
Chapter 89

A/N : 

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After a few hours of struggle and relentless effort from both myself and Mihawk, we finally made it through the Aqua Laguna. Our Ggalleonwas already battered, and it was a miracle that it was still in one piece. Doffy was completely exhausted, and despite having undergone resistance training, the seawater still restricted him to a great degree. As for me, I was an anomaly. I had been steadily growing resistant to seawater and Seastone. Although I still couldn't use my maximum power under the influence of the sea, I wasn't completely helpless either.

"Say, Mihawk, do you have any plans to consume a Devil Fruit?" Doffy commented with a smirk as Mihawk dispatched the last pirate who had helped us steer our galleon to Water 7. We had no plans of sparing these people.

"Seriously, do you take me for a fool, Doflamingo? With what Ross has shared about the world sinking, do you expect me to eat a Devil Fruit? No thanks; I will rely on my swordsmanship to reach my goals," Mihawk commented firmly. My revelation of the world sinking had left a deep impact on both Doffy and Mihawk.

I had asked both of them not to spread the word unless absolutely necessary. I had only shared minimal information regarding the matter, as even I was blind to the exact reason for the world sinking. However, I knew that the higher-ups in the World Government were aware of the real reason, and it must have a direct relation to the Void Century and many other mysteries of this world.

"Is that... is that a ship?" The man perched safely on the roof gawked as a majestic galleon battled through the tempestuous waves and careened into Water 7.

"Shit! Who's crazy enough to sail into Water 7 during the night of Aqua Laguna?" his friend exclaimed, eyeing the turbulent sea while a few others joined them, watching as three figures emerged from the battered vessel.

"Land at last! I swear, little brother, I'll never trust your judgment on storms again. You call that a'small' tempest?" Doffy gasped for breath, finally feeling the stability of the solid ground beneath him.

"Doffy, you've got to toughen up. How else are you going to fare on the high seas?" I chuckled, amused at my brother's disarray.

Suddenly, a group of menacing figures closed in on us—unmistakably pirates looking for trouble. But before they could make a move, Mihawk descended gracefully from the galleon, his presence commanding immediate recognition.

"That... That's the Marine Hunter," one of the pirates stammered, their bravado waning in the face of Mihawk's formidable reputation.

"Do any of you know where I can find the shipwright named Tom? I've heard he's quite the legend in Water 7," I materialized behind the pirate, who appeared to be the leader of the ragtag group, gently resting my hands on his shoulders.

Instantly, the pirate realized they weren't the hunters, but the prey. With trembling hands, he pointed in the direction of Tom's workshop. As my companions and I strolled casually towards our destination, the pirate let out a sigh of relief, recognizing both myself and Doffy, two notorious pirates with bounties exceeding 500 million Belly.

Utilizing my Observation Haki, I could sense that Water 7 was teeming with pirates. However, due to the chaos of Aqua Laguna's night, there weren't any more pirates incoming. The island, renowned for harboring the world's finest shipwrights, had become a haven for pirates seeking to upgrade their vessels. Stealing a ship from Water 7 was deemed easier than acquiring one through legitimate means. Alternatively, pirates could strong-arm the skilled shipwrights into crafting a new vessel for them.

Amidst the bustling streets, the scent of salt and sea mingled with the clamor of voices, the occasional clink of metal, and the distant roar of the storm-tossed ocean. Shadows danced upon the cobblestones as lanterns flickered, casting an eerie glow upon the nocturnal scene.

After traversing through the labyrinthine streets of the town for more than half an hour, we finally reached the edge of the island, where most of the decommissioned ships lay discarded. Near the area stood an old, dilapidated workshop with a weather-beaten signboard that barely clung to its hinges, bearing the faded inscription "Tom's Workers."

"Is that the workshop of the shipwright who built the vessel that circumnavigated our world?" Doffy couldn't help but ask, his voice tinged with disappointment. He had expected something grand from the renowned builder of Oro Jackson.

