
Behind Her

Roselia never envisioned herself getting married. As the Alpha's daughter, all her life, she was prepared to be the perfect Luna. She was obedient and sheltered, the adoration of her pack. She did as she was told, spoke when spoken to, and ate until half full. She was trained on how to care for pups, how to be the mother of her pack, and aid her husband, but never overstep her boundaries by offering advice.

Roselia was raised to be a mother and wife. Nothing more. Nothing less. Yet, when trapped in prison for three years and abandoned by her family, Roselia didn't forget her training. She was to service her husband Cruden on her hands and feet, taking off his shoes, and waiting for him in his favorite positions. She was to ask about his day and never voice hers.

"Don't stand there like a stranger, come." Cruden took her to the living room, frowning at her daydream by the foyer.

Roselia followed silently, her hands tucked in front of her, and her eyes taking in everything. The Tiberias brothers took their shoes off by the entrance, where a butler quietly placed them away. They shrug their coats off and hang them themselves with proper mannerisms that surprised her.

"We have a housekeeper who comes and cooks half the week, but we crave takeout once in a while," Cruden explained, opening the double doors for her.

Roselia was speechless by the size of the living room. 

Sunlight poured through the floor-length windows, illuminating enormous cabinets of expensive liquor and wooden furniture blending into the white couches. 

Roselia was reminded of the Tiberias Trio's frightening reputation upon noticing the small boxing area to the other end of the space. A beat-up punching bag dangled from the ceiling alongside a standing practice puppet with a dented face. 

"Kallum and I frequently use it," Cruden said, noticing her curiosity.

Roselia flinched at the idea.

The room turned icy. Despite the ample sunlight, she could feel the atmosphere darken and shrink with his displeasure. His twisted energy radiated from his controlled form. 

Steel. Solem. Stern. He was the embodiment of an Alpha with a dark, towering presence looming over her. 

Roselia hated men who were taller than her, and that was the majority of the world. She abhorred staring up at them as if she were a child and they, the adults. Something about it made her feel so weak and timid, reminding her of what she really was—a weakling. A wolfless werewolf. 

"Tell me what's on your mind." Cruden's words weren't a suggestion. They were an order. One, that she'd obey with every fiber and cell in her body if she had sworn loyalty to the pack sovereign. 

The Wolf's Sovereign governed every werewolf and their unyielding obedience to their Alpha. A werewolf could not physically object to the words of their Alpha, their body literally would not allow them to. Like a reflex, they'd behave like a puppet on strings.

"Do you always relieve your anger through violence?" Roselia mumbled.

Cruden paused for a second, his gaze lingering on her anxiety. Her fingers trembled. Brittle and thin, mimicking tree branches during winter. He slid his palm into his pockets.

"I try not to."

Roselia bowed her head, staring at the floor. She didn't want to assume the worst in him, despite the frightening rumors surrounding the cruelest Alpha to walk this earth. Rumor had it he ate babies for breakfast, children for lunch, and rogues for dinner. His hands were always coated in blood from torture and his stench was thick of iron.

'Do you relieve your anger on women?' Was the question Roselia actually wanted to ask, but couldn't. Which man would ever admit that to his wife?

"I will never take my anger out on you, Roselind. If that's what you're wondering."

Roselia didn't dare to respond. A man's words meant nothing if his actions didn't prove it. Besides, did he find humor in getting her name wrong? Was it payback for not knowing his name?

"Wow, the tension is thick in here," Noah whistled from behind, strolling in casually and tossing down a backpack. He hopped onto the couch and took out a pamphlet from his back pocket. "I'm craving some pizza and none of that homemade stuff."

"Roselie, order whatever you'd like," Cruden stated, brushing past her with a clenched jaw. 

"I'll order you and Kallum's usual then?" Noah shouted, tossing the brochure towards Roselia who barely caught the flimsy material.

Cruden nodded and without another glance, left the two in silence. 

Roselia stared at the paper in her hands, the words foreign to her, despite being in English. She had never experienced the luxury of fast food. Her father and brother would never allow it. 

"I'll get the vegetable lover," Roselia decided, recognizing most of the ingredients on which Noah tilted his head.

"Never met a wolf who didn't eat meat," Noah whistled before picking up the phone and making his order.

Roselia didn't know what to say. She sat down on the couch, her spine rigid and straight, her hands on her lap. She may have been imprisoned, but her body never forgot the lessons instilled since birth. She spaced out, focusing on the barely noticeable metallic black swirls on the equally black walls.

Noah pulled out his homework, beginning to work through the problems at a frightening pace. His fingers never stopped moving, his tongue curled out in concentration. By the time he finished, the pizza was here and Roselia was frozen with fear.

"Smells good," Kallum said, strolling in and plopping down on the red couch directly next to the white one that Roselia was glued to. He didn't bother glancing in her direction, but his nose crinkled when Noah revealed the different cardboard boxes.

"Who ordered a salad on top of their pizza?" Kallum demanded in sheer disgust, lifting a slice of chicken breast and tomato sauce with no cheese.

