
Chapter 35: Bath

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"Hehehe, you really do have a big back, Baki-kun.", Lala's voice reached my ears. Perhaps she had a light body, but she felt as light as a feather. I could move around with ease like this.

"Are you really fine like this though, Lala-chan? We literally only met a day ago.", I decided to ask Lala. I had a girl I didn't know a day ago now on my back, enjoying a rest on it.

"Do you doubt my nature to judge people?", Lala asked me. Hidden from sight, Lala gently placed her head sideways against my shoulder, looking off to the side of the patio we were still on. Hearing Lala ask that, I raised my eyebrows.

"It's not that I don't, but let's say I treated what happened yesterday as empty air. What would have happened to me?", I decided to ask.

"Hmm, Zastin probably would have treated you as a threat to the royal family, and would have received authorization to slay you where you stood, and Papa would have probably sent some vassals to destroy Planet Earth shortly after rescuing me?", Lala said with a playful tone, but I only took her words seriously after hearing that.

And that was God giving me an easy start in this messed up world?

"Right...", I couldn't help but utter after hearing Lala say that.

"Hehe, I was only joking, Baki-kun. But it is best you not get on Papa's bad side. So I do look forward to staying under your care~.", Lala happily said, letting out another giggle as she did.

"For the time being. Let's go freshen up. If we let this sweat stick to our bodies for a prolonged period of time, we could catch colds.", I said, beginning to walk back inside the house with Lala still on my back.

"Hai~", Lala happily responded. "I could even let you wash my back?", Lala suddenly suggested, causing me to come to a sudden halt as I stepped past my front door, now inside the living room.

"You're...not expecting to come in at the same time as me, are you, Lala-chan?", I asked. Seeing as we were now back inside my home, I saw Musashi perk his ears and his tail started to wag seeing me in the entranceway.

"Why not? We are living under the same roof, are we not?", Lala asked as her voice reached my ears from behind me.

I let out a sigh hearing Lala say that. She often did this back in Rito's house, didn't she?

"Suit yourself. I just want you to realize the position you're currently in. That's all I ask.", I said, before proceeding up the stairs while still carrying Lala. I said hello to Musashi along the way.

"Oh you needn't worry about me.", Lala simply responded, keeping her head resting against my back. Seeing Lala not dive into it further, I shrugged it off, and arrived on the main hallway of the second floor. Approaching the bathroom, I let Lala step down from my back, seeing as she now had the energy to stand again.

Even with me present, Lala started to take off her clothes as if it was normal to do so. Her naked body was revealed once again, but I ignored it. I took off my clothes as well and she walked along to where the couple of faucets were, taking a seat down. I wouldn't lie, it was a few moments of bliss while Lala hummed a soft tune. She did invite me to wash her hair, so I let the shampoo do its thing, it was pretty silky and smooth. She definitely kept good care of it. It didn't take long for the two of us to plop into the bath, letting the stress of the run flee from my body, enjoying the soak.

At some point, I even found Lala resting up against my chest. Despite being naked, we didn't do anything, just enjoyed the soak.

A bit of skinship doesn't hurt anyone, does it?

It was well past noon now, taking several moments to enjoy the bath. Lala was the first to walk out, with me following her. Lala soon wrapped a towel around her body and stretched out her arms. Her tail peaked through her wrapped towel, making it slightly elevated. That caused a portion of her butt to stick out.

"Mmm, taking a bath really does feel nice, doesn't it, Baki-kun?", Lala asked with a smile on her face.

"It sure does. Go and get dressed up. It won't take me long to change, so I'll start the rice. Once we finish lunch, I'll take you to a place.", I said, drawing Lala's interest.

"Got it!", Lala happily responded, before darting off to a certain area of the second floor. She ventured into my room again no less, acting like it was her own room...

I just shook my head seeing this, and went to my nearby hamper, retrieving a simple pair of clothes that was easy to move around in, and something I didn't care about losing or not. After all, in the coming few hours, I will be heading to the Shinshinkai Dojo. If a fight broke out there, having clothes that were easy to move around in was the best. They wouldn't interfere.

But once I started walking down the steps, for some reason, I smelled a calming scent of tea wafting throughout the first floor. Despite some passing moments, I quickly felt that I wasn't alone. It didn't take long to spot a rather familiar figure currently taking a seat at my dining room table, donned in full-plated armor. I could see a couple of people dressed in black suits standing further in the living room, acting like they didn't exist.

I squinted my eyes seeing this person drinking tea, acting as if he made himself at home.

"And what are you doing here? Zastin, was it?", I called out to the guy, calmly drinking his tea. I took this time to continue drying my hair, as likely Lala was currently doing.

"Nothing much, I did feel a lot was placed on you yesterday, so I came to check on how things are doing with you and Lala-sama. You seem well.", Zastin said, welcoming me. Seeing him calm like this, I knew he meant well.

"Well, thanks for checking in. We were just about to have lunch, I could make extra if you want.", I asked Zastin.

"That would be nice. You do have a nice home, by the way. it feels very comforting.", Zastin replied with a smile, continuing to drink his tea. At this time, I heard the sound of shuffling feet, quickly reaching my ears from behind. I figured Lala got done dressing and she soon appeared beside me, wearing a rather casual green one-piece skirt. Her tail peaked out from underneath it.

Seeing a third person beside us, Lala's eyes lit up seeing the person calmly drinking his tea.

"Zastin! I thought you departed already.", Lala happily said, welcoming Zastin. Like me, she too ignored the couple of guards standing further away. I'm guessing they are a part of Gid's secret agents, seeing how they were dressed. Wherever Deviluke's royal family went, you would likely come across these agents.

"I did originally, yes. His Majesty didn't have any pressing matters for me to attend to, so I decided to come back here and see how you two are doing. It has been a day since the engagement has been announced, but it would seem it is making good progress.", Zastin said, cracking a rare smile as he looked our way.

"You could tell? Get this Zastin, Baki-kun asked me out on a date yesterday and we'll be going out later for it~ He's even going to take me and do some lingerie shopping.", Lala responded, clapping her hands together. I spat out a bit of air hearing that last part.

"Oho?", Zastin replied, raising his eyebrows. Yet at this time, we suddenly heard some beeps coming from a high-tech appearing device that was currently worn over one of his wrists. It didn't take long before I heard an angry sound of a girl's voice reach our ears, and at the same time, a small holographic panel appeared out of nowhere. On it revealed two figures, who had very similar appearances to Lala.

"He's going to do what!?", One of the girls yelled out, obviously out of anger. I could see this figure sporting pink hair, wrapped in twin tails, while the girl standing next to her had a calmer look in her eyes. It didn't take me long to recognize who these two girls were.

"Now now, Nana-chan, you're in the presence of Onee-sama's future husband-to-be. It's ever so nice to meet you, by the way. It was Baki-sama, right?", The second girl said, shifting her eyes my way.

"A pleasure. Lala did tell me she did have twin sisters. It's nice to meet you two, Your Highnesses.", I said, giving a light bow. Lala raised her eyes seeing me do this, as did the two sisters. I mean, they were actually members of royalty, one needed to be courteous, right?


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