

Some time after spending together with the girls I think of a date where it would be good to travel to the Marvel universe, and in the end I decided for the beginning of the first avenger, captain America in the second world war.

It will be great to see in person the captain and agent "peggy" Carter, without forgetting the winter soldier Bucky Burns.

After that would be the events of the red house where they raise homeless girls to be super spies, where they use a serum similar to the super soldier but reduced that have aging decelerator effects and the X-Men and not forgetting the infinity stones and all the beautiful women of the MU multiverses, it just excites me to think about all that.

But well it's time to move to the moment of enrollment in the super soldier program where Steve Roger is signing up, or rather begging soldiers to sign up as a soldier, plus having a sample of the super soldier serum will serve my women who are fighters, creating an organization like SHIELD will be interesting, and will be one of the steps to control part of the Marvel universe.

I activate the system function and enter the Marvel world.

I appear in new york, near the place of registration of soldiers, with an old suit, it must be a gift from Isa.

I approach the place of registration and I meet a young man, 1. 54 mt and skinny that looks like spaghetti, begging the general in charge to be accepted, after his constant insistence they offer him to enter the special program and he accepts, if you haven't noticed this is the next to become Captain America, Steve Rogers.

I approach and tell the general that I also want to enter the special program, the general looks at me and accepts immediately, I thank him and then I talk to Steve

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Ryan, and it looks like we will be together in the special program nice to meet you" then I stretch out my hand for a handshake, he accepts it and says

"nice to meet you, I'm Steve Rogers, I hope we get along".

"I hope so too" I answer him, after saying that he asks me if I want to go with him and his friend to the new recruits party, and I answer him of course why not, when we walk away from the place Steve approaches a young man leaning on a car who yells at him, "Steve, what took you so long, don't tell me they didn't let you in, that would be very funny, I told you you were missing exercise"

Steve : "yes come in Bucky so you can see that, yes I could make it, we'll see you more on the battlefield, when I finish training in the special program".

Bucky : "wow, that really surprises me little Steve was able to make it, hmmm...who is this?"

Steve : "Oh lemme introduce, his name is Ryan...sorry you didn't tell me your last name" he says and then looks at me with questioning.

Ryan : "I'm an orphan, I don't know my last name, just the name they gave me at the orphanage".

Steve : "oh sorry about that, well Bucky he will be entering the special army program with me".

"that's good man, please take care of Steve, even though he's all skinny he's always getting into trouble" Bucky says to me.

Ryan : "don't worry, I noticed that back there".

Bucky : "hahahaha, I knew it wasn't simple for them to accept him, since he is a skinny guy, hahaha...!!!!"

Steve : "don't laugh Bucky, I was able to make it, and I will serve my country with honor."

"yes you are patriotic, that's a good quality, as long as it's moderate, well, anyway, I need to go to a real estate agency, I want to buy a house or an apartment before I go to war, I want to take advantage of the cheap prices there are at the moment" I tell them both

"yes, you are right, well, we have to go to our houses to get ready, we are meeting here for the party" Steve tells me.

We separate, they leave by car and I go to a place of sale and purchase of gold, I get a few million from that sale, since at this time there are not many people in that.

I get enough to buy a mansion and buy shares to Howard Stark in his company through investment.

After that I go to a real estate agency and buy a mansion near the mansion of Tony Stark in the future.

You could say that I am his next neighbor, after completing the paperwork I go to the place where we were supposed to meet.

When I arrive to the place I see that Steve and Bucky were already waiting.

I approached them, they quickly notice me and greeted me, all together we get in the car and we go to a farewell party for the soldiers in the city municipality.

Many people arrived to the place in couples or singles and the music is like in that footlose movie, Steve, Bucky and I drink so much until we are drunk.

Steve at this moment didn't hold much, only two beers and Bucky about four and well, to be the first time he drank, about 10 were enough to make me dizzy, then I left those two at the table and found some single women and danced a few rounds with them.

When the night was over I decided to make a joke to the guys, Of course, it's because besides drinking they slept through the whole party.

So I take them both and leave them in a motel room, then I go to a classier hotel, I open a room and take Valerie, Shuri, Katsuko and Minaho out of my world, when I bring them back Valerie has a little bump on her belly, that's the second daughter she will have, thanks to her pregnancy.

And the constant massages her breasts have grown a few sizes since I summoned her.

I approached them and kissed them one by one and we had a night of madness all together for the rest of the night and part of the morning, then I take them to the mansion I have in this world and let them relax, while Kyoko and Cordelia along with the Takakura's older sister are in charge of maintaining the order.


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