
chapter twenty three

"Angel don't fly so close to me, I'll pull you down eventually.... you don't want to lose those wings people like me break beautiful things.. Angel don't fly so close to me I'm what you want not what you need, you don't want to lose those wings, people like me break beautiful things " "Ahhhhhh" fans started screaming, and the guys started screaming and Clapping, "This is... this is real Nice, I mean if anyone told me you could.. wow, let's give her a round of applause yes"  I started blushing and Jungkook leaned closer and said, "You sang well" I smiled and RM leaned closer and whispered, "there are better things I could do to you that would make you blush than this" I opened my eyes wide and looked at him, "Stop it we're in public " he laughed. "Okay, next question, you live with the guys?" "Yes we live together, but it's nothing bad Right?" "Of course, how is it living with them fans will like to know" "Yes" they shouted, "Yes Jennifer how is it living with us we'd like to know too " Taehyung said, placing his hand on the table and looking at me, I laughed, "In one word hilarious, you'll never get tired of watching them fight and bicker like kids, for almost anything, Tae and Jungkook Oppa for food, Jin's smile can light up the world, RM nearly fustrated from taking care of his kids and his clumsiness too, Jungkook copies nearly everything you do, Jimin the Mochi, he's Iike everywhere and also so funny, Jhope with his laughter, I could die of laughter from his laughter, and he always has the kindest word and sweetest smile but you need to see his expression when he's irritated or mad, it's like so funny " I laughed, "And Tae Oppa is so full of aegyo, he's cute when he cries and he's so funny when he sees food, and Suga Oppa is like so funny when he sleep you have to tip toe so you don't wake him up and when he wants to play he's the cutest when he smiles and when he's all hyper when he's on his guitar he makes the best songs, also Jin Oppa is so serious when he's playing games you could laugh when someone tries to disturb him, he has the most funniest expression at that time" I couldn't hold my laughter and even the guys and fans had to join me at it.

"Ok that's like the most funniest description I have heared of BTS" "We all have our way of describing them after all" the baby in my stomach did a flip and i put a hand to it, "Okay we got one of the most commonly asked questions,  you and Namjoon, are you guys in a relationship?" I didn't say anything to that, "Fans say the way he looks at you is quite different from how he looks at everyone" "I don't know, would fans be happy If I were in a relationship with him" some of them shouted yes while some said no, "Well I do believe armies have the right to be supportive of whoever their bias decides to date or be with right, and if I ever were to end up with him, I pray they wouldn't hate him for it" RM and I looked at each other and smiled, "No we take it back you guys are perfect for each other!!" they were screaming, I actually found it amusing that I covered my face, the interview clarification went quite well and soon fans were screaming my name too, when we were leaving the premises, I tripped on my both feet and stumbled because I was feeling dizzy but RM caught me, "You okay?" I nodded, fans started screaming again and I blushed, "The baby kicked" I whispered, and he looked down at my stomach shocked, "Are you kidding?" I shook my head and smiled, we left the premises, and entered into the mini Van, "Bang pd invited us to his house, wanna go??" I checked the time when I heared that, it was 5 already in the evening and I honestly was tired and stressed, my stomach was hot and I was feeling heavy, "Jennifer what do you think?" Taehyung asked me, "Guys can we go home, honestly I'm really tired and I feel stressed" Jhope touched my neck, "You're hot, guys let's just go home, we'll go tomorrow " the driver turned and went home, I leaned my head on Jhope's shoulder as RM touched my stomach, then he kissed it, "Child don't stress your mother too much, she's trying because of you, when will you come out?" as if hearing his father's voice he moved, "Ahh, he moved" "I felt it" "I want to feel it too" Taehyung said, "And me" Jimin said, everyone wanted to feel the child, "When we reach home, you'll get the chance" I said, "Did you see the pictures of us?? check the trending topics" Jin said, everyone checked it, I look through Jhope's phone, "Number 5 is BTS and black people as fans, number 4 is life with BTS members, number 3 is BTS and Jennifer close relationship, "Number two is BTS new awesome stylist, number one is Jennifer and Namjoon, apparently they have started shipping you guys with awesome pics too" Jungkook said, "Well you'll be blind to not see the chemistry they have, especially in the eyes " Suga yawned, I giggled, "I'm hungry" I said, "You read my mind" Tae, Jin and Jungkook said at the same time, "should we order pizza??" Jimin asked, "Yes with alcohol" Suga said, "Hey no much drinking" Jimin tried cautioning Suga.

