
Side Chapter: Missing Side

 Inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, everything went haywire. Loe and his team were in trouble. Mark and Emily were off chasing the chameleon, and Thomas and others was out on another mission. So, it was up to them to handle the mess.


"Damn it," Loe cursed under his breath, his frustration palpable as he surveyed the scene unfolding before him. "Mark and Emily are out chasing the Chameleon, and Thomas is with Daredevil. We're on our own."


The sound of gunfire echoed through the halls as the terrorists advanced, their malicious intent evident in every shot they fired.


"Director, what's our plan?" one agent shouted over the din of gunfire, desperation evident in his voice.


Loe's face got serious as he quickly came up with a plan. "We stay put here as best we can," he said firmly. "Keep shooting at them to keep them busy, save your bullets, and we wait for backup."


Another agent, his hands trembling as he loaded another magazine into his weapon, spoke up. "But what if backup doesn't arrive in time?"


Loe's gaze hardened, his resolve unwavering."Then we make every shot count," he declared. "We are going to erase this fuckers out of these World."


With grim determination, Loe rose from his cover, his weapon gripped tightly in his hands. As bullets whizzed past, he returned the fire with precision, each shot aimed at neutralizing the threat before him.


Loe declared, his voice cutting through the chaos. "No mercy."


With Loe leading the charge, his teammates rallied beside him, their determination matching his own. Together, they unleashed a relentless barrage of gunfire on the approaching terrorists. Each second felt like forever as they fought against the overwhelming odds stacked against them. But Loe's resolve remained unshakable; he refused to give in.


[Mark side]


As Mark, known as Nightwing, and Emily, alias Lady Vamp, confronted the cunning Chameleon, tension crackled in the air.



"Surrender now, mutant!" Mark's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, his stance ready for action.



The Chameleon, unfazed, smirked in response. "Call me Chameleon, Nightwing," he retorted with a hint of amusement in his voice.



Emily's eyes narrowed as she ask the dangerous foe before them. "Chameleon?" she echoed, a note of caution in her tone.


With a smirk playing on his lips, the Chameleon seemingly surrendered, his words laced with a hint of mockery. "Okay, I give up," he declared, his voice dripping with sarcasm.



But before Nightwing and Lady Vamp could react, the Chameleon's demeanor shifted in an instant. With quick speed, he deployed a smoke bomb, shrouding the area in a thick haze. "But not today," he chuckled darkly, his laughter echoing ominously as he vanished into the swirling mist.



Cursing under his breath, Mark scanned the surroundings, his senses on high alert. "Where is he?" he muttered, frustration evident in his voice.



Emily, scanned the area, offered her insight. "It looks like he's transformed again," she observed, her tone tinged with resignation. They knew that capturing the Chameleon would be no easy feat, not when he could change his appearance at will.



With determination burning in their hearts, Mark and Emily prepared to continue the hunt, knowing that the Chameleon's cunning nature would keep them on their toes every step of the way.



[Meanwhile in the Hilton Company]


In Chris Hilton Office


In Chris Hilton's office, tension rippled through the air as his secretary delivered the alarming news.


"Sir, it seems like the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters got attacked," she reported, her voice tinged with urgency.


Chris's expression darkened at the revelation. "What? Damn it," he muttered, his mind racing with concern. "Call the police. Inform them of the situation at S.H.I.E.L.D."


His secretary nodded briskly. "Affirmative, sir," she replied before turning to leave the room.


As his secretary hurried out of the office to carry out his instructions, Chris Hilton stayed put behind his desk. His thoughts were a jumble of worry and resolve.


He reached for his mcall device, dialing a number on his other old friend. "Isaiah, it's Chris," he spoke into the receiver, his voice tense with concern. "I need you to gather the top soldiers immediately. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been attacked, and I want you to back up them."


On the other end of the line, Isaiah Bradley, A retired Soldier, acknowledged Chris's instructions with a brisk "Understood, sir," before swiftly setting the plan into motion.


With the call ended, Chris leaned back in his chair, his thoughts drifting to Loe Halloway, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. A trusted ally and friend, Loe's safety weighed heavily on Chris's mind.


"You've faced worse than this, Loe," Chris muttered to himself, a silent prayer for his friend's well-being. "So Hang in there."


