
Ch: 39 The Intergalactic Meeting.

The Saturnians, following their meeting with Justinian, had kept their word and prepared to meet him in six weeks according to Earth time. Their King after seeing the kind of power that Justinian could use felt the need to bring about peace or an asurance that they would not be destroyed by Justinian's great power. 

There was one thing the Saturnians wrongfully assumed. They had fully expected for Justinian and the Martians to lack proper Space Vessels other than a few Bioships. They expected to use that as a means to get some advantages from Justinian. 

However, they had no expectations for the uses of magic like what Justinian could use. While Dragon Deus or DxD was considered a weaker world, its magic was beyond useful and versatile.

It became lethal when upgraded to the level that Justinian could use it to. It allowed Justinian to turn six weeks into six years and he could have gone for 50 years or more if he so desired. 

He only went ahead with six years to allow him to prepare his forces for the invasion of Earth. Of course, to start it off he was going to have Ddraig and Albion invade Thymesceria for the Mother Box they kept. 

Once he acquired that, he would have Klarion cast his ritual to separate the adults and children to make taking over Earth easy. His army would have to be sparred from this as the League would be in the adult dimension other than Billy Batson. 

Justinian would have to order the boy captured since he remembered what happened in the Young Justice TV show. Billy had been quite useful in interrupting the ritual, but in the Animated Series, the League became children. 

[Isn't it kind of unfair that you have so many sources of media to call back to? Just ask yourself, 'what would Batman do?' and you can just go to the Arkahm Video Game Series, Batman Animated Series, Justice League Animated Series, and Justice League of the Comics.] 

{Then again, Justinian didn't ask to be brought to this reality.}

'That is true, when I asked to be a Custodes I fully expected to get sent to 40k. I planned to use the power you two grant me to carve out my own Imperium anyway. That or find a way to revive the Emperor or kill Slanesh.'

[I do have to question why you keep making some of your Honor Guard Female Primarchs?]

'Why not? The Primarchs are cool and all, but the female versions of them are just hot. And they are the right size for me because I don't like shrinking down. Rather than shrink, shouldn't I make my partners my size?' 

[What about Diana?]

Justinian didn't respond as he sat in his Command Throne. Already Soundwave was connecting his armor to the ship to initiate a soul link. 

'We talked about this already Ddraig.' 

[I am not judging you, brother. I am just saying that I want you to be sure that all this power and this Custodes body hasn't snuffed out all your humanity.]

Justinian hummed as Soundwave spoke to him once he was linked to the Invincible Reason.

<My Master, we are ready to begin. The Conqueror, Vengeful Spirit and the other vessels of fleet ready.>

Justinian through his linked senses with The Invincible Reason could see the other two Gloriana Class Battleships which were going to be flying directly at the sides of his vessel. 

Around them, they had smaller escort ships, Battle Cruisers, Battle Barges, and Strike Cruisers. A total of 24 vessels not including the three Gloriana Class Battleships. Across the fleet, he had brought with him half a Legion of Space Marines which was nearly 250,000 Space Marines. 

There were also several hundreds of thousands of Psian Jackel Clones as well on top of the Technicians, Engineers, and War Shapers incase Justinian decided to just conquer Saturn. Remnosh and Lauralina stood at his sides as they waited for his order. 

"Soundwave, initiate Warp Jump."

<At once.>

Massive amounts of power began to flow into the Warp Drive in the center of Justinian's Flag Ship. Such a vast amount of energy, but the piece of Dark Age of Technology Tech began to roar to life. 

In front of the the fleet, a massive purple wound in reality began to open up. 

"Geller Fields." 

He didn't want to risk it and had every ship to have a Geller Field. Across the fleet, Geller Fields and powerful Void Shields fired to life. Justinian squinted his eyes as the portal opened wide directly to the Asteroid Belt. 

This was a test to see if the Warp Drive worked and so far it did. Soundwave without needing an order began to advance the fleet forward starting with the three Gloriana Class Battleships. 

Then the Escort Ships and the rest of the Vessels one by one. When all of the ships were through, and the Warp Portal closed behind them, Justinian looked out not at the Warp, but more like a Worm Hole or Portal that was transporting them. 

"Soundwave are you getting this." 

<I am. We are safe.> 

The trip was very short and only took around a minute before another Warp Portal opened up at the Asteroid Belt. The Warp Drive was meant for long trips across the Galaxy, not trips within Planet Systems. 

Justinian used it anyway because he had to test it before he tried to take a trip to the edge of the Galaxy. One by one, his Fleet made it out of the Warp Portal with no issues, not even a loss of Fleet Formation. 

Already waiting for them were the Saturnians who had arrived in their own Fleet because their King was going to be there. However, never in their wildest dreams would they have thought to see a ship over a mile long. 

Their ships were nowhere near as big, armored, or as wide as The Invincible Reason. Seeing that Titan emerge from a tear in space flanked by two other vessels of similar stature left their much larger fleet feeling like they were the ones at a disadvantage. 

