
The escape

Eneas was feeling better, and little by little, the cardiac regeneration valve was stabilizing his situation. He wasn't up to running a marathon; he wasn't up to great physical feats, but he was fine compared to days ago. He had just readjusted his new prosthetic leg when Penelope walked in with the two Twins.

Romulo was calmer at first, but when his temper was unleashed, the little one was uncontrollable. Remus, however, was easier to cry, but he was also much easier to please; a finger, his mother's breast, or a war song sung by great-grandfather Zeus was what he needed to stop crying and smile again

Penelope had Romulo in her arms, and she left Remus in his father's arms. The baby was asleep, but he soon began to be restless.

"That child is more perceptive than we can imagine; he is noticing your concern, Eneas, what's wrong with you? It's because of the news of the enemy attack."

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