
Yuta Okkotsu

As the trio arrived at Jujutsu High, Hiroshi bid his farewell. "Well, you know, I should be in Kyoto after this. So, I'll leave Yuta to you guys. If you need something, call me or shout through the trees. I will hear eventually if you do," he said before departing.

Once Hiroshi left, Satoru and Suguru entered the isolation room where Yuta Okkotsu was held. Inside, they found a knife bent in an irregular shape.

"Hmm? What's this?" Satoru asked, examining the knife.

"It's a knife. I tried to kill myself, but Rika wouldn't let me," Yuta said gloomily.

"Yikes, pretty gloomy," Satoru nonchalantly remarked. Suguru, however, felt sympathy for Yuta. He understood the darkness that could consume one's mind, albeit for different reasons.

"Today's the day for your new school. Come, follow us," Suguru urged Yuta, but he refused.

"I'm not going. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, so I'm not going outside anymore," Yuta declared.

"But living by yourself gets lonely. The curse placed upon you is one that can save people, too, depending on how it's used. So trust us, we can help you," Suguru tried to reason with him.

"Learn how to use that power. It's not like it'll be too late to cast everything away after that," Satoru added.

Yuta looked at Gojo Satoru, the man with blindfolds on, which was strange. The other man, Suguru Geto, was trying to convince him. For once, Yuta decided to trust them and at least give it a try.


Meanwhile, at Kyoto Jujutsu High, Hiroshi was sparring against his students, Aoi Todo, Momo Nishimiya, and Noritoshi Kamo.

Momo Nishimiya floated in the air, releasing gusts of wind blades at Hiroshi, who sidestepped and weaved through them easily. Just as he maneuvered, Aoi Todo clapped his hands, teleporting Hiroshi directly in front of the incoming wind blades.

Noritoshi Kamo, meanwhile, used his blood-coated arrows, firing them towards Hiroshi.

Throughout this, Hiroshi observed his students' movements. Aoi Todo cooperated with his teammates precisely, while Hiroshi stood still, taking all the attacks. A layer of black cursed energy emanated from him, blocking all the attacks. His students were barely at the Grade 1 threshold, while Momo was just barely Grade 2. For Hiroshi, cursed energy reinforcement was enough to emerge unscathed.

"Sensei, how did you block with just reinforcement?" Noritoshi Kamo asked, curious.

Hiroshi looked at Noritoshi, then glanced at Aoi Todo, who already knew the answer.

"It all comes down to cursed energy output and control. You know the basics, right? All sorcerers are born with a specific output, but you can improve the control aspect," Hiroshi explained.

"Let's take me, for example. I have a cursed energy reserve of, let's say, one liter of water, and I can utilize 900 milliliters of it—that's my output. Average sorcerers can only utilize 100 milliliters of their reserves. And the control aspect is how I can control this output to its maximum effect." Hiroshi then pointed out an open area and fired. "Cero."

A small black beam of concentrated energy pierced through the nearby mountain.

"And that was just a small amount. The control aspect is about how well I can control and manipulate my cursed energy—something like the speed of the attack, how wide I want my attack to be, and overall the appearance. Let's take your blood manipulation as an example," Hiroshi gestured to Noritoshi Kamo.

Hiroshi poured water on his hand, and it stuck to his cursed energy. "This is what I meant by cursed energy control. You can command the cursed energy to do things, generally."

As Hiroshi put his hands together, he exclaimed, "Piercing Blood!" The water on Hiroshi's palm was launched in a high-pressure beam, cutting nearby trees.

Noritoshi Kamo, seeing Hiroshi use the concept of his blood manipulation and putting it into practice, was as shocked as Todo and Nishimiya.

"Generally, you need excellent control over your cursed energy to emulate simpler techniques, or non-innate ones. It all comes down to how precisely you can control the energy," Hiroshi explained as his students listened intently, feeling as though a new world had opened up to them.

Principal Gakuganji appeared, approaching Hiroshi. "Mr. Senju, you have additional students and an assistant," he announced.

"Yo, Utahime!" Hiroshi called out as he saw Utahime walking behind Principal Gakuganji.

"A pleasure to work with you, Hiroshi-senpai," Utahime said.

"Senpai? We are the same age though," Hiroshi remarked.

"You are the first one to work here; that makes you a senior," Utahime stated matter-of-factly.

Hiroshi then glanced at the three people behind Gakuganji: a robot, a blue-haired girl, and a short green-haired girl.

"I know you," Hiroshi gestured toward Mai Zenin.

"Me?" Mai asked.

"You're the sister of that Maki girl," Hiroshi stated. Upon the mention of Maki, Mai clicked her tongue.

Hiroshi turned to Kasumi Miwa. "Did Kusakabe teach you everything?" he asked.

"I just need practice, Hiroshi-sensei," Miwa responded.

Then Hiroshi turned to the robot. "And you are?" he inquired.

"Mechamaru, sensei," the robot replied.