I got down and rushed inside the house crashing on the chair immediately, "Home sweet home" I said, I already unconsciously started taking this place as my home. The guys came inside, Taehyung immediately rushed to me with JK, "Me first" Taehyung said, "I'm the last child" JK struggled, "But you always beat me like I'm the last" "Okay wait, you guys can feel it at the same time" I said and carried both their hands and place on my stomach as others sat down, the moment they touched my stomach the child moved, "Woah" Tae removed his hand and JK had his mouth wide open, "How did it happen?!" Jhope came, "As if it's poking you" Tae said, "It's alive"JK whispered and I laughed, Jhope put his hand on my stomach too "Was it dead before?" Namjoon said and sat beside me and I held the collar of his shirt and gave him a quick kiss, "Handsome and smart as always" he smiled, "Ahh" this time both me and Jhope shouted, this time the baby forcefully kicked my stomach, "What happened?" Namjoon asked and Suga and Jimin stood up and came too, "I could feel this one I think it was a foot or something" Namjoon looked at me and I nodded, "Woah, let me feel it again" he put his hand but nothing happened, Jimin and Suga also placed their hands, "If it's not true, I'm killing you dramatic supernatural being" Suga pointed at Jhope, still nothing happened, I smiled when they looked at me, "I think I know what I can do to make it jealous, Daddy come closer" Namjoon was confused but still came closer and I kissed him again, the moment I kissed him, the baby moved harder again and I had to close my eye to endure the pain, "Woah!" they shouted including Suga, "Is it painful??" Suga immediately asked, "Yeah, it feels like a football field" "Someone is actually jealous of his father hogging his mother" Jin said and laughed, Namjoon finally understood what was happening, "Certainly has a sharp mind" "And with your IQ level, he's gonna be higher than you Hyung" JK said, "I wanna have a child too, this is so cool" Jimin said, "Go get married then " "No not yet, soon enough, should I go for black or white too like our leader?" he put a chin to his hand, "Anyone you prefer" I said. Jin now came forward and everyone moved, "watch and learn, he'll certainly move this time " he put his hand on my stomach, "Come on little one, it's uncle Jin, move for me" I hit his shoulder as everyone laughed, "What?" he shouted in Korean, "Do you know how that English sounds? take it back" Namjoon said as he came back drinking a bottle of water, I actually smiled because it was funny, "What I only said, it's uncle Jin, come on move for me ohhhhhh I understand now" he actually closed his face and smiled while everyone burst into laughter, I grabbed both his hand and place on my stomach, "Baby, you better move now if you don't want me to take daddy upstairs and eat him all night" Namjoon spit out the water he was drinking and immediately the child moved this time but not harder again, "Woah" Jin removed his hand, "He understand what you said?" Suga had his mouth open and everyone was surprised, "If he's really his father child he'll understand me, sorry baby" I rubbed Namjoon's back as he was coughing, "This girl will kill me!!" Taehyung screamed and Jimin just shouted, JK had fainted. "And next time if I kiss your father again don't be angry, he also made you, don't be jealous, you get me, or mother won't be happy at all" as if hearing he moved again, Jhope shouted this time, "I'm dead, is this how it works now" he said in Korean, I nodded and the door bell rang and Jungkook quickly got up, "pizza is here!!" he rushed to collect it from the bodyguard, then Suga quickly went to bring the alcohol, the moment it was opened the smell entered my nose, and my stomach grumbled, we all rounded the table, "Wait let's change first" "Yeah that's true" Jhope stood up and ran upstairs, followed by Suga, RM carried me and went upstairs, "Thanks" he dropped me in my room and  left, I undressed and took out a black sweatpants and a shirt of RM he left in my room some nights ago, it was ash in colour and smelled like him, the moment I came out I bumped into JK, "RMs shirt? smells like him" he immediately lifted me up, and i held his neck, and kissed his cheek, "Thanks" "No need to thank me, I'm supposed to do this" he went downstairs then dropped me,only Jimin and Jin were downstairs with me and JK , Jimin was wearing a yellow shirt with no arm,and Jin was wearing a pink big sweater, looking cute I actually smiled and sat down, JK was wearing a black sweater with hoodie, "RMs shirt?" they both said, "Cam you guys not make it so obvious huh barbie and baby Mochi?" I said, "Who are you calling barbie?" Jin said "The guy with the pink sweater I never mentioned any names why are you shouting?" "I don't care what you say, I love pink" "Of course, I believe men that wear pink are real men" I grabbed the closest snack to me and started eating, "chocolate" I said,when someone came down, it was Suga and Taehyung, and the moment they saw me they wanted to say something, but then I said, "Open your mouth and see if I won't beat you guys up" JK giggled and Jin laughed they shutted up but not their eyes, they tried to hold their laughter but then couldn't hold it anymore and Suga stood up and said, "fits you" "Oppa!!!!" I screamed and grabbed the fork and started chasing him around the table as everyone laughed, "I Told you not to say anything at all!" "Hey it's not my fault, you look cute under it" Jhope and RM finally came down and saw me chasing Suga with a fork, "What is going on, I leave you guys for a minute and you're about to rip yourself off?" RM said, i stopped running, "Is that?" Jhope wanted to say pointing at the shirt I was wearing when I pointed the fork I was holding to him, "Don't you dare say anything too or you'll get it bad" he looked at others in the table who gave him sign to not say anything about the shirt and he smiled and went to sit down, RM held my hand, "The shirt fits you perfectly I love how my clothes fits your body" I smiled, "Really?" I looked at him as he kissed my forehead, "Not fair why does he get the good attention and not the end of the fork" Jimin wanted to complain when I glared at him and Suga immediate covered his mouth, "No that's not what he meant" I smiled.

