

A Few Minutes Before Hiroshi and Team Mei Mei Met

As Hiroshi walked toward the Imperial Palace, he encountered a young sorcerer heading in the opposite direction. She had an aura of quiet determination and an air of newfound pride. Hiroshi stopped to observe her, recognizing her as one of the recent additions to the Senju clan.

Hana Kurusu (Angel)

Points: 10

Rules: 0

Hana Kurusu was an adopted sorcerer of the Senju clan, a newly established member of the Senko Butai. Recently promoted to Grade 1 Sorcerer, she had passed the rigorous test to prove her abilities. Instead of merely taking over Hana's body, the reincarnated sorcerer known as Angel had chosen to coexist with the young sorcerer. With the recent change in the Culling Games' rules, Hana was now tasked with analyzing and extinguishing the barriers around the colonies and eliminating every reincarnated sorcerer she encountered.

Hana stopped as she noticed Hiroshi, a figure of significant influence. She straightened her posture and greeted him with respect. "Patriarch, a pleasant afternoon."

Hiroshi looked at Hana closely and realized that not only had he seen this child every time he trained Megumi, she was always giving snacks and wiping his sweat.

"Good afternoon, Hana," Hiroshi greeted politely. "What do you think about Megumi?" Hiroshi asked with a knowing smile. However, Hana answered without an ounce of hesitation, "Husband material," she said.

"Do you support my love, Patriarch?" she asked. Hiroshi chuckled, "Everyone deserves to love whoever they want. You and Megumi will do just fine, but as Megumi's mentor, you have to do better than simply giving snacks. That child is rather fixated on his sister right now," Hiroshi said as he patted Hana's head. "Thank you, Patriarch!" she bowed.

Hiroshi nodded. "What is your cursed technique?" He asked. He hadn't been able to read Hana's file; he just knew from the daily reports his assistants gave him who Hana was.

"Technique Extinguishment, the nullification of any and all cursed techniques. Barriers and cursed objects alike are no exception," Angel explained as a mouth formed on Hana's cheek.

"A reincarnated sorcerer?" Hiroshi asked, surprised. "It is an honor, Modern God of Sorcerers. I was an acquaintance of your ancestor Hashirama," Angel said.

"A friend, huh?" Hiroshi said nonchalantly. "God of Sorcerers, I am aware that you have defeated the Fallen recently in battle, but what baffles me is that you did not eliminate him immediately. May I ask if there is a reason for this?" Angel asked.

Hearing Angel say he defeated the Fallen, there was only one person in his mind who could bear the title of the Fallen, and this particular person he had recently beaten... Ryomen Sukuna.

"There is. I will eliminate Sukuna once he reaches 20 fingers. Currently, he has 15," Hiroshi said.

"Can you eliminate a reincarnated sorcerer while keeping the original's soul safe?" Hiroshi asked.

"I have. There is a small chance to revert them to the pre-incarnated state, but most of the time the vessel will die," Hana said. "Then let's try it out," Hiroshi smirked as he gestured for Angel to follow.

Hiroshi walked while Angel flew up, doing her mission while following Hiroshi.

Back to the present, Hiroshi pondered, "How Megumi will attack me is still in question, but I do know that I will fight him. The question is, why?" He then waved for Hana to come down from the skies.

Hana descended gracefully, noticing Megumi watching her. She smiled sweetly and landed beside him. "There you are, my fated one," she said warmly.

Megumi, who was accustomed to her antics, replied coolly. In this timeline, Angel had been adopted into the Senju clan. Her rapid learning pace allowed her to witness Megumi's rigorous training sessions. She had admired Megumi since he rescued her from a cursed spirit in the past. Megumi became familiar with her when she would bring him snacks during breaks and engage in small talk. Recently, he had realized Hana liked him, yet he didn't know how to respond, so he defaulted to being cool and friendly.

"Hello, Hana. Good evening," Megumi said in a composed manner.

"Pfft" Hiroshi couldn't help but chuckle at Megumi's facade, easily seeing through it. This elicited an annoyed look from Megumi.