"Lia likes it," Noah said through mouthfuls of his meat-filled supreme pizza.

Kallum scoffed, taking out a thick stack of paper and going through the list. "Gross."

Roselia wondered where Cruden was. 

"Don't bother waiting for Cruden," Noah mused. "He left earlier."

"To do what?" Roselia blurted out, unable to help herself. She leaned back, hoping none of the brothers caught onto her disrespect. If they did, they didn't mind. Not even Kallum.

"You know," Noah shrugged. "Alpha stuff."


To do women.

Roselia could tell from the way Noah averted her gaze and Kallum's eyes flashed with amusement, as if they both knew something she didn't. She said nothing and excused herself from the couch, deciding to head upstairs and shower.

By the time Roselia stepped out of her bathroom freshly bathed and in clean clothes, her stomach was rumbling. When she opened her doors, the hallways were pitch black. She stilled.

Nightfall had quickly approached before Roselia knew it. No one bothered turning on the lights for her. And she wondered why. Did Cruden like it dark on his floor? It wouldn't surprise her, for werewolves had heightened senses. She had the eyesight of a human, though.

Footsteps echoed in the corridors.

Roselia almost whimpered in fear. She wasn't stupid enough to call out, "Who's there?" as if someone was crazy enough to trespass into this house. Not even the devil himself could get past Tiberias's security.

Roselia would never admit it, but being trapped in darkness for so long had made her fear the shadows and the monsters that lurked within it. She was frightened by the unknown and how easily someone could grab her, and then pin her down. She was immobilized by the knowledge that a creature was quickly approaching, but from which way? She didn't know.

"Don't just stand there frozen."

Roselia screamed.

Cruden emerged.

Roselia clamped her mouth shut, her hands trembling on her skin. Her vision blurred in terror as if she had witnessed a crime scene. She might as well have, for his tanned skin dripped red with blood. Not his. Splatters could be seen on his thick neck and black clothes, the stench unbearable. 

"I was just walking by," Cruden stated, tucking his soaked hands behind her. "Your bedroom is on the way to mine."

Roselia didn't know what to say.

"I was going to wash up," Cruden slowly explained, like he could tell her mind had short-circuited. "I didn't mean for you to see me in such a state, but you were standing by your door like a statue."

Roselia forced herself to nod until she noticed the single cut on his high cheek. His features were stunning and sharp, crafted from marble and perfection, minus the two scars running across his eyebrow. She shakingly pointed to his wound.

"Y-you're bleeding."

"I must've cut it in the process."

"I know how to bandage it…" Roselia trailed off, for nursing was part of her training as an Alpha's daughter.

Cruden didn't seem impressed. He seemed irritated, even. "I don't need you to dirty your hands." 

Roselia didn't dare to protest, even though that wasn't true. She didn't mind getting her hands dirty if it meant helping him—an injured man. She stepped into her room, attempting to close the door, but his haunting eyes held her in place. The tips of his lips dipped.

"I heard you skipped dinner. Was the food not to your liking?" Cruden continued.

Roselia's mind went blank. This sounded so stupid to say out loud, but she wasn't served. Her pizza had been ordered, but no one offered, so she wasn't sure if it had been a cruel trick.

Alpha Kerpan used to have guards bring food to her, but never inside of her cell. It was always within arm's length away. The guard would say "Wait." And like a dog, she'd obey. She'd only eat when they usher, "Okay, go!" and she'd dig in, starved and stupid from imprisonment.

"Are you hungry?" Cruden finally asked.

Roselia bobbed her head.

Cruden revealed a smile. She was speechless by his beauty, the sight cynical and composed, but breathtaking nonetheless. His smile never softened his features. Instead, it made him appear tragic, like God's favorite angel who fell into hell and became the devil.

"Me too," Cruden admitted. "Follow me, I'll keep you fed." 

Cruden disappeared into the darkness. Freightened that she'd lose her way, Roselia grabbed onto anything she could, which happened to be his belt loop.

Cruden chuckled under his breath, leading her through her fears, but she crumbled within seconds, her knees buckling and giving out. From the sharp swoosh of the air, she knew he turned around.

"What is it?" Cruden demanded, his voice darkening and rising as he lowered to her height on the floor.

'I'm scared,' Roselia wanted to say. She didn't want to reveal her weakness so quickly. "I can't see in the dark."

"Oh. Right." 

Something rustled briefly before blinding light filled Roselia's vision. She squinted at the abrupt assault and jumped back when a thick block was revealed to her.

"The lights on this floor are controlled by this remote," Cruden explained. "I prefer the darkness at night, but you're not accustomed. Take this."

Roselia gawked at the equipment that revealed his fingerprints in glaring red on the white plastic. She took it gratefully as he straightened and stared at her expectantly. She waited for his hand, but chastised herself. Just because he helped her once, doesn't mean he'd do it again.

So, Roselia stood as shakingly as she could and followed him. But instead of taking her to the kitchen, she ended up in his bedroom. 

All alone—with just the two of them.

And then, he closed the doors behind her. 

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