
148: The preparations are done

"Run away, lady! This horse is special, and it has a temper. I am afraid that it will hurt you-"

The stable master tried to warn Sui, but his words only served to anger Majestic. This time, the horse was the one that decided to stand between Sui and the old stable master with an accusing glare.

Sui was sure that the stable master had his reasons for warning her and wanting to protect her, but there was no need for Sui to feel threatened by Majestic.

Not when it was being so protective and gentle with her.

"It's OK! I don't think the horse means any harm. But you should back away slowly if you do not want to get hurt."

Just like Sui could read the princess, she felt like she could also read this horse. But the stable master looked even more worried once he heard Sui speak.

"Don't be foolish and back away. Just because that horse looks calm right now does not mean it is safe for you to be around it. Please start running at my count of three."

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