
Chapter 98: Return

[General POV]


"I met both of your parents," said that beautiful woman, whose delicate golden curls epitomized beauty itself. However, as with Thalwen, her beauty did not inspire desire or lust; instead, it evoked respect and admiration. "Worthy creations of Eru," connoisseurs of Middle-earth would say.

Yet, the focus was not on her beauty but rather on the knowledge she imparted to both Tauriel and me. The mere mention that she had known both my parents hinted that this elf was no ordinary being.

If her fine golden curls were not enough to signify her status, her words certainly were. As far as I had heard, only three elves possessed such striking hair. "Vanyar," they said, the fairest and noblest of all elves. Without a doubt, they were right!

Beside me, a perplexed and curious Tauriel eyed her up and down, seemingly admiring the noble poise of Finduilas. "You knew my parents?" she asked, her melodic voice filled with both bewilderment and curiosity.

With a nod as delicate as a cotton embrace, Finduilas explained, "Your father was a formidable warrior," she said, her crystalline blue eyes focusing on Tauriel's fiery red hair. "And your mother, a splendid blacksmith, I must say," she continued, a nostalgic smile gracing her lips as she looked at the two of us. It was as if the best moments of her life played before her eyes, which shimmered with subtle joy, happiness, and longing.

She fell silent for a few seconds, seconds that felt like hours to me, especially as my curiosity about my father grew. Not long ago, I had learned about my mother, which had brought immense joy to my soul.

Now, knowing that someone had known my father filled me with both curiosity and fear. Why did he abandon me? Or had he died before I was born? Questions once again flooded my already exhausted mind.

Finally, I asked, "Could you tell me who Turin was, my father, from what you've said?" I could no longer suppress the curiosity eating away at me. I felt a subtle shift within myself, perhaps the stirring of my human blood at hearing that name again, a strange phenomenon, I must admit. Since Smaug's blood coursed through me, there had been significant changes within.

Awakened by my question, her reaction, perhaps to the tone of my voice, was evident. She smiled, as if ready to tell an extraordinary tale. Her lashes fluttered at the mention of Turin's name. If her face did not deceive me, she likely cared deeply for my father. This became even clearer when I heard how her voice grew exceptionally warm as she began narrating a little about him.

"Turin Turambar, a man who lived among the elves. His beauty rivaled, if not surpassed, that of the ancient Noldor and Teleri," she said with immense joy. "An extraordinary warrior, slayer of the first dragon, Glaurung, and wielder of the black blade Anglachel," she continued before pausing. "To speak of him would take more than a day, and I doubt we have that time now."

Her words made me furrow my brow, but it wasn't until I heard Bard's voice that I understood.

"Women and children will hold out until we return. Our friends, the elves of Mirkwood, will assist us," he said loudly, making me raise an eyebrow.

It seemed there would be a significant change, and a good one at that. Based on my recollections, it was foolish to bring everyone to the valley, especially with the potential danger of a conflict with the dwarves, which would endanger the women and children.

Moreover, this time there were more men alive! It seemed that my intervention against Smaug had allowed more people to survive. At a glance, I could see several men gathering around Bard, most wearing chainmail and carrying swords.

'It seems that while I was distracted, several men resumed the journey to Lake-town, recovering some food and weaponry.' It was the right move given the circumstances.

And if this were true, it seemed my embrace and conversation had taken a few hours. Time certainly moved quickly when you least expected it. With a sigh, I looked at the pair of elves. "So it seems," I replied to Finduilas' words.

My conversation with this elf would have to wait. For now, I needed to go to Bard. Despite my exhaustion, I had to press on. The upcoming Battle of the Five Armies was just days away. I had to protect my friends. Glory didn't matter to me; I only wanted to keep them safe.

"Are you coming?" I asked Tauriel, who remained silent, weighing her decision. Finally, she shook her head. "There are still many people who need help. I'll stay to protect them in case of any trouble," she said. I couldn't blame her. She was an elf with a compassionate heart, and the sight of the refugees had softened her resolve. The occasional glances she cast at the crying children pleading for help were proof enough.

"Very well," I nodded before turning to Finduilas. "I look forward to our next conversation," I said, receiving a nod and a melodious laugh in response.

"It won't be long," she replied, though her face reflected an internal struggle, as if debating whether or not to reveal what was on her mind. Such changes in expression were unusual for elves, who typically maintained a composed demeanor.

