
Chapter 166 Truly Disappointing! [Big Chapter, Over 8000 Words]_3

"Right, didn't you lend your cousin tens of thousands last time? You'd better hurry up and get it back. With a cousin like that, don't wait until the money's not returned and she starts playing dirty. If she can do this with the wedding, then what about the money we lent her? That would truly be throwing our money away!" Father Ye said to his wife.

It had just occurred to him that Ye Fan's aunt had also borrowed tens of thousands from them a while back, claiming it was for opening a branch store. A couple of months had passed, so it was time to get the money back.

He also wanted to use that money to buy his granddaughter delicious food and nice clothes to wear.

If they also played dirty like this, then it would really be...

"She wouldn't dare not return it!" Mother Ye immediately became furious when she heard this!

This was the five hundred thousand they had scrimped and saved, which their son, Ye Fan, didn't take, and they still had it saved.

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