
Alan Meets the King - The Fate of Calamity, A King's Heart

Hours later, Alan revealed himself to Ryuji in the dark reaches of the castle. He now stands before his brother, watching him drink from a golden goblet with a sour face. Though Alan would never betray Ryuji, he asked for his permission first.

"You say, because of that Hero, Liana has conquered the curse that took her mother's life?" King Grigor's dull eyes seemed to contain a mixture of emotions, from frustration to a flicker of joy and regret. 

Alan knew this topic hurt his brother and tried to avoid it as much as he could. 

"Ryuji has shown the ability to conquer his inborn nature, and because he was born half-human from 'that' man's bloodline. It seems that he has no desire to cause damage to the world or kingdom. He just enjoys fighting strong opponents and sleeping with his beastkin and hero lover."

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