Even as he waited for updates and took necessary precautions, Chris couldn't shake the feeling of unease gripping him. The safety of his friend, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team weighed heavily on his shoulders, driving him to do everything in his power to ensure their protection.


[Loe side]


As Loe and his team fought off the terrorists, another enemy suddenly appeared, catching them off guard.


"Damn it, they're like hyenas, they just keep coming!" Loe grunted through gritted teeth as he assessed the new threat.


Reacting swiftly, Loe spun around and delivered a powerful back kick to the nearest terrorist, sending them staggering backward. As the terrorist stumbled, Loe seized the opportunity, launching into a quick axe kick that connected with precision, knocking the enemy to the ground.


But before he could celebrate the victory, another terrorist emerged, their weapon aimed directly at Loe. With split-second reflexes, Loe grabbed the fallen terrorist and used their body as a shield, the impact of the incoming bullets absorbed by the human barrier


With the fallen terrorist shielding him from enemy fire, Loe acted swiftly. His fists is so quick, landing precise and powerful blows. First, he aimed low, hitting the terrorist hard in the side, making it hard for them to breathe.


With a quick upward swing, Loe's fist connected with the terrorist's nose, the impact sending blood spraying into the air. But Loe didn't hesitate; he followed through with another powerful punch, this time aimed at the terrorist's stomach. The force of the blow doubled them over, leaving them gasping for breath and reeling from the impact.



As the terrorist struggled to regain their footing after Loe's relentless assault, he saw his chance. With a powerful jump, Loe delivered a crushing kick, sending the enemy tumbling to the ground. Before they could even attempt to stand, Loe slammed his knee into their chest with brute force, ensuring they wouldn't be getting up again anytime soon.


Breathing heavily, Loe glanced around, his senses on high alert as he prepared for the next wave of attackers. Despite Even in the face of constant danger, he stayed strong, ready to defend his comrades and his base at any cost.


[Meanwhile in Agent Phil Coulson side]

On the opposite end of the base, Agent Maria Hill and Agent Phil Coulson found themselves locked in combat with a group of terrorists alongside their team of ten members. As gunfire echoed through the corridors, Maria wasted no time in rallying her team.


"Let's move quickly and get to Director Loe," Maria urged, her voice firm with determination.


Her team nodded in agreement, their focus sharpening as they pressed forward into the fray. While Agent Phil, exchanging shots with the enemy, couldn't help but remark on the dire situation they faced.


"Damn, there are too many of them!" Phil exclaimed, his weapon blazing as he took down another assailant.


Maria acknowledged his observation with a grim nod. "No argument there," she agreed, her attention never wavering from the task at hand.


In the midst of the chaos, Phil seized a moment of levity, albeit in an unconventional manner. "Hey, if we survive this, can we have you know date?" he quipped, a hint of amusement in his voice.


Maria couldn't help but chuckle, despite the seriousness of their predicament. "In your dreams," she shot back, a playful glint in her eyes.


Despite Maria's refusal, Phil remained undeterred. "Aw, don't be like that," he teased with a playful smirk.


Maria rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Focus, Phil," she reminded him, though there was a hint of amusement in her tone.


With a chuckle, Phil nodded, his attention returning to the task at hand. As they continued to fend off the enemy, their banter served as a brief moment of easeness in the midst of the intense firefight, a reminder of the bond they shared amidst the chaos of battle.


[Meanwhile Leo Fitz side]

In the heat of battle on the other side of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Fitz, Jemma, and Al found themselves fighting against the terrorists alongside their fellow agents. Despite the chaos surrounding them, Fitz couldn't help but express his concern for Jemma's safety.


"Jemma, are you alright?" Fitz called out, his voice laced with worry as he glanced over at her.


Jemma reassured him with a small smile. "Fitz, I'm fine," she replied calmly. "Remember, I have a cyborg body, I can handle myself."


Fitz nodded, but the worry didn't dissipate entirely from his expression. "I know, but I can't help but worry about you," he admitted quietly.


Al, focused on the task at hand, interrupted their exchange with a hint of exasperation. "Guys, can we save the lovey-dovey stuff for later?" he interjected, his tone stern. "We've got enemies right in front of us, and we need to stay focused."


Fitz and Jemma exchanged a glance, a mixture of amusement and determination flickering between them. With a nod, they turned their attention back to the firefight, their resolve strengthened as they fought side by side with their teammates to defeat the terrorist and protect their base.



[The end of Missing side]

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