It wasn't until I turned to leave alongside Bard that Finduilas finally showed a resolute expression on her face. With a light tug, she took hold of my arm, forcing me to look back at her.

"What's the matter?" I asked, bewildered.

With a soft sigh, Finduilas released my arm. "Be careful, son of Túrin," she said as she stepped closer, catching me off guard when her gentle hands caressed my cheek. The gesture was unexpected, but even more so was the complex mix of emotions I noticed in her eyes, emotions that would take hours to fully explain. "Just… be very careful," she concluded before stepping back.

'What just happened?' I wondered, but I eventually let it go. At that moment, warm arms wrapped around me from the side. Tauriel, her face slightly furrowed, embraced me.

'What was going on with these elves? They're not usually this affectionate, at least not from what I remembered,' I thought.

"Be very careful, Aldril. There's still an adventure left for us to live together," Tauriel said, stepping back, her furrowed brow softened by a gentle smile.

Her actions were met with a smile of my own. "I will. See you soon," I said as I hurried to catch up with Bard and his group.

My spirits were high, and my energy fully restored. I didn't know what kind of magic elves possessed, but somehow, they revitalized me. My eyes stung slightly, and I could feel my pupils changing, something strange I wouldn't uncover until much later.


"I must leave," he said to Sigrid, who clung tightly to him, as though unwilling to let go. A warm feeling swept over him, and an involuntary smile formed on his face. Not long ago, his father had left alongside the human refugees. If it had been up to him, he would have stayed with Sigrid, helping them, an excuse to remain close to her.

However, his mother had approached him with concern. "I have an ominous feeling," she said. Legolas had never seen such an expression on his mother's face before.

Something was clearly troubling her. "Something is about to happen, and I fear for your father's safety. Go, my great warrior, and watch over him," she had told him. Although her request might not have conveyed it, she was deeply concerned for her beloved son as well. She knew that if he and Thranduil were together, they were an exceptionally difficult duo to defeat. Hence her request that Legolas accompany his father.

"Promise me you'll stay safe," Sigrid said, burying her face in his chest.

"I promise," he replied, gently lifting her chin to make her look at him. With a delicate motion, he sealed his lips with hers in a warm kiss. "Rest assured, I will return." Perhaps it was feminine intuition, but like many women, Sigrid felt an ominous foreboding, as though something was about to happen, and this might be the last time she would see her husband, brother, or son. Such scenes were plentiful, and had anyone paid closer attention, they might have realized this phenomenon was anything but normal.

-Mirkwood, near Erebor-

A dark blur galloped with speed and ferocity, the wind sweeping past like a storm, ruffling the horse's jet-black mane, a striking sight even in broad daylight. Its eyes sparkled with excitement, and its constant neighs expressed pure joy.

Riding on its back, an elderly man in a gray cloak gripped the reins tightly. His pointed hat had long been lost during a fierce battle, and now the relentless wind swept through his silver locks, occasionally obscuring his vision. Yet, the wild environment didn't deter or frustrate him. On the contrary, the gray-cloaked wizard urged on:

"Faster, Shadow Star! We must warn Aldril and the others of the danger ahead!"

Yes, the elderly man was Gandalf, the Gray Wizard, who had aided in driving Sauron from Dol Guldur. His task now was to warn of the approaching army. His mount? Aldril's horse, whom he had encountered not long ago with Radagast's help. Together, their goal was to reach Erebor.

Gandalf knew this horse was among the smartest, even cleverer than some of the dwarves in Thorin's company. He had spoken to Shadow Star about the looming danger and the urgency of their mission.

The sight of a fiery ball falling from the sky had only heightened their need for haste. Shadow Star had noticed it too, momentarily losing his connection with Aldril, which caused him to panic. Only Gandalf's calming words reassured him, claiming that Aldril would be fine despite their shared fear.

For this occasion alone, Shadow Star allowed the old man to ride him. Galloping at great speed, his sole objective was to reunite with his comrade, friend, and master.

Yes, Shadow Star and Gandalf would soon rejoin the group.


Filthy orcs!

For those who don't know, Finduilas was an elf in love with Turin Turambar, in the canon she was killed by arrows by the orcs, when she was under Turin's protection, a tragic destiny to tell the truth. 

Support me on patreon, where you will find 15 advanced chapters and the rewriting of the first chapters, as well as the first 5 chapters of the son of feanor fic. "p@treon.com/Mrnevercry" 

Filthy orcs! why haven't you given me your power stones?!!!!

Ax_nevermay_crycreators' thoughts
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