
Silverthorne Academy

The going was smooth. They had passed through a huge iron gate before entering the middle zone. They had also passed through several cities in the middle zone before they had finally arrived at the academy. Alex couldn't help but be amazed by the buildings in the area. They continued forward until they stopped at the front of a large gate, which was heavily guarded.

Although the gate and fence were large, it couldn't hide the magnificent building within. The gate was pushed opened and they rode into the vast expanse.

The pathways were filled with flowers of different kinds along with shrubs. Alex and the rest couldn't help but look round in amazement. He noticed those in the carriage were the survivors of the beast invasion, leaving in different areas at the edge of the middle wall.

The number wasn't more than two hundred in one carriage, and those in kept quiet to themselves except those who had known each other. Alex kept mostly to himself, thinking of the great challenge awaiting him.

The horse finally stopped at the entrance of the building, and they were told to come out. Alex and the rest soon stepped out and couldn't help but catch their breath. The academy was built in a circular form, numbering up to five floors.

They were several buildings around the area, but none was able to match the towering building at the centre. The land stretched far with various facilities surrounding the academy.

The soldier who had approached him the first time stepped to the front to address them.

"Welcome everyone to Silverthorne Academy of Sorcery. I am Captain Fen. And in charge of the test that y'all would take before gaining entrance into the academy."

Academy of sorcery. Dont tell me it's what I am thinking. Just then, the captain continued.

"Your journey begins here. But before you are accepted into the academy, you must pass some tests we're going to conduct."

"So follow me into the building. Entering the building, they couldn't help but stare round, the designs and everything inside were made from high materials and technologies they had never seen before. The academy was located in the middle zone, where they would train for a year. Learning about the basic of magic and some combat skills before they would be taken to the inner zone.

The hall was so large it could fit thousands of people. They soon could hear voices as they went deeper, and there they saw some other children ranging from 15 to 17 of age standing in a uniformed line.

Before them was a large table with a chair behind. A muscular man sat on the chair, operating a glowing ball device with wires connecting it to a little device on the desk.

"Next," his voice echoed across the halls. A young boy stepped forward, and then just like those before him had done, he placed his shaky hands on the ball.

The ball emitted a red dull glow, and on the screen showed an E. This was the boy talent in the element he awakened.

"Stand among those over there," he pointed out and then gave him a red piece of paper with an E clearly etched on it."

Looking round, Alex soon noticed that the students were divided into three. Those were yet to take the test, while the remaining ones were the tested ones, which was split.

'I wonder what they are doing, what's with the glowing ball and all. Why are the ones on the left with sad looks.' With a shrug, he decided not to worry and patiently wait for his turn.

The test went on with the students slowly reducing. Just after an hour, gasps filled the room, as one of the students, a girl with dark hair with a shade of purple, had placed her hands on the ball. The ball emitted a dark and ominous energy with the device showing a bold S.

"What are these symbols," he thought. "It seems those from the middle zone know about it." But, looking round, he confirmed those that came from the outer zone like him had a confused expression on their faces.

Soon, they were through with those from the middle zone, and it was time for them. The students from the middle zone were then taken to another room.

OK, listen up! This crystal ball helps to detect the element one awakens. At the age of 15, one awakens their element, which is very important in order to become a mage and also be accepted into the academy. The brighter the ball, the stronger the element you awaken. These letters are used to rank the power and talent you have in using this element.

He paused for a few seconds, letting the word sink into their head.

The ranking system: S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Those within the range of F to S are accepted though one awakening a F ability is considered as trash.

They all lined up, and soon, the process began. The first person, a boy with blonde hair, stretched his hands forward, placing it on the crystal ball.

The ball started glowing brightly, emitting a yellowish glow, and a C was shown on the device.

Move to the right side, the soldier said. "Next!"

Next was a girl with dark blue hair. She dropped her hand, and it soon began to glow green with a mixture of blue. It glowed brightly than the first, and A was displayed by the device.

"Whoa!" The smug look on the blonde guy face turned into that of shock . The girl was directed to the right also, and the test continued.

The rest five people were quite disappointed as they couldn't pass the C mark. One even had an F and was told to stand at the left-hand side.

Next up was a dark-haired boy with a pale expression. Judging by his look, one would know he was frightened. He placed his hand on the ball, expecting a glow, but nothing had happened.

The ball remained the same, showing no trace of colour. He broke down in tears as he was led to another area in the building.

'Can one be unable to awaken an element,' Alex thought. 'Well, I hope things go well for me.' Just ten people left for me to take the test.

Cory Bell: B (red and silver)

Lelu Bardock : C (blue and yellow)

Derek maldon: A (white)


Finally, it was Alex turn. The last ten had great scores, with the lowest being C. Alex walked forward and placed his hands right on the surface of the crystal ball.

He closed his eyes, unable to look at the ball with his heart thumping wildly. Silent gasps filled the hall as the ball glowed, emitting a transparent like light.

Opening his eyes, he saw the ball had managed to glow, without any colour appearing.

'What is this?!' He screamed in his mind and couldn't help but look at the man behind the desk. He also had a bewildered expression on his face and then looked at the device that had displayed nothing.


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