Back to the Present

"Angel, let's start," Hiroshi said, gesturing toward the bound Tsumiki. He approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Senju Sensei, what are we doing?" Yuji asked.

"We are going to restore Tsumiki to her pre-incarnated self, which means eliminating the sorcerer inhabiting her body," Hiroshi explained.

"God of Sorcerers—" Angel began to address Hiroshi, but he interrupted her.

"Call me by my last name or just my name. My title is a bit long," Hiroshi said.

"Mr. Senju, in order for the best possible outcome, I will target the sorcerer's soul while you preserve her body. This must be done continuously for the best results," Angel said.

"Won't I be hurt as well if I hold her?" Hiroshi asked.

"No need to worry, Mr. Senju. I will use a Binding Vow to target her soul without harming the healer. However, this will result in a significant cost to my Cursed Energy. I believe you will protect Hana during my powerlessness?"

"You have my word. She is, after all, my clanswoman," Hiroshi said.

"Technique Extinguishment," Angel chanted, and a pillar of light rose from Tsumiki as her screams echoed through the area. Hiroshi began using Reversed Cursed Technique on Tsumiki.

While Angel worked to eliminate Yorozu's soul, Hiroshi focused on preserving Tsumiki's physical body. Hiroshi was the best user of RCT, with his fiancée being a close second.

However, as they focused on their tasks, visitors arrived.

"You can come out now, Kenjaku and Sukuna's meat rider," Hiroshi said with a smirk, glancing in their direction.

Yuta Okkotsu and Uraume emerged from the shadows.

"It's amazing how you can see us even through the trees, Senju Hiroshi," Yuta said.

"What's more amazing is that you have the gall to stand before me, Kenjaku. Are you not afraid that I might obliterate you and your accomplice?" Hiroshi said, as Kenjaku and Uraume felt the forested city suddenly become hostile.

For Kenjaku, Gojo Satoru's words echoed in his mind: "Your forest is lifeless." As he sensed the changes in the forest, Kenjaku realized what Gojo meant by a lively forest.

Kenjaku observed as the roots closed in, the trees began to emanate pollen. He attempted to cut the trees, but they grew back almost instantly.

"Frost Calm!" Uraume invoked, freezing almost 50 meters around them.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi remained focused on healing Tsumiki.

Yuji Itadori, Mei Mei, Ui Ui, and Megumi had already squared up, preparing for the confrontation.

Within Yuji, Sukuna's voice rang out. "En Chain!" Instantly, Sukuna's Binding Vow with Yuji took effect, and Sukuna took control, dashing toward Megumi.

Megumi saw Yuji with a sinister smile and realized it was Sukuna who had taken control.

Hiroshi immediately noticed the change. "Stop!" he commanded, causing Angel to halt as Hiroshi intercepted Sukuna.

But before Hiroshi could reach Sukuna, Yuta Okkotsu blocked his path. "Not so fast," Yuta said.

Kenjaku had entered into a Binding Vow with Sukuna during the Shibuya Incident: a simple vow where the other sorcerer would assist the other just once. Kenjaku was now fulfilling this vow, determined to delay the God of Sorcerers by any means necessary.

Rika appeared, and Hiroshi split into numerous clones, as did Kenjaku.

The forest rumbled, breaking the ice formation. "Ice Formation!" Uraume reinforced the ice as the forest began to encroach upon the 50-meter frozen zone.

Despite Uraume's efforts, the forest continued to consume the zone quickly. But for their purposes, it was enough.

Mei Mei and Ui Ui distanced themselves, knowing that this battle was beyond their league. Mei Mei might have been able to challenge Uraume, but she wasn't taking that risk.

Angel attempted to assist Megumi but was stopped by Rika.

A fierce brawl ensued. Megumi summoned his Shikigami, but Sukuna weaved through them, focusing solely on Megumi. He sent all available Shikigami against the King of Curses while Uraume froze Megumi's footing and body as she approached him.

Mahoraga emerged from the shadows and attacked Uraume from behind. Yet despite this instant summoning Binding Vow, Sukuna reached Megumi and fed him one of Yuji's fingers. "UURGHHH!" Megumi choked, but Sukuna had achieved his goal. Megumi lost control of his body.