Suga's POV

           "Don't you dare" I zipped my mouth, and Jimin nodded when Jennifer came in between us, I'm sitting here tonight " she stared and me and grinned and then at Jimin, I quickly packed pizza into her plate, "Sorry guys " RM laughed.


we all laughed as Jennifer finished telling us another story, them she groaned, "I'm full" she said, I grinned she wouldn't have the strength to chase me if I did anything wrong this time, "That doesn't mean I don't have strength to chase you" she told me and I spit out the wine I was about to drink, "you think I didn't know?" she grinned, "How did you+" I couldn't even complete my sentence because I was shocked, "Hey, actions speak louder than words never heared of it ?? you stuffed me continuously and then grinned the moment I said I'm full,but guess what? I digest fast " everyone laughed, "So what should we do tomorrow " "We're going to see bang pd of course remember??" JK said, "Yes of course, I better start thinking of the type of food I should do, could we go to the market first before going" "Sure" Jimin said, "Alright I need to digest,.let's change" I stood up and began to walk fast, "Yeah let's go" I said when I felt someone's hand at the back of my cloth and I turned and saw Jennifer, "Where are you rushing to foxy we're all going together " I almost swore when others giggled, but the smile on her face made me relaxed, she wouldn't do anything to me, "Yoongi Oppa!" I looked at Jennifer who was grinning, " Yes?" she shook her head, "Yoongi Oppa!!" I smiled, she was trying to make fun of me, others were laughing especially Jin hyung with his windshield laugh, "what do you call a short person that waves at you?" I laughed, "A microwave, best comeback" Jin shouted and laughed. "You know everything about us" Jhope said, "Oh boy everything, I'm still in 45% over 100, and I'm contended" "So you don't want to know more?" Jungkook asked, Jennifer left my hand and went to hold Namjoon's own, "Well.. like my big boy said, knowing everything about BTS is not love but obsession and I ain't obsessed " Jimin clapped, "of course good good" "But the one thing I'll never forget is, do you want to see my cat??" "Your cat?" Jhope was confused, "Oh ahhh" Jungkook's laughed, she looked at RM, "Jungkook Oppa let's say it together, one two, The upgraded version of do you want to eat rameyeon" I said in English and he said in Korean, when I heared it I laughed, all of us broke Into laughter, "Ahh I remember" Jhope clapped, "it's a special fan that once started that" Jimin said, "The good old days" I said as we walked to the pool, "Why don't you guys come back, everyone misses you, forget going solos, we miss you as a family, everyone in the world even your haters deep down" I stopped and then continued, "Who knows, I kinda miss those days" "Yeah especially when we did a concert in the last how many years" Namjoon also said, "See that's what I'm talking about, make BTS a thing that never fades, be like.. the next Michael Jackson to exist, Suga you can't tell me you don't miss Agust d" "I do actually, maybe we'll return?" "We don't know about it yet" JK said, "Well I'm just saying, you should have seen the way army literally cried when all of you left, all those touching music left" "Did you cry too?" Jimin asked, "Of course, really, at least remember army's love and support, even though I don't know how they would react to their favorite leader having a woman and child " I smiled, "Like this" I opened my eyes wide and we started fainting, and laughing.

