
Chapter 405 Cannon Fodder

Alexander chuckled, that kind of apologetic chuckle, then he said to Chris, "Although I'm reluctant to make such arrangements, I have to admit, you're right, under your current conditions, you can only serve as cannon fodder."

Rodriguez still wore an indifferent expression, but Kate bit her lip tightly.

"So when you go into battle, do you arrange for cannon fodder to be at the front?"

Hearing Chris's question, Alexander chuckled again, then shook his head and said, "No, no, my people are all skilled. My Mercenary Group doesn't allow anyone who can only serve as cannon fodder to exist, so I wouldn't arrange for cannon fodder to be at the front. That's all."

Alexander glanced at his watch, then raised his voice and said, "You'll launch the attack in five minutes. Pasanin and I will be waiting for you in a certain room inside. Good luck, and see you later."

Pasanin handed an RK.62 rifle to Alexander, who took it and quickly entered the cabin with Pasanin.

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