
New instructions

Eneas was excited; deep down, it was the first ship to which command was actually assigned. Arcadia was his; it was his project, but contributing it to the navy did not make him worthy of command or trust; it was something inherent to the urgency of the war.

However, now he would officially be promoted, and the men would serve under his command in an undeniable and unappealable manner. Although Eneas was dying to go to his new ship, his call to come to this station was not only to elevate him in the military ranks.

The concentration of military ships really implied that something very important would be decided or communicated there. Eneas was the great conference room, and on the stage there was a good cluster of great military figures: Grand Admiral Osiris and Grand Admiral Amon from the empire, Grand Admiral Heimdall and Grand Admiral Odin from the Asgardians, and from the Asgardians. Of the Hellenes there were Zeus and Poseidon.

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