Jennifer sat down and relaxed, "so who is going first" All of us sat down, "Me!" Jhope jumped up and took off his shirt, then he morphed slowly into a wolf, "Wow, alpha eyes, interesting" he wanted to come close to Jennifer but a blue shield like before opened up and covered her entirely and RM and me beside her, I laughed and Jennifer held her stomach, "woah, this is completely different from what I thought, as expected RM Hyung baby isn't a normal one" Jimin said, "Baby, this is your uncle Hoseok, come on, take Down the shield mommy is okay" a second passed and the shield now disappeared, "woah, is my baby gonna be like that too"  Jin said, "Go make one and find out" I said, Jennifer nudged me, "Savage king" she whispered, Hobi growled softly and breathed beside her ear and she giggled, then he jumped into the water, Changing back in the process, "Hey why didn't he change before jumping inside?? he might drown" she asked, we all laughed, "It's because uh.." Jungkook said and coughed, "He'll be naked if he changes back to human remember?" RM said, "ohh, I see, yeah I forgot" I smiled, "Then what about you guys, how are you going out do it" "If we change our clothes will just rip off in the process" "Ah" "The water is great!" Jhope shouted,  Jin ran and dived in, after sometime he brought his head out, his eyes had changed colour to blue and he dropped his wet clothes on the shore, "It's true" he flashed his tail, "Come on!"  Jimin and Jungkook's stood up and Jungkook ran and jumped into the water while Jimin changed into a nine tailed fox, he used one of his fluffy tail to rub Jennifer's face and then entered Into the water Changing back, V also removed his shirt and went into the water and began playing with them, "You're up next foxy" I looked at her changing my eye colour, "At your service " I changed right beside her, my red fur rubbing her, she rubbed my hair, "Run along" I smiled and ran to the pool and dived in changing back, "Come and Join us jenny it's good, stress reliever" "And swim with naked men? don't tempt me I'll eat all of you" she joked, "You could get us swimsuit

it's over there " Jimin pointed, "I'll get it" RM stood up and rushed to get it, and some towels too, and he passed it to us, "Jennifer come on" V shouted and splashing water, "Can I swim on this?" she asked, "The shirt ls alright, and the shorts is nice " RM jumped into the water, "come on " Jennifer put her legs into the water, and gasped and exhaled, "Is this what you call awesome and relaxing, it's basically freezing " jin used his tail and splashed her water" "Hey!" we laughed, "Come in or I'll do it again?" "No" he raised his tail and she jumped into the water immediately, and grabbed my hand and RM hand, her body started smoking slowly, "Woah, That's what RMs Hyung body used to do when it wants to cool off" Jimin said, "It's probably the baby too, like father like child" Jungkook said. Jennifer's shirt went up so she took it off wearing only a tube top, I went to join others and have fun, Jhope brought a ball and we started tossing around, "Hey let's divide onto team and play catch" Jennifer said, we broke out into four and I got paired with JK, Taehyung and Jimin, while Jin, jhope and RM were with Jennifer.

I dried my hair with towel and went up to my room to change, I got into the shower and had a hot bath because I didn't like cold water, I dressed up in shorts and purple shirt, then I went downstairs, Jennifer was sitting down wearing pink cotton overall that was really fluffy and had ears and eyes on the hoodie too, she was holding the book she always had and was writing into it, a glass of milk and banana kick snack in front of her. Jimin and Jhope came down, and Jungkook followed behind us, the moment he saw the banana kick snack he ran and snatched it, "No, give it back" Jennifer shouted, "I'm hungry and it's banana" Jennifer pouted her lip and was about to cry, "Give it back Jungkook, you're a bully" Jennifer looked like a little kid who was bullied looking so cute, RM appeared, "Here" he gave her another banana kick" "no Jungkook will snatch it away again, give me another one" RM glared at Jungkook, "what do you want? Cheetos?" she nodded "And turtle chips" she looked at me and expected me to shout which was quite funny but I said, "Get some for me too, I'm really exhausted" "Jenny I'm sorry okay" Jungkook was begging her, "it's okay Mr emotional, I'm not mad, just hungry" "You can have it back" "No banana is precious to you every army know that, so have it okay, and if you don't finish That's when I'll be mad" "He will" Jimin said.

V came downstairs, "Great we're complete " Jennifer said as both V and RM came, "Feed me daddy" she looked at him pitifully and he rubbed her hair and sat down, I grabbed my own snack and opened it, "remains Jin hyung" Jhope said, "No before he comes" "A secret? hmm" RM said, "What is it?" Jungkook asked, "He's birthday is in the next 4 days and I want to make it a surprise , a huge one he wont know, I created a group chat on my phone so I'll text you the stuffs about it, but so far this is what I need, everyone is participating on this" she passed us a sheet of paper each, " she ate what RM was feeding her at the same time talking "that's it. As we were looking at it, I looked at Jennifer's mouth as she ate from RMs hand and when she intentionally and sucked his hand biting and holding his hand with her teeth, and they had to look at each other before something happened.

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