
Chapter 74: ATTENTION!

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"Stop doing that!" Iris complained and crossed her arms. Harry grinned mischievously as he flew towards her, this time at a slow speed. She didn't move and hovered in her place, staring at him annoyedly. Though she didn't complain when he pulled her in his arms and yelled by her ear over the loud wind.

"Let's go home. We have played enough. It is getting dark."

He was correct in that. The sun had sunken behind the western horizon and the calm silent blackness was growing through the sky.

"Fine." She accepted reluctantly. If she had her way, they both would fly for the whole night.

And as she said that, he teleported them to his room and they promptly fell back on his bed, catching their breaths and letting their heartbeat slow down to normal.

"That was fun." She sighed.

"It was. But we are only having fun for the past few days instead of working to get stronger. Even mum is getting irritated. I didn't give you this Perk and these Skills for fun. It was given to make you stronger." Harry said exasperatedly as he lay on his side and she did the same to face him.

"Don't be a spoilsport. We have enough time to get stronger." Iris yawned tiredly and pressed her face on his chest, huddling against his side.

"I guess so." He agreed half-heartedly. After grinding for almost a year in the other world, this idle rest was making him feel all jittery and nervous. He felt uneasy, like he needed to do something and doing nothing didn't sit right with him. Still, his sister was enjoying herself and seeing her smile and laugh was a soothing balm to his recovering heart.

Later he would curse his past self for jinxing himself.



[A special unavoidable quest has been assigned by the [Creator] for you and your sister and the world's reality has been warped for his amusement.]


— Mad Mad World!

The world is suddenly strange and different than it was before. Fulfil the given quest set in this Mad World to make it right again.


— 3000 XP for Harry Potter

— 3000 XP for Iris Potter

— Unknown Legendary Rewards]

Harry, who was playing a board game with Iris in his room, froze from shock before groaning loudly. Iris gave him an odd look but waited for him to explain himself.

'Isis… what the hell?'

[I know the feeling, Harry. Because I yelled the same thing. Unfortunately, you have no real choice here, but to do it. Honestly, it's not that bad. The Creator won't give you an undoable task since it would risk your life.]

[As I have said earlier, he is biassed towards his variants. Most probably this will end in your benefit. And look at the bonus, you are getting so many levels for yourself and your sister which normally would have taken much longer.]

'Is it safe for Iris to attempt?' he thought reluctantly, still unsure about bringing his sister into this.

[If you are careful, everything will be safe. That I can assure you. This will not end like Halloween night if you don't act stupid and don't make rash decisions. Believe me, these special quests are a very rare thing and you shouldn't waste it.]

'Fine. I accept it. Not that anyone asked me for my permission. And do you remember the time when you had said that I have the choice to ignore my quests and live a normal boring life and no one would bother me? That was a fucking lie.'

When Isis gave no response, Harry sighed and looked at his sister.

"Iris, we have a quest to do now." He said out loud and then informed her about his talk with Isis.

Her green eyes sparkled and she upended the board, scattering all the game pieces before jumping down the bed.

"Let's go. I am so excited."

"Iris. This is not a game. We can be hurt. We might even need to fight and kill other beings, even humans. Are you ready for it?" Harry warned her gravely. Some of Iris' enthusiasm dimmed down but she then nodded with a strange determination.

"I am ready, brother. I don't want to be always babied by you or mum. I don't want to be coddled anymore like a child. I want to see it. I want to see the real world with my own eyes." She said with some seriousness. Harry stifled the need to point out that she was in fact a child. Then again, what was he, a hundred years old sage?

"Okay. Let's do it." He agreed, not having it in him to belittle her. He winced as he checked on her stats.

[Name: Iris Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 16

HP: 800

MP: 1600

Affection: 100

Obedience: 60

Thoughts about you: Love, Respect]

Well, he might need to be extra careful for her. Her levels were abysmal. Just as he thought of that, the details of the quest popped up.

[QUEST: Mad Mad World

— Lemon Drop for Sleeping Beauty;

Obtain a Lemon Drop from the tree of Largebone and free the Sleeping Beauty from her cursed sleep.]

"... What?"

[... What?]


The three whats were uttered by three different people. One with confusion, one with exasperation and one with excitement.

A large golden teleportation circle appeared on the floor of Harry's room. It was a clear invitation for them to step in it. Harry looked at it with more than a little trepidation.

Just go with the flow, Harry. It seems the Creator is in a particular funny mood. Thankfully, it will also mean less danger for you both.

'Okay.' Harry mumbled dubiously.

"Hey! You didn't answer me. What is the quest?" asked Iris.

"We have to get a Lemon Drop from the Largebone tree to cure the cursed sleep of the Sleeping Beauty."

"... What?"

"Right. Let's go."


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