
Blessing In Disguise.

Hao Ren prepared the dishes and waited for Han Lingshi to come over. He set up the table and changed into a black shirt and black cotton pajamas. This was how he used to stay at home, always wearing comfort clothing. 

After a couple of hours of the phone call, the doorbell rang. Hao Ren answered the door and found Han Lingshi standing outside with another lady. He was slightly surprised but noticing the awkwardness on her face, he smiled and said, "Welcome."

Then he stood to the side and let them go in. He said, "I got a pair of home slippers, you can use them now." 

Han Lingshi nodded and said, "This is my best friend, Maria Santos." 

Hao Ren nodded to the lady in greeting and said, "Hello, I am Hao Ren, welcome."

Maria only reciprocated with a nod, her gaze was stuck to Hao Ren as if she was going to x-ray him. Hao Ren closed the door and was headed inside when he saw Han Lingshi having trouble with her dress and shoes.

She was wearing a royal blue corset gown, it was very beautiful and the silky texture of the dress suited her very well. Han Lingshi had paired the attire with pearl jewelry. Hao Ren was dazed and said, "I forgot to tell you, Miss Han." 

Han Lingshi stopped what she was doing and asked, "What is it Hao Ren?" 

The young man approached her and said, "I did not cook enough for your friend."

Maria glared at him, and Han Lingshi whelped softly, "It is my fault for not informing you." 

Hao Ren smiled and shook his head as he said, "It's okay, I will make something easy to compensate. Also, you look very pretty in this dress." 

Han Lingshi was stunned but then she said thank you softly as she tried to undo her shoes. Hao Ren knelt on his knee and said, "Let me help you." 

Han Lingshi was still taken aback by his action when he took off her shoes with ease and stood up as he said, "I will heat up the food, make yourself at home, I will call you when the food is ready."

He had to make even more food for the uninvited guest. Hao Ren did not have a good impression of Maria. He got in the kitchen and began working. Maria was watching everything from the side and she could tell for sure that Hao Ren was aiming for Han Lingshi, she would not let this pauper seduce her best friend.

Han Lingshi led Maria to the living room, as the latter looked around the place. She clicked her tongue and said, "What sort of rotten luck it is for him to get such a house? Hmph." 

Han Lingshi rolled her eyes and wanted to say something when she noticed a small photo frame resting on the side table. She walked up closer to see a picture of four. One of them was Hao Ren and then looking at the older couple she could tell that they were his parents. She was curious as to the fourth person in the picture, as it was a woman, but asking abruptly was rude. 

Maria followed her gaze and commented, "See, I told you not to mingle with any roadside Romeo. See, he has a woman in his life and he still married you. Ling, why don't you ever listen to me." 

Han Lingshi did not like people with such radical opinions but this person was her best friend and despite her unnecessary unlikeness towards Hao Ren, Maria was not a bad person. Han Lingshi wanted to say something when a calm voice sounded behind them, "That person is my sister, who passed away five years ago, from brain tumor." 

Han Lingshi jolted up and saw Hao Ren gazing at Maria with a cold glare. She said, "Hao Ren, Maria did not mean anything bad, it's just that she does not know you and said something insensitive." 

Hao Ren looked at Han Lingshi, but his usual smile was missing. He placed the glasses of water on the table and said, "The food will be ready in a few minutes." 

Maria felt bad because of what happened. She was not a bad person, just that her filter did not work all too well. She said, "I apologize for what I said, Hao Ren. But I don't wish to see Ling with someone we know nothing about." 

Hao Ren looked at her again and said calmly, "It was her decision to get into it. I respect her and that is why I signed a contract which gives me no gain. While I understand your concerns for her safety and respect the fact that you are her best friend and look out for her so much. I would appreciate if you do not look at me through painted glasses, and not make any comments until you have found the truth. 

I will take all the punishment for the wrong I do, but I will not stand idle if you just smear me." 

Having said that he did not care if Han Lingshi thought he was a bad guy or anything. He just turned around and left the living room. 

The ladies found the situation to be awkward, Maria had never seen someone behave so sternly with her. On the other hand, Han Lingshi discovered a very dominating side of Hao Ren's nature. She could not tell why, but while he was scolding Maria, his calm and cold behavior tingled her heart again. 


In the kitchen, Hao Ren was chopping some onion while he thought, 'I wish to chop her up like this onion too.' 

The her in his mouth was Maria. The system said, *Ding: It has been detected that host's mind is very volatile right now. The system will suggest you to take a deep breath.* 

Hao Ren rolled his eyes and quickly cooked a batch of noodles. He said, 'Can you not suggest me to kick her out? How entitled of her to say shit as soon as she comes in my home? Who does she think she is?' 

*Ding: Host, when an elephant walks through the town, many dogs would come to bark at it but, that is all. You need to ignore the dogs and walk your own way.* 

Hao Ren asked, "What if the dog bites me?" 

*Ding: In that case the host protection protocol will initiate and the assailants will be dealt appropriately. Note: This will only occur in the situation of physical threat.* 

Ten minutes later, the noodles were done, and Hao Ren said, "Miss Han, the meal is ready, please come to the dining hall." 