"Alright, Mechamaru, Mai, and Miwa, join the others," Hiroshi gestured as the trio joined Aoi's group.

"Utahime, how about gauging their mastery over their cursed energy first while I talk with the Principal for a bit," Hiroshi said, gesturing to Gakuganji.

Utahime nodded as she approached the Mechamaru Trio.

Principal Gakuganji spoke to Hiroshi after walking a distance away.

"Mechamaru's name is Kokichi Muta, a heavenly restricted sorcerer whose Heavenly restriction enabled him to use his Cursed Technique throughout the entirety of Japan. I'll tell you the location of his main body. We need you to secure this asset," Gakuganji politely stated.

Hiroshi heard this and had different thoughts. "I can probably use Mechamaru to further the surveillance and bolster my surveillance over Japan, not be limited to nature. Perhaps he can also help with the modernization of cursed energy, seeing as he was able to make a Mech of his own," Hiroshi pondered.

Hiroshi nodded, and Gakuganji gave him Mechamaru's location.


Tokyo Jujutsu High

Panda, Maki, and Inumaki walked together.

"Did you hear about the transfer student coming today? They say he 'stuffed' four of his classmates into a locker," Panda said.

"He k*lled them?" Maki asked.

"Tuna mayo?" Inumaki asked, meaning yes in his own words.

"No, but gravely injured, apparently," Panda said.

"Hmm... Well, if he's cocky, I'll wring him out," Maki said.

"Fish flakes" means no, Inumaki said.


"I'll now... be introducing... the transfer student! Everyone, get excited!" Satoru Gojo goofily said, standing with arms up in his usual fashion.

Suguru, who watched his friend, noticed the room was awfully silent.

"I heard he's an awfully sour one. I'm not going to create the mood for someone like that," Maki stated.

"Salmon," Inumaki agreed with Maki.

Panda remained silent.

"Well, whatever," Satoru sighed as he glanced at his friend Suguru Geto.

"Come in," Suguru said.

From behind the door, Yuta sensed a really damp mood in the room. As Yuta stepped in, everyone felt his cursed energy, causing Maki, Inumaki, and Panda to position themselves aggressively against him.

"I'm Okkotsu Yut—" Yuta was interrupted as Maki stabbed her naginata beside him.

"Is this some kind of test? Hey. You're cursed," Maki stated. "This is a place to learn curses. It's not a place for the cursed to be," she continued.

"Now, now, put your weapons away. This is Yuta Okkotsu," Suguru explained. "The number of people that die mysterious deaths or go missing in Japan is over a year on average. Most of those are casualties of curses born from the negative emotions of people. Among them are also malicious cases caused by curse users. Only curses can affect other curses. This is where we learn curses to exorcise curses: Tokyo Jujutsu High School."

In Jujutsu High, Suguru Geto and Gojo Satoru worked as mentors, with Gojo Satoru known for his normally nonchalant and playful demeanor towards his students, close colleagues, and friends, while Suguru Geto was known for being patient and strict.

As everyone put down their weapons, Satoru spoke up. "I'd step back if I were you," he warned. Rika appeared from behind Yuta.

"Do not...bully Yuta," she said, her voice carrying a sense of protectiveness.

"Wait! Rika-chan!" Yuta hurriedly interjected.

A few moments later, Satoru nonchalantly continued, "So as you can see, this is the boy cursed by Rika-chan, who just loves him..."

"Okkotsu Yuta-kun! Be nice to him, everyone!" Suguru chimed in, his tone firm yet caring.

"If you att*ck Yuta, Rika-chan's curse will activate... or not. Either way, be careful, everyone," Satoru added casually. "These guys are being all rebellious, so we will introduce them quick-like."

"I have a feeling that this teacher is the problem," Yuta thought as he looked at Satoru Gojo, "And this teacher seems like a strict one," he observed, glancing at Suguru Geto.

Suguru then took the initiative to introduce the class before Satoru could interject. "This is the cursed tool user, Zen'in Maki. She uses special tools to exorcise curses," Suguru gestured at Maki.

"This is the cursed speech user, Inumaki Toge. He can only speak in rice ball ingredients, so do your best to communicate," Suguru gestured to Inumaki.

"Kelp," Inumaki waved.

"This is Panda. He is a Cursed Corpse, but he is Panda," Suguru said.

"Hi, I'm Panda. Nice to meet you," Panda greeted.

"You can ask Panda later to answer your questions," Suguru suggested to Yuta.

Satoru then continued, "Okay, now there are four first-years! For your afternoon jujutsu practice, you'll be in pairs of two on two."

"Toge, Panda, pair up," Satoru instructed.

"Let's do our best," Panda said to Toge.

"Maki, Yuta, pair up," Satoru assigned.

"GAH!" Maki exclaimed in annoyance.

"She just voiced disgust?!" Yuta thought, feeling disheartened.

"U-Um, I-I hope we can work together," Yuta said tentatively.

"You were bullied, weren't you?" Maki said, immediately becoming defensive upon seeing Yuta's reaction. "Bull's-eye, huh? I totally get it. Even I'd bully you," she continued, her tone sharp.