"What a pain that Binding Vow was," Sukuna laughed. "I couldn't kill or hurt anyone, but now it's done, hehehe."

Sukuna took over Megumi's body and unsummoned all the Shikigami. However, a peculiar thing happened with Mahoraga. Instead of being unsummoned, it resisted Sukuna's orders.

"It's refusing my orders?" Sukuna realized as Mahoraga attacked him. Sukuna parried the attack and slammed the Divine General through several buildings before Mahoraga was finally unsummoned.

"A Divine Shikigami can resist the orders of its host?" Sukuna mused, briefly feeling Mahoraga's struggles before subduing it. He shrugged it off; the Divine General was his to command.

Mahoraga was unsummoned before it could adapt further.

All Hell Broke Loose

As Senju Hiroshi lost control of the situation, Yorozu, now freed, stood up and lined up beside Sukuna despite the burnt wounds on her.

Yuta disengaged from Hiroshi and moved to a distance, observing the chaos unfolding. Hiroshi, realizing what had happened, had a sudden epiphany.

"It was not Megumi who fought and killed me—it was Sukuna."

Hiroshi burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the forested city. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SO THAT'S IT! SO THAT WAS IT! TRULY, THIS IS PEAK!" Hiroshi exclaimed to the skies, his gaze fixed on Sukuna, who was now inhabiting Megumi's body.

All the memes, all the mockery, all those "Fraudkuna" allegations he had seen floating around the internet after the Shibuya Incident came flooding back to him. With a teasing smirk, Hiroshi addressed the King of Curses.

"Throughout the Heavens and the Earth, you alone are the fraudulent one, Ryomen Sukuna!"

As he spoke, Hiroshi released his Cursed Energy. The sheer force of his full Cursed Energy explosion heavily impacted Kenjaku, the seasoned sorcerer, causing him to gasp for breath. Uraume was sweating bullets, struggling to maintain her footing. Sukuna , however, withstood the suffocating pressure of Hiroshi's energy.

"This… I can't breathe!" Yorozu thought to herself, her face contorted with the effort of resisting the overwhelming force.

"A fraud?" Sukuna said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "All is fair in war."

"Hahaha!" Hiroshi laughed heartily. "If you think possessing the Ten Shadows will give you the advantage, you have another thing coming!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with defiant excitement.

"Who knows?" Sukuna smirked, though inwardly he was cautious. Despite having the Ten Shadows, he was still five fingers short of his full power.

But perhaps it was fate that saved the King of Curses that day, for at that moment, Hiroshi's phone rang.

"This is Hiroshi," he answered, his gaze never leaving his opponents.

"Hiroshi, we have grave news," Hiroto Senju said in a deep, somber tone.

"Oji? It must be really urgent. What's happening?" Hiroshi asked.

"The Chinese have fired the first shot. There is a naval battle occurring near Jeju Island, and it's advancing toward Fukuoka," Hiroto reported gravely.

"Don't we have clansmen for this?" Hiroshi inquired.

"As a Patriarch, you must assemble the Senju to decide Japan's next course of action," Hiroto said. Aware of his own age and diminishing qualifications, he turned to his nephew, the current Patriarch, for leadership.

"I'll be there immediately. Assemble the clansmen and wait for me," Hiroshi said before ending the call.

Hiroshi turned back to face the group before him, his eyes locking onto Sukuna. "I will deal with you later," he said, grabbing the unconscious Yuji Itadori and Hana as he prepared to leave.

"But Patriarch, what about Megumi?" Hana asked, her concern evident.

"Megumi will be fine. We have urgent matters to attend to," Hiroshi said, his gaze briefly meeting Kenjaku's smirking eyes.

A Few Minutes Later

"Once again, I underestimated the Chinese," Kenjaku said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "To think they would declare war almost immediately. Nevertheless, this has bought you enough time."

"Sukuna-sama, the bath is ready," Uraume said, her tone respectful.