That said, he began to plate the food and bought it to the table. Han Lingshi came over with Maria, and they looked very reserved. Hao Ren sighed and said, "I apologize for losing my temper but my family is off limits. Please refrain from passing your opinions without knowing anyone." 

Maria and Han Lingshi looked at him, as he bowed his head to them. Han Lingshi felt bad because it was Maria who started it. Han Lingshi said, "Hao Ren, raise your head, it was not your fault." 

She glared at Maria who also said, "Yes, yes, please raise your head, you did nothing wrong. I would have reacted the same way if someone was to do that to my family." 

Hao Ren raised his head and nodded as they sat down on the table. Everyone helped themselves with the food, and as soon as Maria ate it, she opened her eyes wide. Han Lingshi asked, "Was I wrong?" 

Maria shook her head and said, "Indeed, he is good. Hao Ren, you are a good cook." 

Hao Ren only smiled and continued eating his meal. He finished the food in his mouth before he asked, "Miss Han, what was the sticky situation just now? You seem to be coming from a party." 

Han Lingshi sighed and replied, "Indeed, it was a sticky situation. I had gone to a charity ball, and didn't have any companion with me. Thankfully Maria came over, otherwise that crowd of young masters, ufff, one more pompous than the other." 

Hao Ren smiled brightly as Han Lingshi sighed in exasperation. The latter asked, "What was your sticky situation?" 

The young man shook his head and said, "Nothing as troubling as yours. My mother had called me to check up on me, and a relative suggested a blind date. So, that's about it." 

Maria spoke suggestively, "So you agreed to the blind date? That's good for you." 

Hao Ren replied, "I did not, I have no intention of dating anyone else for the time being. I am happily married." 

His last few words were pun intended but Maria did not understand it and asked, "What is their to be happy about when your marriage is a farce and based on a contract?" 

Hao Ren was not surprised that she knew about the contract because women never kept things from their best friends, although they might lie to their parents, but not the best friend. He found this trait annoying and unknowingly cast a gaze to Han Lingshi, who was immediately overcome by guilt. 

The agreement was a private subject among them. Hao Ren replied to Maria, "Even if it is a farce, it is a reason for me to continue living. Probably, someone as blessed as you are does not know the difficulty of an average person's life. Miss Han is the light that drew me out of the tunnel, and suddenly my life became joyful. That is why, I am happy." 

Maria was stunned by the way Hao Ren turned the situation around. She was impressed too, because even in this small time, he has displayed a lot of qualities, he was protective of his family, he could cook delicious food, and he had a way with words that made her look like the villain. She turned to look at her best friend and found her blushing while gazing at the visage of the young man. 

She wanted to tell her that it's late, and that they should get going, but suddenly her phone rang. 

She answered the call and said, "Alright, I will be there. Don't be angry, I will be there in fifteen minutes."

Han Lingshi asked, "Who was it?" 

Maria sighed and said, "I forgot that I have a flight in a couple of hours. I need to leave for the airport directly and have to pick up Samantha on the way." 

Han Lingshi shook her head and Maria continued speaking, "Can you lend me your car? Samantha is not good at dealing with people." 

Maria even made her eyes look big and pitiful. Hao Ren had to admit that if he was an ordinary man, he would have fallen for her, Maria was also big beauty but she lacked the elegance that Han Lingshi had. 

Han Lingshi sighed and said, "Fine, but don't put a scratch on it." 

Maria stood up and said, "Yes, I will have someone deliver it to you in the morning." 

Then she quickly hugged Han Lingshi and whispered, "Don't spend too much time here." 

Before the latter could say anything, she stood up and bowed to Hao Ren slightly and said, "Thank you for the meal. It was nice meeting you." 

Hao Ren smiled and did not say anything, it was evident that he did not have a pleasant experience meeting her and he did not believe in this diplomacy.

Maria left the place like a storm, and a few minutes later, Han Lingshi said, "I should also leave, I will call a cab." 

Hao Ren looked at the clock and said, "Miss Han, If I may, its quite late in night, and it's unsafe for you to travel. Is it not?" 

He did not offer going to drop her, because he wanted for her to stay. Han Lingshi looked at the clock and said hesitantly, "That is true, I can call someone to pick me up." 

Hao Ren nodded, after all, he could not be too obvious about it. He watched Han Lingshi call a few people but none of them connected. He asked, "Why not call your family?" 

Han Lingshi sighed and said, "I made an excuse that I have some work and will be handling it from Maria's place. If I call them here, they will suspect something."

Hao Ren nodded and spoke suggestively, "Why don't you stay here for the night then?" 

Han Lingshi was stunned, and then she realized, that it was indeed the only option left open for her. She still tried to avoid it and said, "But I have no clothes here." 

Hao Ren was prepared and said, "I can get you all that you need from the shop in the community. They have good branded clothes."

Out of all options, Han Lingshi nodded, and said, "Thank you." 

So, the first night together after marriage began. Hao Ren thought, 'It seems that Maria was not that bad after all. Her abrupt departure gave me the chance. Talk about blessing in disguise.' 

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