
Chapter 88: Town`s Bar

James drove the bike down the road. He saw they were approaching a town. "Danna-sama, I can see buildings coming," Saeko said. 

"Yes, we are approaching Town," James replied. 

James drove into Town and stopped. He got off the bike with Saeko and looked around. To the right he saw an abandoned bank. The exterior had cracks on the wall and the paint was peeling off. There were vines and ivy on the sides of the building. The large, arched windows were shattered or boarded up. The heavy, double doors at the entrance hang slightly ajar. One was broken. 

To the left of James was an abandoned bar in a state of decay. The neon lights were worn with faded signage barely legible above the door. The windows, clouded with grime and dust. The door was missing. 

At that moment, the Humvee pulled up and came to a stop, its engine purring softly before going silent. The doors opened, and Rei, Saya, Jasmine, Shizuka, Lois, and Yuriko stepped out. 

"This place gives me the creeps," Shizuka said, shivering as a cold breeze brushed past them. She hugged herself, rubbing her arms for warmth.

"They all have been creepy," Rei added/

James stepped forward. "We're almost there," he said. "We need to gather a few things here, and then we can head to the tower. We're close to finishing this," he added. 

"Okay," Lois replied. She glanced at the town, then back at the Humvee. "I'll stay near the vehicles, just in case," she added. 

Yuriko nodded in agreement. "I'll stay too. Someone needs to keep an eye on things here," she replied. 

Shizuka sighed in relief, stretching her arms above her head. "My legs are killing me. I think I'll take a seat and rest up here as well," she remarked.

James nodded. "Alright, you three stay with the vehicles. Keep an eye out for anything unusual," he said. 

Saya stepped up beside James. "Then the rest of us will go with you," she said. 

Jasmine responded, "We're in this together, no matter what's waiting for us."

Rei adjusted the grip on her weapon, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at the town ahead. "I wonder what we'll find here," she mused.

"Whatever it is, we'll face it together," Jasmine replied.

He pinched Rei and Saya`s back. "Hey," they both said at the same time. 

"Just checking if you both are awake," James replied.

"You can pinch my butt," Saeko offered. 

"We need to focus," Saya replied blushing. 

Yuriko and Lois giggled. Shizuka pouted. 

James, Saya, Rei, Saeko and Jasmine entered the bar. They saw it was empty. The wooden bar had deep scratches and stains. There were broken stools scattered haphazardly around the room, some overturned, others missing legs. The shelves behind the bar were empty, their glass doors shattered and frames rusted.

He walked and saw a bench. "Another bench," Rei commented.

"It looks like a large engine which you can hold and fire," Saya remarked as she saw the blueprints. 

"Correct, this is the Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 or known as the Jet Gun," James replied. 

"Looks like there is more scavenging," Jasmine said. 

"No, we already have all the parts for this," James replied as he put the Jet engine, Jet gun handle, Pressure gauge and Wires on the table. There was a bright light and the sound of crafting, sawing and then it all stopped.

They looked to see a large mechanical device. It had a large cylindrical engine at the front with long blades. There were pipes which ran down. There was a handle on top. On top of the engine was a pressure gauge taped down. 

"It looks interesting," Rei said. 

James picked up the Jet Gun. There was no light. "It is not creating another one," Saya said.

"It must be unique," Saeko added. 

"This weapon has unlimited ammunition as long as we don't go near the red part on the dial," James said. 

"So don't overheat or overpressure it," Saya said. 

"Pretty much," James responded. 

"Another weapon for the collection," Rei said. 

"James, there is another one of those strange machines," Jasmine pointed out. They looked to the other side of the room and saw a vending machine. The words "Stamin-Up," were written on it. The machine has an aged, rusty orange and brown color scheme. It had rounded edges and metallic elements. Below the sign there are five small, illuminated buttons, 

"That is Stamin-Up," James replied. "We are going to take that as well. I think we just put it on top of Double Tap," James added.

"That song is annoying," Saya commented as she thought back to the machine on top of the humvee. 

They walked to the machine and stood in front of it. James pressed the button, and a bottle of root beer fell down into the dispenser. He picked it up and smiled. "This one gives you additional stamina so you can run faster and for longer," James explained. 

Rei, Saya and Saeko thought stamina. They all looked at each other. 

 "Who's first?" he asked, holding the bottle up.

Their eyes were on each other. Saeko looked at Rei and Saya who looked back. "I will go first," Jasmine said as she walked up to James and took the bottle from his hand. James saw her hips move seductively or in style. 

"I know this tastes awful but," Jasmine said as she drank the bottle down. "From James I will drink as many bad drinks," she added. She put it down and started to spit out. 

James thought this taste was awful but there could be a way to improve this he thought. He thought of the Fallout universe. He looked at Jasmine. "Thank you again my princess," James said as he kissed her on the lips. Jasmine`s heart skipped a beat as the two locked lips. Jasmine`s hand reached over and rubbed his head as they both kissed. James let go and looked to see pure love in her eyes. 

"I am next," Saya quickly said as she walked up and pressed the button. A bottle dropped down. "I am doing it since I will be more helpful," Saya said as she drank the bottle down. "It is so horrible," she added. 

James smiled and walked over and pulled her into a hug. "You are so cute but feisty," James said. Saya clenched her fist. She was about to respond however James kissed her on the lips. Saya relaxed her hand and enjoyed the kiss. She thought he was a good kisser. James thought her lips were nice and soft as he kissed her. 

James let go and saw her blushing. She pushed James back and looked red. "I," Saya said, looking away. 

At that moment, Rei pressed the button. She was not going to be last as she took a bottle from the machine. "James I will drink next," Rei stated as she drank the bottle down. "Disgusting," she shouted. 

James chuckled. He thought there was some competition going on with the three of them but it seemed friendly and funny. "Thank you for trusting me," James said as he pulled Rei into a hug. Her big breasts felt good on his chest. "Time for your reward," James added. He kissed her on her lips. Their hearts melted together. Their lips locked together. James could feel her soft lips. They kissed for a few seconds and then James let go. Rei wanted a bit more but she was happy. 

James looked at Saeko and pressed the button. He got another bottle. "Your turn, Saeko," James said. 

"I was waiting for Danna-sama," Saeko replied as she smiled back to him. "Can you feed me the bottle Danna-sama?" Saeko asked. 

James thought the wording was weird but he got the message.He pressed the bottle against her lips and tilted up. Saeko started to drink down as James slowly moved the bottle up. Saeko drank it all down. James put the bottle down. 

"She got a leg up there," Rei muttered to herself. 

"How did it taste?" James asked. 

"It was horrible but good because of you Danna-sama," Saeko replied. She pressed her lips together waiting for the kiss. James chuckled. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her lips. Their lips together and they enjoyed the kiss. Saeko opened her mouth and James`s tongue slipped in.

"French kissing," Saya said with her mouth open.

"How do you know?" Rei asked. She looked a little surprised. 

"Girls talk," Saya replied, looking away. 

James let go and they both looked at each other. James saw full devotion in her eyes. He let her go. Saeko had a smile but was a bit red. "Let's take three bottles for the others and I will carry it out," James stated. 

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