
Chapter 218: School Representatives Come to Inspect Superpowers! [Big Chapter, 6000 words]_3

He also really wanted to become an Awakener.

But he knew that such awakenings were not achieved easily; after all, rarity is the essence of value!

So many people, yet only a few have emerged as Awakeners so far.

It's probably one of those one-in-ten-thousand chances.

He, Lv Jiawen, was afraid he didn't stand much of a hope.

"So that's it, they're coming to test us, to see if we have awoken any superpowers!" Ye Qing said.

Of course, Ye Bing was also listening intently, pretending to be focused on reading her book, but in reality, she was seriously listening to every word Lv Jiawen said.

Their four senses and physical abilities had long surpassed those of ordinary children; naturally, they were incomparable even to adults.

Upon hearing Lv Jiawen's words, all four of them became somewhat alert, their breathing careful and measured.

Indeed, their dad had guessed right!

Someone had really been sent down to test them!

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