At that moment, a card flew through the air and landed deftly in Sukuna's hand.

"December 24th, 5 PM Shinjuku. That is your funeral," the card read.

Sukuna chuckled, a sinister smile spreading across his face as he looked at Hiroshi's declaration. "Hehehe," Sukuna laughed, his amusement evident.

Hiroshi arrived an hour later via his personal jet.

As he walked into the Senju Palace, he headed straight for the Formal Chambers. He opened the sliding doors and was greeted by the gathered elders, who immediately bowed to him.

Hiroshi took his place at the center of the room. "Raise your heads. Begin the meeting."

The Prime Minister, a stern figure with a deep voice, spoke up. "Patriarch, regarding the declaration of war by the Chinese—"

Hiroshi cut him off with a thought. Is the Paper Tiger's rule really so unstable? He recalled the year 2024 from his past life. Even though the Communist regime was crumbling under the weight of its own foolish decisions, it was still 2018 in this timeline.

"Tell me," Hiroshi said, cutting through his thoughts, "has the Paper Tiger's rule truly become unstable? Or was there another factor that sparked this conflict? Regardless, explain it to me later. For now, we will declare war. Since they fired the first shot, we can rightfully defend ourselves. Also, arrange a meeting with the Taiwanese president. I believe he would be willing to pay a good price for the chance to rule the mainland once we are done with it."

"By your will, Patriarch," the Prime Minister responded.

Hiroshi turned to Toji, who was standing by. "Anbu," he called.

"Yes, Boss?" Toji replied.

"I want a bounty of 2 billion dollars for the head of the Paper Tiger, and 300 million dollars for every official in his cabinet. Leave no one behind," Hiroshi ordered.

"It will be done, Boss," Toji said, standing up and leaving to execute the mission.

"Mizuki," Hiroshi called, focusing on Senju Mizuki.

"Bring our sorcerers and destroy every military base on the mainland. Cripple their military forces while the Anbu dismantle the government. Once that is accomplished, you will negotiate a fair deal with the Taiwanese president. I trust you will secure an excellent agreement, won't you, Aoi?" Hiroshi glanced at the Prime Minister.

"Yes, Patriarch," Senju Mizuki and Senju Aoi replied in unison.

"And prepare Shinjuku. I will be fighting the King of Curses there one last time," Hiroshi said with a determined smirk.

Hiroshi's orders were absolute. Within minutes, the JSDF, The Airforce and the Navy were mobilized.

The Anbu, under Toji's command, infiltrated the Chinese government and executed the president along with all the officials in his cabinet within the span of a single day.

Meanwhile, Senju Mizuki led a contingent of sorcerers to disable every military base and installation on the mainland. This operation took a total of one month.

By the end of the month, the Chinese government had been toppled. It turned out that the declaration of war had indeed been initiated by China, but it was the Head General from the Nationalist side who had made the decision, not the President. Despite knowing this, Hiroshi's course of action did not change. They had attacked his homeland, and he had retaliated in a manner reminiscent of Rome's destruction of Carthage a complete and utter sacking leaving no room for recovery.


The opulent conference room of the Taipei Presidential Office was adorned with symbols of Taiwan's sovereignty and strength. Chandeliers cast a soft, elegant light across the room, and expansive windows offered a sweeping view of the bustling city below. At the center of the room was a large mahogany table, around which sat Senju Aoi and President Wu Zhihui. Flanking them were their respective aides, who observed quietly but remained in the shadows of the conversation.

Senju Aoi, clad in a sharp black suit, sat with an air of calm authority. His eyes, though measured, betrayed a hint of calculation as he regarded President Wu, the man who would decide the fate of the mainland.

President Wu Zhihui, a seasoned politician in his late fifties, exuded a stern dignity. His distinguished gray hair and sharp eyes spoke of years spent navigating the treacherous waters of political power. He sat behind the polished table, a stack of documents neatly arranged before him.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet, President Wu," Aoi began, his voice smooth but edged with subtle authority. "I trust you've had the opportunity to review the terms we proposed?"

