
The Ruined Temple and the Broken Ballista

Sebastian guided the Sentinel toward Plerg's formerly magnificent temple, the creature's undead feet crunching on broken glass and splintered wood.

After forty minutes spent roaming around the city, he finally arrived.

The building was in disarray, with its once magnificent outside pillars broken and falling, the carvings ruined by god only knew what. Though, Sebastian noticed that aside from the odd splash of dried blood, there was also some brown stuff on it.

"Did a fanged threw shit at the walls?"

But maybe it wasn't a fanged who did it; maybe it was a citizen who, taken by rage, for their rulers failed, and their gods, to protect them, decided to defile this once holy place.

Sebastian was able to see the inside of the building from his position since the massive door had been left open.

Part of it, at least, since half of the door fell to the ground, was consumed by wood-eating insects, and was filled with holes and what looked like eggs.

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