
**Chapter 36: Hopes and Dreams Part 2**

Today's questions are less about RI and more about webnovels.

Shoutout to Simon for suggesting the first questions.

1. What is your daily streak on webnovel?

2. How much time do you spend reading webnovels each day?

3. How many novels do you have in your library right now?

Discord: 5efZtawZKC





On a clearing in a small and peaceful forest, one could hear the birds chirping, and the insects cricketing.

Seemingly a part of nature herself, there stood a young woman. She had pale white skin that matched with her white robe and contrasted with her dark black hair.

And anyone that lived on Xuan Feng Bao Archipelago would notice, that the woman had a tattoo of a sparrow on her right hand, with it being filled out about 1/5 with dark black ink.

As she brought the bamboo flute, that she had in her right hand up to her mouth, time seemed to stop.

*Flute Sounds*

The sound of the insects, animals and even the sound of wind seemed to totally disappear from the world. All every living being in the clearing could focus on was the melodious song the young woman played.

*POV: Gao Zhang Yan*

From an outside perspective, it must look like I was just playing the flute, but that was far from the truth.

*Rank 2 Killer move, Hypnotic Flute*

A small smile appeared on my face, as I saw the small animals around the forest be seemingly hypnotized by the sound of my flute.

But that was not everything….

Stretching out my left hand into the air, it did not even take 5 seconds for a small sparrow to land on it. That is right, this killer move not only hypnotizes my enemies, but can also be used to enslave them for a short period of time.

There were few feelings better than plain old success.

'But let's not get ahead of ourselves…'

It was a rank 2 killer move that worked on normal animals, a bit underwhelming, but the effect on beasts and gu masters still remains to be seen.

But this was considered normal, as doing the first test of a newly developed killer move on a being that could injure or kill you is generally a bad idea.

Killer moves were difficult and dangerous to develop, any mistake in the theory behind it, the timing of the execution or just a distraction could lead to extremely serious, and sometimes deadly backlash.

And if this happened while you were being attacked by a wolf or bear, or god forbid another gu master, then that could only mean death.

Feeling incredibly satisfied with myself, I made my way back to the village. On the way, every gu master, be they the lowest rank 1 beginning stage or the highest rank 2 peak stage gu masters, they all greeted me respectfully.

This was because I could be considered the clan's champion and only real hope for the immortal's inheritance.

With 92% talent, and the best results out of everyone in the clan, in the first round of the inheritance, I was the clear choice.

This led to the present and past clan leaders, the only 2 rank 4's in the clan to make me the 'young clan leader', essentially the leader of the younger generation of our clan.

A trend that happened in all the clans, except the 3 major clans with rank 5 gu masters. It seems to be the consensus, that every clan would have a champion, with all other contestants from that clan becoming their subordinates to be used how the champion wants.

This was easier in our small clans, as there were 1 or 2 decision-makers, the rank 5 clans had a lot of rank 4 elders that all had a say to a certain extent.

'So that's good for me…. I just got a lot of power handed to me…'

'But also a lot of responsibility and pressure, but as long as I win, everything will be fine…'

Personally, I saw this as more of an opportunity and less of a risk, although it was undoubtedly both.

What gave me a lot of confidence in this stressful situation was that the immortal who created the inheritance has an apparent connection to sound and music.

It does not have to be explained, how that gave our clan, that was founded on the basis of a rank 4 sound type inheritance an advantage.

Activating a rank 1 sound transmission gu, I say to an empty street:

"Elder Jin, my killer move worked, I want to try something different now. Please organize me the following gu: 5 Humming Farmer Gu, Two Amplify Sound Gu and a Violent Vibration Gu."

These were Gu for a very strong and violent killer move I thought of, it was a modification of one that I found in the clan's library a few days ago.

The elder did not dally, as barely 30 seconds later I heard:

"Understood young clan leader."

Seemingly coming out of nowhere. The communication through sound type gu was extremely fast and efficient, our clan was very good at gathering and passing on information.

Not wanting to waste time, I made my way to the center of the village to pick up my new gu….

*San Tou Island, Xuan Feng Bao Archipelago*

In a dark and damp cell, carved into the very stone that made up San Tou Island sat a young man, to say he was malnourished was an understatement, his arms were as thin as sticks, and his ribs were very well visible through his skin. With his long overgrown hair and nails, he looked to be in a very bad condition.

His prison was currently without guard, reflecting the general lack of manpower in the Yu clan village currently. But he could not leave anyways, as his hands were shackled with chains to the wall and if that was not enough, there was still the bar separating him from freedom.