Wu Zhihui nodded slowly, his eyes sharp behind his reading glasses. "Yes, Aoi-san. I have reviewed the terms. Given the gravity of this agreement, I want to be certain that both sides are fully committed to what we are about to decide."

Aoi leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "You have my assurance that the terms will be upheld. We are prepared to facilitate your control over the mainland, but there are a few critical details we need to address before we proceed."

Wu Zhihui tapped a pen thoughtfully on the edge of the table, his expression contemplative. "Let's go over these details then. What exactly will Taiwan's responsibilities be under this arrangement?"

Aoi's demeanor remained composed, but a hint of satisfaction flickered in his eyes. "You will assume control of the mainland and establish your governance there. In return, 20% of the combined economic output of Taiwan and the mainland will fall under our purview. This reflects the role we played in the recent conflict and the resources we have expended."

Wu Zhihui's gaze narrowed as he absorbed the offer. "And how do you propose to ensure that this agreement is honored? What guarantees can you provide that there will be no complications?"

Aoi met Wu Zhihui's stare with a steady resolve. "Our word is our bond. The agreement will be formalized through a detailed contract, overseen by our respective legal teams. Additionally, a joint task force will be created to manage the transition of power and ensure compliance."

Wu Zhihui leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in thought. "I understand. But what of the remaining military forces on the mainland? How will they be handled?"

"Rest assured," Aoi said smoothly, "our efforts have already rendered the Chinese military forces ineffective. Senju Mizuki has completed a comprehensive campaign to neutralize their bases and installations. You will encounter no significant resistance in your takeover."

Wu Zhihui studied Aoi carefully, weighing his words. "And what is the ultimate aim of your intervention? What are your long-term goals in this arrangement?"

Aoi's gaze was measured, though his words carried an undercurrent of strategic intent. "Our primary goal is to stabilize the region and ensure that threats to Japan's security are contained. With the mainland under your control, we can focus on other strategic objectives to maintain balance in the region. This agreement serves our mutual interests."

Wu Zhihui nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "And what measures will be in place to prevent future disputes or renegotiations?"

Aoi's demeanor was calm but unyielding. "The agreement will be comprehensive and legally binding, with any disputes resolved through a neutral arbitration process agreed upon by both parties. We are committed to seeing this through without further conflict."

Wu Zhihui took a deep breath, then extended his hand across the table. "Very well, Aoi-san. I believe we have a deal."

Aoi accepted the handshake, a faint, satisfied smile on his lips. "Agreed. Let us finalize the details and work towards a prosperous future for both Taiwan and the mainland."

"No, Aoi-san, towards a prosperous future for a United Taiwan and Japan," President Wu said, his eyes gleaming with the promise of a new era.

President Wu was no stranger to the Senju. Despite their ruthless methods, there was a certain shrewdness in their approach that ensured they kept their promises and agreements.

A New Era has Dawned in the Region.


Meanwhile, Sukuna began walking down the dimly lit stairway, his footsteps echoing softly in the cavernous space. The walls, lined with ancient markings and symbols, seemed to pulse with a dark energy. At the bottom of the stairs, a black, viscous fluid lay still within an intricately carved pool. Sukuna stepped forward, his malevolent grin widening as he prepared to submerge himself.

Uraume, standing nearby with a watchful gaze, broke the silence. "So, when is the Culling Game ending?"

Sukuna glanced over his shoulder, his eyes gleaming with cold amusement. "Once I manage to retrieve Tengen, the game will end. I intend to use this Battle of the Millennia to lure out both Suguru Geto and Gojo Satoru. They will be drawn to the chaos, eager to witness the culmination of their greatest adversary's schemes."

Uraume raised an eyebrow, a hint of mockery in their tone. "Gee, as if all your plans had come to fruition before."

Kenjaku, leaning against the wall with a calculating smirk, shrugged nonchalantly. "Haha, not all plans unfold as perfectly as one might hope, but this one is destined to succeed. The threads of fate have aligned in such a way that victory is within my grasp."

A/N: So uh...here's a 3.5K Word Chapter since I wasnt been able to release a few Chapters this week due to some unexpected things.

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