
340: I still want to be your friend

"You are rather stubborn. But since you look sincere and care about the child of our goddess, I will tell you what I know about the situation. Those crazy cultists are not with us. Instead, they are a force that opposes the rise and resurrection of the goddess Serenity. You can say that they are our enemies. Does it lighten your burden to know?"

Princess Yunjin looked the Grand Priest in the eye to ensure he was telling the truth.

The Grand Priest, with his unwavering determination and charm, was telling the truth regarding this matter, causing Princess Yunjin to sigh in relief.

"P-Princess, the time is up. Duke Victor is calling you into his office. Please hurry up!"

The guard knocked at the door to remind Princess Yunjin how long it had been already. 

Princess Yunjin could read his thoughts and how concerned he was for the Grand Priest's wellbeing.

The Grand Priest was only here for as long as they could keep an eye on him.

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