"My name is Yu Jia Li, with my clan being the Yu clan."

"What got me into this situation you ask?"

"Well, I was born the wrong way… or rather I became this way at 15 years of age, when I awakened my Aperture. "

"I still vividly remember the ecstasy of the clan elders when they thought they had gained another A-Grade genius. "

"Almost as vividly as I remembered the absolute horror on the face of that demon they call the clan leader. "

"Hahaha… can't imagine why I would have looked up to someone like that in the past…. Wanting to become like him…."



Even laughing proved to be too violent for my frail body to handle…

'What a joke'

"Now where was I??"

"Right, the horror. The clan leader did not get the A-Grade genius he had hoped for, but a young man with the Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence Physique…."

"Maybe for a clan leader with a little less knowledge, I would have counted as a great blessing… but unfortunately this was not my fate…."

"As I later learned, this was because I, as one of the extreme physiques was destined to die. "

"And not just die…. No that would be too nice, essentially I would explode in a giant mess, taking out anyone that was unfortunately enough to be close to me…. This explosion would have a strength corresponding to my cultivation rank…."

But fortunately for me, the leader of my clan was greedy… greedy man. Instead of doing the smart thing, and killing me right there, he made some plans.

"Hehehe… foolish man, put me here, to cultivate like a good little boy…. "

"And if things went differently, then maybe in a few years, I would be at rank 3 or 4, ready to explode and die, at this point the clan leader would drop me in the village of an enemy… and the rest would be history…"

"A pretty good plan if I do say so myself. But as they say, man proposes and heaven disposes…"





"So there was this inheritance, and for whatever reason they forced me to participate…. "

"Who am I kidding, they were definitely forced to."

And this inheritance gave me my next burst of luck….

I take a look into my Aperture…. It is empty.

Or at least it seems to be, but I know it is not, and with that conviction, I activate my light red primeval essence, in my 100% filled aperture.

It took about one minute before a distortion began to appear in the middle of my Aperture. This was the effect of the Light Concealment Gu, a one-time use Gu.

The distortion began to grow stronger and stronger until.


It disappeared entirely, and it was replaced by my vital gu.

Rank 2 Liquid Metal Gu.

These two gu were what I managed to get from the inheritance, and the only gu I ever had for that matter, as the clan was not dumb enough to give me anything.

With one of my two gu being used up, to prevent the clan from inspecting my Aperture and stealing from me, I was left with only the Liquid Metal Gu.

I activated my vital gu for the first time, and instantly the handcuffs around my wrists melt and begin dropping to the ground.




The interesting part was that the metal was not hot at all, it only changed its state.

I stretch my now freed hands for the first time since the inheritance, and try to concentrate on controlling the liquid that was now on the ground.

Slowly it began floating into the air, moving according to my will. First it was one drop, then two, ten… twenty….

It was so easy, like it came naturally to me…

"Is this the benefit of the Myriad Gold Wondrous Essence Physique?"

"If that is the case, it's only natural, considering the obvious downside of this cursed body…."

I got a bit carried away, experimenting with my precious gu.

Just practicing controlling the metal, it was only 5 kilograms, so I tried to be very precise. Controlling it to become one ball of metal and then splitting it up again, then controlling them all individually.

It took me half an hour and about 20% of my primeval essence to get to a satisfactory level of control. Not that it mattered, as my primeval essence regenerated at a pace that was visible to the naked eye.

Standing up, I walk towards the bars of my cell, and as I was getting close, it began dripping onto the ground.



By the time I had taken the 4 or 5 steps to the place where just a moment ago stood the bars of my cell.

But I walked unobstructed. The liquid metal conglomerating behind me, and following me to the outside.

As I saw the light of day again, I smile and think about my third burst of life-changing luck, which was not bad for the span of a few days.

This was something that a servant, who every day at about 6 in the morning would bring me my breakfast told me.

'Now that I think about it, I was kinda lucky that that mortal was so talkative…'

To understand my luck, you have to understand that on San Tou Island there is the Yu clan, that I belong to and two others. All of them with rank 4 clan leaders…

Or is it more accurate to say there were three clans on this island?

For some reason, all the rank 3 and rank 4 gu masters of the Bo clan died, for no apparent reason at all…

The servant that brought me my food was pretty excited.

And so was I, as while all the strong people in the Yu and Zhi clans were undoubtedly exterminating and looting the Bo clan, I had the chance to dip.

"Ahhh sweet freedom…."

Armed with about 100 kilograms of metal that was used to keep me shackled for the longest time, I was on the outlook…. To have some fun….

1989 words

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