
Chapter 19: The Arrival of the Twins: Part 3

Emma and Agnes followed the maid as she led them to the dining hall. The twins walked with curiosity, attentively observing the castle corridors they passed through.

Upon reaching large wooden doors, the maid halted and gently pushed them open, revealing the splendid dining hall before the astonished eyes of Emma and Agnes.

Entering the majestic dining hall, the first thing that caught their attention was the six tables arranged in two rows of three each, leaving ample space in the center. Suspended from the ceiling above this space were three imposing chandeliers, crafted in gold and silver, with lit candles providing a warm and welcoming light to the room.

Each table was elegantly decorated, with a symmetrical arrangement of five chairs on each side. However, at the far end, a single table was placed diagonally, accompanied by ten chairs aligned on one side. Beneath this table, an exquisite carpet added a touch of comfort and elegance to the atmosphere. The strategically positioned diagonal table was covered by a cloth that concealed the diners' legs, ensuring a clear and orderly view.

To the right upon entering the door, a giant stained glass window occupied the entire wall, offering an impressive view of the Last Supper of Jesus, a symbol of devotion and faith.

In the center of each table, a wicker basket overflowed with fresh bread, while on saucers in front of each chair, a deep plate was arranged to the right with a silver spoon, accompanied by a delicate linen cloth to clean the lips after each bite.

To the left, velvet curtains enriched the ambiance. Not attached to the wall, these curtains left approximately 60 cm of space between the fabric and the wall, allowing the servants to discreetly move behind them to perform their tasks without interrupting the service or disturbing the atmosphere of the room.

Emma and Agnes approached the diagonal table at the back of the dining hall, where Urraca and her daughter Sancha were already seated, conversing quietly as they awaited the other guests. Upon arrival, the twins made a respectful bow to Urraca and Sancha.

"Madam Urraca, Miss Sancha, it is an honor to be here and serve you," said Emma as Agnes nodded.

Urraca and Sancha returned the greeting. "Welcome, Emma and Agnes," said Urraca warmly. "We are delighted to have you here. Please, take a seat and join us. Dinner is about to begin."

The twins nodded with gratitude and took their seats, ready to partake in the dinner.

Gradually, the guests arrived at the dining hall and took their places at the tables. The murmurs of conversation filled the space, creating a lively atmosphere full of anticipation.

The attentive and diligent servants moved among the tables, carrying trays with wooden chalices filled with wine and distributing them among the newly arrived guests.

Every time someone took a seat, a servant discreetly approached and placed a chalice in front of them, a gesture of hospitality that was received with smiles of gratitude and courtesy.

The aroma of wine filled the air, mingling with the delicious scents emanating from the kitchen, heralding the imminent arrival of dinner.

The candlelight flickered softly, creating golden sparkles that danced on the walls of the dining hall as the guests eagerly awaited the feast that was about to begin.

Noticing that all the guests were already seated, Urraca stood up. With a knife at hand, she began to gently tap the edge of her crystal glass, emitting a clear and distinct sound that cut through the murmur of conversations in the dining hall.

The tinkling of the glass caught the attention of all present, and gradually, the guests turned towards Urraca, expectant for what she had to say.

Urraca waited for the silence to spread throughout the room before addressing the guests.

With a firm voice, Urraca addressed the guests with a suggestion: "While the servants are serving the food, how about we come together in a moment of reflection and spirituality? I propose that we recite the Lord's Prayer together."

Instantly, the guests stood up, following the example of Urraca, her daughter Sancha, and the twins Emma and Agnes.

In an instant, the conversation murmurs transformed into respectful silence as everyone prepared for the prayer.

With Urraca leading, the guests began to recite in unison the sacred words of the Lord's Prayer, each word resonating in the majestic dining hall.

While the guests recited the Lord's Prayer, the cooks filled each plate with generous portions of a delicious chickpea and spinach stew.

Upon concluding the prayer, the guests resumed their seats with a sense of spiritual communion. With appetite and anticipation, they began to enjoy the delicious chickpea and spinach stew that the servants had served with care.

However, among the diners, some raised their gaze upon seeing the spinach on their plate, a vegetable that was unfamiliar to some. With gestures of curiosity, they directed their questions to their table companions, seeking to clarify the nature of this unknown ingredient.

Guard A: *Pointing at the spinach* "Do you know what this is?"

Guard B: "They are spinach, vegetables brought by the Muslims, originating from Iran."

After receiving Guard B's explanation, Guard A nodded with understanding and began to eat, satisfied to have resolved his question about the dish in front of him.

Once the guests finished eating, the servants began to collect the plates and used spoons, discreetly removing them from the tables.

The servants continued their work, placing flat plates, forks, and knives at each place on the table, preparing the stage for the next course of the dinner.

The next dish served was a delicious onion and botillo omelet. Each person received half an omelet, presented with care on their individual plates. The tantalizing aroma of the freshly cooked omelet filled the air, awakening the appetites of the diners.

The diners took their forks and began to taste the omelet with curiosity. Upon biting into it, they discovered the perfect combination of the soft texture of the omelet, the sweet flavor of the onion, and the smoky touch of the botillo.

A murmur of approval spread across the table as each one savored the exquisite dish. The blend of flavors was so harmonious that even those less familiar with botillo were pleasantly surprised by its complement with the onion.

The servants collected the plates and used forks, ensuring to keep the table tidy and ready for the next course.

For dessert, the servants served a delicate portion of honey accompanied by two spoonfuls of assorted nuts. Each guest received their portion on their small plate, presented with elegance and attention to detail.

The golden honey shone under the candlelight, while the nuts added a touch of flavor and texture to the culinary experience.

The diners savored each bite with delight, enjoying the combination of sweet and savory flavors that completed the dinner exquisitely.

While some diners chose to pick up the nuts with their hands and dip them in the honey before savoring them, others preferred a more elaborate technique.

They took a piece of bread and, using the knife they had previously used for the omelet, generously spread the honey on the bread.

Then, they carefully placed the nuts on top, creating a combination of flavors and textures that delighted their palates with each bite.

The servants diligently removed all the plates and utensils from the table, leaving it impeccable and ready for the next course.

Meanwhile, the guests began to rise from their seats and made their way towards the doors, bidding farewell to each other and commenting on the delicious dinner they had enjoyed.

Gradually, the dining hall emptied, and the guests retired to their rooms to rest after the meal.

The twins were about to leave, but before doing so, Urraca addressed them with some final words of advice: "Tomorrow, when you wake up, head to the head servant's room. She will teach you how to be excellent servants. If you cannot find her room, do not hesitate to ask anyone you see in the castle; surely, they will be able to direct you." The twins nodded with respect and gratitude before leaving the dining hall.

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