
7. Group members prepare for sacrifice and a several months passed by.

Just when everyobe was ready, chen tian uploaded files of one piece, tales of sword and fairy and pirates of caribbean once again detonating group for chatting for a long time.

After watching it whitebeard felt deep regret and anger about blackbeard who will kill his brother thatch and afterwards his sons and crew members after getting dark fruit. So he decided to execute this traitor on spot and convince Nico robin, Boya hancock and Nami to be preparation goddess.

Whereas jacksparrow after conquering faith of crew members decided to go to governor swann and sacrifice Elizabeth swann as she was daughter of destiny so he set off sail for england.

Solamum also instructred other self to teach her brother and others eternal meditation while searching for granddaughter of Nuwa 'ling qinger' as preparation goddess.

Orochimaru who already had deep understandings so he decided to go to tsunade to make arrangements and stopped his experiments. while also included hyuga hinata who was just 12 this year in his goddess list and some others while also included his white snake as an sacrifice along with tailed beasts mainly.

Days passed by quickly and everyone's efforts also had fruits. Ying zheng destroyed mo family while collecting beauties such as taoist xiaomeng and etc. finally every househould in qin had enough of immortal grain whereas peasants family also surrendered while those betraying already executed or died of divine law violation. entire daqin was now practicing divine meditation.

Educational schools and modern concepts were include in empire while remnants of six kingdoms were already dead. Group of confucianists who were originally going to betray were killed and rest surrendered along with hundered schools of thoughts which were abolished merging and becoming eternal school all around daqin. So he started conquering countries outside daqin territory.

Jack sparrow first went to england and beheaded will turner who liked elizabeth swann but only had recently come in contact with her. Met Governor Swann and passed down eternal meditation while Elizabeth was locked in room until she sobered up of guilt & grief of innocent person dying due to her but she was forced to practiced meditation by governor and her worldview changed.

With help of governor, jack sparrow contacted high level officials of england and military officials who quickly surrendered to him instead of royal family after practicing mediation. Soon all over in England main religion began to change and churches were changed into eternal temple while stubborn pope's and other mercenaries fled out of England which had changed hands of faith. Civilian's with diseases practiced meditation and were quickly cured which is miracle which further promoted religion.

Orochimaru had contacted tsunade after which he had a battle with her and defeated her while explaining her everything and conspiracies of third hokage and danzo and hope of ressurection of her brother if she became preparation goddess along with hinata and other pure beauties. Afterwards with tsunade as springboard soon all lies of danzo and third hokage and other high level konoha elders were infront of konoha village. After this incident all corrupt people were imprisoned for offering as blood sacrifice while nine tails in the body of naruto was also removed and resealed with divine law. Entire konoha village ushered in practice of eternal meditation. Ninja system was also renamed as Eternal Ninja system. Child labour or participation in war was also banned.

Whitebeard also collected evidence against blackbeard's conspiracy and beheaded him while also took ace and luffy with him in advance whereas his strength also increased significantly becoming strongest where he can crush his formed self with slight effort so four seas also usherd in chaos.

After getting nico robin, nami and hancock and their respective forces whitebeard also changes his pirate name to eternal pirates which simply became unsolvable headache for world government and navy. slowly he conquered other four emperor's while kaido was also killed for his tyranny.

God's Domain Changes

During this time chen tian was also not idle and created underworld as separate dimension within god's domain. With help of system he practiced every divine law to 1 star which is standard of lower god or level single universe powerhouse.

Time and Space, Cause and Effect, Fate in addition to five elemental law with remaining elemental laws. Eternal Sun and Eternal moon along were created along with expansion of dimension becoming 7th stage demigod with god's domain taking shape of initial universe with many stars, and galaxies included into Whole Eternal Dimension (Eternal Domain).

Eternal continent also became Eternal planet revolving around Eternal sun. Eternal Sun was 108 times in size compared to eternal planet which was renamed as Eternal Realm being 100,000 light years in diameter (Same as milky way galaxy). Eternal Sun was about 108 times the size of Eternal Realm, having diameter of 10,800,000 light years.

Due to mastering laws to Level 1 with help of system the divine power consumed was enormous otherwise he would have long ago stepped into lower god realm.

Even so this speed of cultivation was terrifying and was quickly noticed by lower god level elders in divine flame sect who regarded him as reincarnation of some ancient god while giving him position of sect's holy son which also spread news into middle god realm Divine Flame Sect where Xiao luan who was Level 9 (9th realm) creator god was in-charge and she too was alarmed and started paying attention to chen tian.

Nearby Divine sects also noticed this rising new god and sent everyone for a challenge but everyone including lower god level elders were also defeated by chen tian due to mastering of various laws invincible in same realm after which his status was also upgraged to acting elder which was allowed for only those with 9 stage demigod.

Eternal Palace was also floating above sun which was centre of entire god's domain which also increased in size same to as solar system but due to divine law it was visible from any corner of divine realm when looked in it's direction.

While Eternal Realm also had various holy beasts and other created and breeded also having various palaces as residence for future chief priests, priests, main god level entities or those with huge contribution and their families who ascend to God's domain with their world.

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