
Unexpected Success

'Damn it…'

When it was all over... Kael, near to collapsing from exhaustion, tried to keep his balance, doing his best to keep his eyes open.

The perfect performance...?

Pushing his limits?

He had done more than enough.

He hadn't slept for days. He had always used his ability in the most appropriate places, confusing his targets with the most perfect timing.

He hid in the dozens of people looking for him, trying not to be exposed or seen.

At one point, the scouts almost found him, and the fact that there was a Bearer among them was a big problem... but he managed to avoid being discovered by killing them at the last moment.

He administered the poisons gradually. First, he took away their sleep, to weaken them, then he prevented them from eating.

Little by little, step by step, he destroyed them.

Slowly dragging them to their deaths, unavoidably.

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