
The Job Goes to Xinyue

Jiang Xinyue finally sighed in relief and stepped aside to welcome them into the house. She wanted to serve them tea, but Su Xiaoxiao stopped her.

"Xinyue, you're pregnant now, no need to busy yourself taking care of us. We'll help ourselves to whatever we need," Su Xiaoxiao said.

Jiang Xinyue realized she was right and sat down on the sofa. Then she looked at Jiang Yexun.

"I'll make some wheat milk. You two chat," Jiang Yexun said as he headed to the kitchen.

Once he was out of sight, Su Xiaoxiao quickly explained everything that had happened. Jiang Xinyue couldn't hide her joy but then looked conflicted. "Since you negotiated for this job, it's only right that you take it."

Even though people might look down on those working at a recycling station, it was still a state-employed position, earning an official salary. Plus, Xiaoxiao's knack for finding valuable items among the junk would allow her to quickly set aside the best items.

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