Even more so when the other vessels emerged a total of 24 vessels with the smallest Escort Ship being 2.5 miles long. Larger than even their King's Flagship. Both fleets were separated by a distance of 1,000 miles, but that was tiny for Justinian's Vessels. 

Even now Soundwave was locking in with all his weapons at the much more numerous if weaker fleet. 

<If they turn hostile I will reduce them to memories.>

"There is no need. Send a message that Emperor Justinian is here." 

Soundwave did as ordered and began to relay messages across the void to the other Fleet. Eventually, they received a communication that Soundwave displayed in Justinian's command deck. 

On the other end was a Saturnian, a Red Martian dressed in what seemed to be Diamond Armor. It shimmered as if it were stars, but the Saturnian Ruler no longer felt so grand in his Diamond Armor as he looked at the giant that was Justinian. 

"I am Z'krymmek T'las the 4th, King of my people the Saturnians." 

"I am Justinian Arcadius Valoris Valdor, God Empeor of The Imperium of Mars. Your people came to me before because of the power I have. From what I can see, you assumed that I would lack a fleet of my own, but that is not the case. 

I also will ask this, what is it you are after Z'krymmek?"

The Red Skinned Saturnian clenched his fist in his throne as he felt he had control in this meeting. He never had any control as even without a fleet Justinian alone could reduce his fleet to nothing. 

He took a moment to think as at any moment, he could be sure Justinian's fleet could destroy his. That was not counting Justinian's Burning Martians or his Space Marines who could all fly in the void. 

As enhanced Martians, they could destroy fleets without their ships with relative ease. Justinian was not sure how powerful the Saturnians were, but he doubted they could compare to his Space Marines. 

For a few moments, the Saturnian King didn't know how to respond. If he said something to offend Justinian what was stopping him from simply shrinking their planet and killing them all. 

He swallowed his pride since he was dealing with a being with power beyond his comprehension. 

"What do you want?" 

Justinian smiled as he leaned back in his Throne. 

"Simple, surrender to me and The Imperium. Eventually, every planet in this solar system is going to belong to me and I need compliance. Now, if you decide to willingly join The Imperium, I can gurantee you some freedoms. 

You can reject to join and I can have my fleets and my army come to make you comply. I do gurantee your people will not be driven to extiction, but you will save millions if not billions depending on how many of you their are." 

Z'krymmek grit his teeth as he gripped down on his Throne. If he said no, he knew that Justinian would do what he said. He would force them to comply, but if they joined willingly they could have some freedom. 

Suddendly the silence was broken on the end of Z'krymmek. One of his body guards rushed forward. 


Before he finished his speach, Justinian waved his hand and through the distance of space the Saturnian exploded. Every person in the Command Deck of the Saturnians turned their head to adress the puddle of flesh and blood. 

Z'krymmek began to shiver as all Justinian needed to do was wave his hand and one of his own was dead. He still vividly remembered what happend to Mars itself. One moment it is normal and the second it is sized up. 

Around it, Phobos and Deimos were both sized up meaning Mars had two large moons. As Justinian had planned one of those was going to be turned into a Shipyard while the other into a Orbital Defense Platform. 

It didn't take Z'krymmek long to come up with an answer causing him to lower his head. If he kept his pride, it would just bring his people slavery. If he accepted they could keep some freedom. 

"I accept your offer." 

This time Justinian decided to not enforce things through Soul Binding Contracts. They were useful for Mars which was his home base, as for the Solar System he would just have to crush rebellions when they happened rather than enslave entire populations of worlds. 

"I am glad we could have this discussion, Z'krymmek. I will send a diplomat in a few days to get things written on paper. You are now part of the Imperium and all must begin paying the Tithe, but we will go over that soon. That will be all, you may return." 

Z'krymmek bowed his head and removed his crown. if Justinian didn't do it the 50 Giants guards behind him would. 

"Yes, my Lord."

Lauralina took offece to that. 

"You will refer to him as Emperor or God Emperor." 

"Please forgive me, my Emperor." 

Justinian hummed. 

"You're forgiven." 

With that, the long-distance communication ended, but Justinian's fleet did not turn around. Instead, they turned their sights to Jupiter. 

<My scans reveal that the life form lives on Moons of Jupiter is not fully organic, they are metallic in composition. What shall you have me do?> 

"Nothing for now, take us back to Mars." 

Before he could do that, Sigismund spoke up. 

"My Emperor, may I suggest something?" 

Justinian turned to address him. 

"Of course, what is it?" 

"Allow me to bring them to compliance. I need no reinforcements, just me alone is enough." 

Justinian liked the sound of that. 

"Ah, like the Viltrumites? One conqueror for world? 

Sigismiund nodded. 

"I do not know what a Viltrumite is, but it sounds like Kryptonian. If that is the case, I shall achieve this for you in your name." 

"Go, do your thing." 

Sigismund nodded as he placed his helment on his head before in a flash fo fire he teleported into the void. Justinian still ordered his fleet to turn around to return to the Shipyard of Phobos which was being constructed. 

Meanwhile, Sigismund wanted to show why he was one of Justinian's Honor Guard. The Jovians would either accept compliance, or they would be melted down into slag.


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