
Chapter 3: "Midnight" Part 5

***Several hours before Henry arrived at the basement of Loui's mansion***

The meeting held by Cain's gang had just concluded, during the course of which the plan to raid Loui's mansion was discussed and refined, each person understanding their role in the upcoming raid.

Upon conclusion, Marcel requested that Cain and Henry remain because there were matters he wanted to discuss with them in private. Some of them were curios about what he wanted to discuss but they did not dare to ask, after all these three were the strongest.

Marcel stood up and closed the door as soon as all seventeen of the participants excused themselves, he took a deep breath and turned around to look at Henry and Cain.

They were both looking at him curiously, one had the eyes of a hungry wild beast and the other had cold detached eyes that seemed to pierce right through him.

[These two are so scary!]

He cried inwardly and tried not to let it show on his face, he composed himself as he approached the table and sat down.

His gaze was fixed on Cain, a charismatic leader with a scarred face and a hardened demeaner.

He took a deep breath once again and spoke.


He closed his eyes briefly and continued:

"Many of our people will die during this raid, this is a Baron we are planning on attacking, death is unavoidable."

Cain furrowed his brow at Marcel who was stating the obvious.

He spoke:

"What are ya tryin to say Marcel? Get to the point."

Marcel took and deep breath and responded.

"We need to consider the possibility that not just 'some' but all of us will die… If that happens these kids will not survive without us."

Cain became annoyed, he felt as though Marcel had no faith that he would lead them to victory.

Conversely, he also understood where he was coming from so he suppressed his urge to retort furiously, Marcel had expected that Cain would become upset from his words but he said them anyway, this was an important matter that could not be swept under the rug simply because he feared his reaction.

Marcel glanced at Cain who instead of exploding like he usually would waived his hand urging Marcel to continue and get to the point.

[Is it because Henry is here?]

Marcel briefly thought to himself before continuing.

"I suggest that we leave some of our rankers behind. A few from the newly awakened F-ranks and maybe one of the E-ranks… what do you think?"

Cain rested his cheek on his fist before answering.

"I agree with what ya sayin… but, won't that diminish our chances of success eh? We need all capable hands else we're really just gonna die."

"…" Marcel wanted to speak but he did not want it to seem like he was arguing with Cain.

Henry interrupted the brief and awkward silence.

"What Marcel is saying is that this should be a covert operation with only a few of our elite members participating, this way we could avoid an all-out war with a noble whose forces already outnumber ours anyway. And in the event that we all perish at least the ones remaining will still somewhat thrive."

Marcel's eyes shone brightly at Henry who understood his intentions completely.

"…So, ya agree with what he's sayin?" Cain looked at Henry with a serious expression.

After a brief pause Henry spoke.

"No, I do not agree with him, I just understand his words."

Marcel's mouth opened wide, If Henry understood his intentions why did he disagree with him?

Henry, noticing Marcel's visible confusion added:

"You are underestimating our opponent Marcel, the Baron has two C-rank knights, they are in an entire realm above us thus they may have abilities beyond our comprehension. How confident are you that we will be able to sneak around without them noticing our presence?"

Marcel was speechless, he had been so focused on conservation that he did not consider that.

"But still…." Marcel said reluctantly.

To which Henry replied with his fist clenched and his pupils dilating.

"Me and Cain will take care of the C-ranks, the rest is up to all of you. We need to attack with all our might, this is a Baron after all, we do not have the luxury to be preservative."

Cain grinned widely.

"Ya hear that Marcel? It's an all out war or nothin!"

Cain said as he chuckled loudly.

"I knew ya had some sense kiddo haha!!"

Henry frowned at Cain.

The tension between Henry and Cain was cut off by Marcel.

"That was not the only thing I wanted to discuss… Henry you want to find your sister, right? This raid might be an opportunity to do just that."

Henry's eyes flickered violently, before he spoke in a loud voice.

"How!? Tell me now!"

Shocked by Henry's sudden change in demeaner Marcel responded urgently.

"Based on the information we have been gathering for the past few months we have reason to believe that tomorrow Baron Loui will host a slave auction. I am not saying she is there but… There is a possibility."

Henry breathed a sigh of relief, it was as if the weight of the whole world had been removed from his shoulders, he knew he should not be too hopeful, but he simply could not help it. It was to the point where a bright smile broke out on his face, surprising both Cain and Marcel.

"But I have to get her out of there before the raid starts tomorrow."

Henry said, with a slightly hopeful tone.

"Yes, that is what I wanted to talk to you about... I received word from Luke that a carriage from the Baron's mansion went to the church's orphanage, I believe it went to take some of the kids there, if we can intercept it, you can sneak in and infiltrate the mansion. Hopefully even save your sister."

Luke is a high E-rank who is amongst the five E-ranks in Cain's gang, he had been scouting Loui's mansion for the past few months and relaying information to Marcel and Cain.

Cain seemingly having no interest in the conversation anymore stood up and left as Marcel was explaining things to Henry.

"I see… Then how long until they get back from the orphanage?"

"Approximately and hour from now, there is a road not too far from here we will intercept them there."

"Very well we should get going then."

Henry and Marcel stood up and prepared to leave.

"Oh, wait I almost forgot. Your weapon broke right? I have something for you."

Marcel reached under the round table and retrieved a box that seemed to have collected quite a bit of dust.

He opened the box and in it was a black short sword, a scimitar blade to be exact. Its tilt woven in black and red fabric material. A truly beautiful weapon.

In the box that contained it was an empty space for another sword, it had a twin, Henry could only wish to see the other one but did not dwell on those thoughts for too long.

Henry gratefully accepted the weapon from Marcel and sheathed the black blade.

The two of them went on their way.

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