfully picked the pockets of unsuspecting passersby. His enhanced agility allowed him to slip through the crowd effortlessly, leaving behind puzzled victims who were oblivious to the theft that had just occurred.

'My, oh my, if only I had picked this trade while young. I would be as rich as the Wall Street Guys who do the same.'

[Really, brat? Really? You resume yourself to thievery? If you were in my time, even as my Descendant it would have resulted in a stern punishment. Your hands would have been broken for sure.] Nosferatu's voice echoed in Carl's mind, a mixture of disdain and disappointment, 

'What do you mean? Can't you see I worked for this money? And besides, I only took half of what they had in their wallets or purses. I'm not such an animal like those Gypsies from London who leave you with an empty pocket.'

His internal dialogue justified his actions, but Nosferatu's disapproval lingered. Nonetheless, he didn't care much about the old man's molded principles and ideals, where honor and values were worth a dime. Money was ruling the world today, and this wouldn't change anytime soon.

Still, his words made him question the difficulty of making money in such illicit fashion. In turn it triggered a small conflict within Carl, as he grappled with his vampiric nature and the pragmatic necessity of survival.

'Let's count how much I have.' Seated close to a fountain in the Old Town, he began counting rapidly the banknotes of euros, while muttering behind his breath the sum. "250, 500, 658, 1250 … 2000… 2460."

'I think, I'll stop at that. In the past, I would have busted my ass an entire day just for 170 GBP. I'm hacking the system, heh.'

'That's it, let's go to some Clothing Stops, maybe a Nearby Mall and buy myself a spare change and a phone. With that I'll be able to research on how to deal with the Identification Paper and Passport.'

With the ill-gotten gains, about 2500 Euros, Carl felt a mix of satisfaction and unease. Night was falling, and he knew his profits could continue to rise, but a lingering moral compass stopped him from further transgressions. He decided to cease his pickpocketing endeavors for the time being.

Money in hand, reignited goals, he made his way to a Mall, that he found after some inquiries, and went there without much thoughts, just buy some change spare of clothes that would make him feel more comfortable compared to those current clothes, and a budget phone to help him navigate the city and future destination.

Yet, he experienced again a strange event that wouldn't make sense in his previous life, and if it happened, most certainly another guy would have been the protagonist.

Inside the bustling clothing store at Citypark, Carl found himself surrounded by three enthusiastic shop assistants, all in their 30s, beauties in their own right, and seemingly captivated by his presence. Their eyes gleamed with interest as they vied for his attention, each one eager to assist him in his shopping venture.

The first assistant, a brunette with a friendly demeanor, approached with a warm smile. "Hello there! My name's Lisa. I couldn't help but notice your impeccable taste. Are you looking for anything specific today?"

The second assistant, a bubbly redhead, chimed in, "Hi! I'm Sarah. We have some fantastic new arrivals that I think would suit you perfectly. Let me show you around!"

The third assistant, a sophisticated blonde, added with a hint of playfulness, "And I'm Emma. If you need any advice on styles or colors, I'm here to help. Trust me, you're in good hands."

The trio of women, drawn to Carl like moths to a flame due to his passive vampiric charm, eagerly flanked him, guiding him through the racks of clothing. They offered suggestions, shared their opinions on the latest fashion trends, and competed subtly for his attention.

In the face of all of those changes of events, Carl maintained his composed facade and navigated the situation with ease. "Thank you, ladies. I'm just looking for some casual wear, maybe a jacket and a couple of shirts," he replied, playing along with the charade.

As the women scurried to fetch various clothing items, Carl made his selections, opting for a stylish jacket, a few well-fitted shirts, and a pair of comfortable jeans. The shop assistants, still under the influence of his charm, continued to shower him with compliments and recommendations.

Finishing his shopping, Carl made his way to the fitting rooms to try on the new attire. The three assistants, determined to provide the best service, waited eagerly for his feedback. Carl emerged from the fitting room, the new clothes fitting him perfectly.

"Absolutely fantastic choice!" Lisa exclaimed.

"You look so dashing!" added Sarah.

Emma, with a subtle flirtatious tone, said, "I must say, these clothes bring out your best features."

Leaving the clothing shop, Carl found himself immersed in his new thoughts generated by this 'strange' encounter. He weighed on his recent interactions with the shop assistants, and he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something wasn't entirely normal about the attention he received.

'Doesn't feel natural at all. Their attempts at flirting, while attractive, felt forced a lot.'

Coming across a shop window, he paused and questioned himself, 'Was this normal? Do regular people get this kind of attention when they shop for clothes? I doubt that.' 

His contemplation prompted him to look at his reflection in the window, and the sight that greeted him left no room for doubt. The new clothes accentuated his features, and the overall effect was striking. He couldn't deny that he appeared to be a genuinely attractive man.

A sense of realization dawned upon him. 'Is this why Lady Gertrude was so friendly to me? Now that I think back, the previous cars that passed in Aflenz had only the drivers, which were males. This might be why Ernst stopped; she told him to do it, and maybe also proves why he acted more neutral to me.'

'Although, the old lady also acted far more natural than the shop assistants. Hey, mister, mind sharing your experience and knowledge with me for a bit?'

[I wish I had such an experience back in my days. So, no. This probably is a mutation that was triggered in my descendants by the Curse of Vampirism. Still, I know that this Charm is something you can turn On and Off based on your will. Is something the Devils used to boast about, especially in Ars Goetia.]

'... Makes sense. Wait a minute, Ars Goetia?'


As Carl continued to scrutinize his reflection, he couldn't deny the allure he exuded. The vampiric charm, an inherent aspect of his nature, had influenced the shop assistants, and he couldn't ignore the possibility that it played a role in his encounter with the elderly couple in Aflenz Kurort.

'Honestly... it sure feels nice to have those women cater to my needs and be attracted to me, but situations like this would also trigger reactions from passersby, and worse comes when people involved with the Supernatural take note that I'm exploiting the weakness in humans.'

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