

The streets of Yarzat buzzed with life, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the stone buildings and cobbled roads. Merchants shouted their wares, and children darted between carts, their laughter echoing through the air. Amid the bustle, two men walked with measured purpose, their heavy boots clinking against the stones.

Lucius adjusted the weight of his breastplate, the polished steel gleaming faintly over his chainmail. Beside him, Marcus strode with less composure, his scowl dark as thunderclouds.

"You're a piece of shit, you know that?" Marcus growled, his voice low but laced with fury. He shot Lucius a glare that could have cut through their armor. "If you want to die, fine. Go do it alone. Don't drag me into this madness."

Lucius sighed, his eyes fixed ahead. "Are you done?"

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