As we approached the weathered workshop, we were greeted by a sudden commotion emanating from within. Despite the stormy night, it seemed that Tom-san was still hard at work. However, the nature of the disturbance hinted at trouble brewing inside the once-hallowed sanctuary of shipbuilding expertise.

As the gunshot reverberated through the stormy night, Doffy's eyebrows arched in amusement just as we crossed the threshold into the workshop. What met our eyes was a scene of utter pandemonium. A group of ruthless pirates had Tom-san and his apprentices cornered, their faces etched with a blend of fear and defiance. Tom-san himself bore a gaping bullet wound on his shoulder, the blood staining his shirt and mingling with the sweat of his exertion as he lay beneath the oppressive weight of the Frenzy Pirates' captain.

"Tom, I won't ask again. Where is the Pirate King's ship hidden?" The captain's voice cut through the tension like a blade, his foot pressing down mercilessly on Tom's injured shoulder, eliciting a pained gasp from the shipwright.

"I've told you before, if you seek the Oro Jackson, you'll have to search among the Roger Pirates. I have no knowledge of their ship's whereabouts," Tom replied, his words strained with the effort of defiance despite the agony he endured. It was evident that he had suffered greatly at the hands of his captors, with both Iceburg and Cutty Flam, also known as Franky, bearing bruises that marred their once-smooth features.

The pirate goons held the two apprentices in an iron grip; their expressions hardened with determination as they awaited their captain's next command. The workshop, once a haven of creativity and innovation, now bore witness to the cruel reality of piracy, where violence and intimidation reigned supreme.

"Tom, we're both Fishmen. Why are you aiding these humans?" The captain's voice carried a mix of disbelief and frustration as he momentarily eased the pressure on Tom's wounded shoulder. Their entire crew consisted of Fishmen, and the captain himself boasted a staggering bounty of 310 million, marking him as a formidable force in the treacherous waters of the New World.

"Do you truly expect me to believe that you're unaware of the whereabouts of your greatest creation?" The captain's tone dripped with skepticism. "For all I know, you could be the one hiding it. Hand over the ship, and together, we can unlock the secrets of One Piece. We can liberate our entire Fishman race."

The tension in the workshop thickened as the weight of the captain's words hung in the air. It was clear that he had journeyed from the depths of the New World to Water 7 upon hearing the rumors surrounding Oro Jackson, driven by the promise of power and freedom for his people.

The relationship between humans and Fishmen had soured over the years, exacerbated by the heavy influx of pirates since the time of Roger's conquest of the Grand Line. With each passing day, more Fishmen fell prey to human exploitation, becoming commodities in the eyes of their oppressors.

As the tension inside the workshop reached its peak, my companions and I strolled in with an air of nonchalance. Despite the workshop's shabby exterior, the interior was surprisingly vast, with enough space to accommodate even the largest of ships under construction. Currently, it seemed that Tom and his apprentices were putting the finishing touches on a sizable galleon, which stood as a testament to their craftsmanship.

The workshop fell silent as we entered, and more than two dozen Fishmen tensed at our presence, their wary gazes fixed upon us. Ignoring the palpable tension, I addressed the room with a calm demeanor.

"Don't mind us. Carry on with your work. Just ensure that Tom-san remains unharmed," I stated, my voice carrying an unmistakable authority. "I have a rather important matter to discuss with him."

With deliberate ease, I walked over to an upturned table and set it upright, taking a seat while casually placing my sword aside. Doffy followed suit, his chuckle cutting through the tense atmosphere as he settled onto an old, dusty couch. Meanwhile, Mihawk leaned against a wooden pillar with his customary aloofness.

The arrangement of our positions effectively surrounded the Fishmen crew, making it clear that we held the upper hand in this precarious situation. Despite the bloodshot stares and clenched fists of the Fishmen, my companions and I exuded an aura of confidence. We were prepared for whatever might come next.

"You little brats! Do you have a death wish?" The captain's voice boomed, breaking the tense silence as he directed his fury towards us. His anger was palpable, fueled by our apparent disregard for him and his crew, whom we treated as inconsequential.