"Maybe it's because of your curse? It's written on your face that you're branding yourself as a good person. It's sickening. Why are you acting like the victim when you're being protected? You've been passive your whole life, haven't you? Jujutsu High isn't so easy that you can get by without any goal," Maki berated Yuta.

"Maki! That's enough!" Panda intervened, seeing Yuta's expression become increasingly despondent.

"Bonito flakes," Inumaki added.

"Okay, fine. Get off my case," Maki relented, her tone softening.

"Sorry about her. She has a habit of acting like she understands others," Panda apologized on Maki's behalf.

"It's fine," Yuta said, trying to maintain his composure.

Suguru and Satoru led Maki and Yuta to a school infested with curses, with Satoru speaking as Suguru cast the curtain.

"Where are we?" Yuta asked, taking in his surroundings.

"It's just an elementary school," Satoru replied casually. "Just an elementary school where some children have gone missing."

"Missing?!" Yuta exclaimed, his concern evident.

"It happens in places like this. It's probably the work of a naturally-occurring curse," Satoru explained.

"You're saying the kids were kidnapped by a curse?" Yuta sought clarification.

"Yes, two so far," Suguru confirmed.

"Curses tend to settle in spots that many people have memories of. Schools, hospitals... Places often remembered with negative emotions are a receptacle for them. As those emotions build up, they cause a curse to be born, like it was here," Suguru elaborated.

"We're here to exorcise the curse and save the children, or if they're dead, retrieve them," Suguru stated matter-of-factly.

"Huh? Dead?" Yuta's shock was palpable.

"Yes, dead. Some die from being cursed. That's why we protect the weak. As sorcerers, that is our job," Suguru asserted, emphasizing the duty they held to protect the vulnerable.

As the barrier went down, Suguru and Satoru stepped outside. "It's easy to undo from inside. Now, do be careful... not to die," Satoru warned ominously.

"Don't scare them, Satoru. I'm sure you guys will do a good job, especially you, Yuta," Suguru reassured, offering words of encouragement before the barrier closed.

Satoru glanced at Suguru. "You're not going to take Rika from the kid?" he inquired.

"No, the sheer amount of Special Grades in my arsenal is enough to ruin a country five times over. Rika is just a stronger Special Grade but not invincible, just a bigger cursed energy reserve," Suguru explained, demonstrating his confidence in his abilities and the potential threat posed by Rika.

"You seem to care so much for him," Satoru observed.

"He looks just like me in the past, depressed and suffering, although my circumstances were different, but the moods were similar," Suguru reflected, revealing a deeper connection to Yuta's struggles.

"And besides, you and Hiroshi helped me gather these special grades, one in particular whose cursed technique is literally invincibility," Suguru added, expressing gratitude for his friends' support and their shared experiences.

A few minutes later, Yuta summoned Rika, enabling him and the others to escape from the massive cursed spirit. With Rika's summoning, she directly tore the cursed spirit apart.

"Rika likes reed," she smirked as she tore the cursed spirit apart. "Where's blue?"

Seeing Rika emerge, Satoru and Suguru watched from a distance.

"Women sure are scary," Satoru commented.

"She's pretty strong, I'll give her that. Her full summoning is far stronger than 90% of the Special Grades I have," Suguru noted.

As they observed Yuta carrying the unconscious Maki and the children towards them, Suguru and Satoru praised his efforts.

"Good work," they said in unison as they took them to a hospital.

In the hallways, Satoru informed Yuta, "They say both Maki and the kids will be fine."

"Thank goodness," Yuta sighed, though his expression remained somewhat unsatisfied.

"You don't look very satisfied," Suguru observed.

"I managed to call Rika-chan out myself for the first time," Yuta revealed, glancing at the ring on his hand. "I remembered something... I don't think Rika-chan cursed me. I think I might have cursed Rika-chan."

"Well, it's a personal theory, but there is no curse more twisted than love," Satoru remarked. Suguru added with a chuckle, "You talk as if you can settle on one girl, pfft."

Yuta glanced at Suguru and Satoru, who were sharing a laugh.

"Geto-sensei, Gojo-sensei, while I'm at Jujutsu High, I'll break Rika-chan's curse," Yuta declared.

"And we will be with you every step of the way," Suguru affirmed.

The Jujutsu Higher-ups once again summoned Suguru Geto alone. They had realized that Suguru was the easiest to talk to among the three. Hiroshi Senju was too powerful to heed their words, and anything they suggested, he could do better. Gojo Satoru, on the other hand, was similar to Hiroshi, but with the added trait of disregarding their opinions and doing things his own way. In contrast, Suguru came from a civilian background and was still willing to engage in conversation. Therefore, the Higher-ups chose Suguru as a bridge to communicate with both his friends.

A/N: Yuji Cooking Sukuna, Bro got Blacked 8 times 💀

A/N: Take A Guess whose body will Kenjaku take.

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