

The day had long since begun and with it the Capital city of Roserun had become a ghost town, very few commoners had chosen to remain behind in their capital city, refusing the kind offer presented to them by their Princess and her Liege Lord the Grand Duke of Latinium.

The Castle was still in a state of panic as the Noble retainers were still screaming at their servants in a desperate attempt to bring the army back post haste in order to get them to recover their people who'd abandoned them.

The king meanwhile was still reeling from the news that now not only was he broke but he was now merely a king in title along, for there were hardly any people he truly ruled over...

It was while he was dwelling on these though seated atop his makeshift throne that a man and women enter this hall much to the surprise and chagrin of the nobles present.

Julius and Princess Yurasia had arrived.

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