"You bastards! Do you know who I am?" he snarled, attempting to intimidate us with his imposing presence. Meanwhile, his crew members shifted subtly, preparing for the imminent conflict. Unlike the earlier ragtag group, this crew recognized the potential threat we posed despite our youth, opting not to launch an attack outright.

"Of course, I know who you are. You're the Captain of the Frenzy Pirates," I replied calmly, meeting his gaze with unwavering confidence. "However, I suggest you leave here without causing any more trouble. We have important matters to discuss with Tom-san." With a casual gesture, I gestured towards the wounded shipwright, who lay on the ground, confusion evident in his expression as he struggled to place the unfamiliar face that spoke with such authority.

"What business do you have with Tom?" The captain demanded, his towering form eclipsing the room as he stepped forward. Standing over six meters tall, he was a formidable sight to behold—a great white skark type Fishman with a burly figure, every inch of his body exuding bloodlust. From his aura alone, I could sense that he had likely slaughtered a substantial number of humans in his lifetime.

"Little brother, let's just get this over with. I'm too tired from the journey," Doffy interjected impatiently, his arm engulfed in flames and armament haki as he lunged forward, striking a nearby Fishman with a swift, powerful punch. With Doffy's sudden action, the skirmish erupted into full-blown combat.

In the blink of an eye, Mihawk unsheathed his blade with lightning speed, severing the head of a Fishman pirate before they could even react. Meanwhile, the captain's anger surged as he witnessed our swift retaliation, and he immediately turned his attention towards me, the closest target.

"Spear Wave!" With a roar, the captain manipulated the water surrounding us, conjuring a thick spear to pierce through me. However, he vastly underestimated the extent of our power. While most of his crew possessed a rudimentary understanding of Haki and were proficient in Gyojin Karate, they had yet to realize they were facing two Logia fruit users.

With casual ease, I raised my hand and countered, unleashing a thick pillar of black lightning that tore through the oncoming water spear. The captain's shock was palpable, and as his observation Haki picked up the incoming threat, he managed to stumble to the side with his massive form at the last second.

However, his unfortunate crew member standing directly behind him wasn't as fortunate. The black lightning tore through the Fishman's body without mercy, the high temperature of the lightning burning through his massive form in moments, leaving behind only charred dust.

"Hahaha! I've heard Fishmen have ten times the physique of humans, but I think that was a bit of an exaggeration." Doffy laughed as he plunged his fist into the chest of another Fishman, who choked on his own blood, while Doffy pumped his blue flames into the gaping wound for good measure.

As Mihawk and Doffy swiftly dispatched the Fishmen crew, my black lightning crackled through the workshop, reducing the remaining adversaries to ash. Amidst the chaos, the captain's enraged roar pierced the air, his fury unrelenting even in the face of overwhelming odds.

"You bastards! I will kill you all!" he bellowed, his determination fueling his next move. "Busoshoku Koka": With a menacing aura, he infused his entire body with Armament Haki, his muscles bulging as he launched one of his signature techniques, "Fish-Man Karate Secret Art: Demon Brick Fist."

A shockwave charged with black lightning tore through the ground, sending shockwaves rippling outward as he charged towards me with formidable speed.

However, I met his attack with a smirk, choosing to counter his punch head-on. Clad in black lightning, my entire fist collided with his, creating a deafening clash that reverberated throughout the workshop like a sonic boom. Like a broken string, the massive form of the Fishman was hurled through the air, crashing towards the almost-finished galleon with bone-crushing force.

Despite his arm being imbued with Armament Haki, his arm was left charred and smoking from the intensity of the lightning, the acrid stench of burnt flesh permeating the air. By his side, Tom had swiftly moved to protect his young apprentices, shielding them from the chaos wrought by the pirates' aggression. They huddled together, battered and bruised, their innocence marred by the violence that had erupted within the once-peaceful confines of the workshop.

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