
Jason's Journey 1

Jason knew that things had gotten complicated from the moment the effects of the tractor beam began.

"Paris takes command of the cruise ship; let all the men get ready in the mechs, I think we are going to have company. As soon as we are docked, we will open the hatch"

The ships were being pulled toward the mother ship, a hangar entrance through which ten destroyers could have comfortably entered. Inside the hangar, there were many docks and many transport ships docked. The bridge communicator had an enemy message. The translation system that Pandora had integrated allowed them to understand that, on the one hand, it was requesting the cargo manifest and, on the other hand, it was assigning separate docks to all the freighters. Several enemy fighters could be seen operating.

Jason's ship had drawn the shortest straw in the game of destiny; her docking bay was attached to the innermost wall of the hangar.

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