
Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29


Realising that his son needed to know the truth before making a life changing decision. Ned tells Jon the truth about his parentage. He sends Jon across the narrow sea hoping he meets his true family. In the process Ned sets him off on along a much more dangerous path, starting a sequence of events he is powerless to control.

Meanwhile across the narrow sea, after years laying dormant, the Dragons are starting to stir. Plans are made, armies are brought, and the Dragons begin to wake from their slumber

An AU that begins shortly before book 1

Chapter 1: BeginningsChapter Text



The Lord of Winterfell


The lord of Winterfell was troubled. He sat in his solar reading over the letters he had just received, his fingers absently tracing over the words. He had been expecting a letter from Lord Manderly, but he expected a raven. Much to his surprise, Lord Manderly had sent his second son, Wendel, to deliver the letter. At first, he thought this was a trivial task for the son of the Lord, possibly a punishment of sorts. When he read the letter, he understood, he had sent his son because there were two letters, the second contained dangerous information.

As Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, by rights he should report the information in this letter to the King. However, Ned remembered his hatred for the Targaryen's. He had heard that the King had offered a lordship to the man who killed the remaining Targaryen's, he offered Harrenhall if they were brought to him alive. He shuddered to think what would have happened if Robert got his hands on the girl, she would be around Jon's age. He quickly pushed those thoughts aside, Robert was many things, but he was not a monster.

Promise me Ned

The knock on the door drew him out of his thoughts. He told the person to enter, it was his wife and she looked angry.

"My lady, how can I help you" he greeted her with a smile

"I will not have him here any longer. He is nearly a man grown. I have tolerated him in my household for 18 years, but enough is enough Ned, he needs to leave,"

Ned looked at his wife, his face gave nothing away.

"Where would you have me send him my lady?", Ned asked, his voice even. They had this conversation many times before and Ned usually shut it down before it started but this time, he decided to humour his wife.

"Send him to the Night's watch, Ned. He can be with his uncle,"

"No, he is my blood. I will not command him to go and live with criminals" Ned responded, his voice calm but the anger evident in his eyes.

"Then what are your plans for him? You know as well as I that he cannot stay here forever" Catelyn responded, her voice starting to rise.

"No lord will marry their daughter to a bastard with no lands or titles. I will not have him here with our children, he will corrupt them, you already see how wild Arya is, thankfully Sansa knows better. I can only hope Bran and,"

"Enough! I have told you before and I will tell you again. He is my son. I will not send him away unless he asks to leave,"

Ned stood from behind the desk in his solar.

"What I plan for Jon, is between him and I. I am your lord husband, this is the last you will speak of this matter and don't you dare to accuse him as corrupting our children. They are family and I would have thought Lord Tully would teach his children their family words,"

He looked at her firmly, ending the conversation.

"Of course, my Lord" Catelyn rose and stiffly bowed to her husband and left the solar.

Ned glared at her as she left, his eyes burning a hole through the door. He sat back down with a sigh and took a long drink of his ale, finishing his goblet. He sat it back on the table and knocked over some of the papers that were stacking up on his desk. He let out a loud sigh and ran his hands through his hair. How long could he really put off telling Jon the truth? He had stopped asking about his mother years ago, clearly put off by the short responses he always got. He had a right to know, he owed Lyanna that, he owed Jon that, he was a man grown. He deserved to know.

Without knowing it, his fingers had once again picked up the second letter, he read it again one last time and then threw it into the fire. The flames quickly engulfed the paper and turned it into ash.


The Bastard of Winterfell

"Not bad for a bastard," taunted Theon. As he blocked a strike from Jon and countered with one of his own. Jon saw it coming and easily pivoted his torso to avoid the strike. He countered with one of his own which Theon just managed to block. Theon feigned a strike to Jon's left and then went to his right. Jon saw it coming and easily blocked it. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted two girls walking across the yard,

"Theon look, it's Jeyne," and Theon immediately looked towards where Jon was pointing. Jon took this moment of distraction and quickly swept Theon's legs out from under him

"Yield" he said, as he held his training sword under his throat

"I yield" said Theon reluctantly. "I shouldn't be surprised to that a bastard has to result in tricks and deception to win,"

"You should talk less and focus more, ward" Jon said with a cocky smile. "Maybe one day you'll be able to beat me,"

Jon loved his time training with the sword, he knew he was better than both Robb and Theon and he was proud of it. The bastard of Winterfell didn't have a lot to be proud of. Robb one day would be lord of Winterfell, married to a beautiful lady and he would father plenty of children on her. Jon knew he would not have any of that. He knew he was lucky Lady Catelyn hadn't thrown him out yet.

As he grew older, he began to realise that his presence was a burden on his father and lady Catelyn's marriage. After his seventeenth birthday he had thought more and more about where he would go when he had to leave Winterfell. He thought of his uncle Benjen and of the Night's watch, maybe that was the place for him. A place where it didn't matter what his surname was, or who his parents were. A place where he could become his own man, free of the shackles of being a bastard.

"Nicely done today Jon" said Ser Rodrick, the castle's master of arms. "Although you shouldn't result to tricks to defeat your opponent. It's not honourable,"

Jon rolled his eyes, he had never been in a real fight, but he knew that it didn't matter how you won, all that mattered was winning. Honour means shit all if the other person kills you first. Still he gave a polite nod and accepted Ser Rodrick's words. He took off his pads and took a long drink of cold water. As he drank he his eyes wandered around the courtyard. He spotted Sansa and her friend Jeyne Poole entering the glasshouses probably to look at flowers, stable boys tending to the horses and then he saw Bran running into the yard, wanting to practice his archery.

Bran was still young, and he couldn't pick up and use full sized bow yet, so he used a little child's bow. He watched as Bran picked up the bow, draw and miss, the arrow sailed to the left of the target and hit a barrel. Jon walked over and noticed Robb was giving him some help

"Relax Bran, if you keep stiffening up you'll never hit the target." Robb advised him

"Keep practising Bran, Mother is watching"

Jon chanced a glance up towards the balcony that overlooked the training yard. Lady Catelyn was looking at her children, those blue eyes were warm and full of life and love

Bran took a deep calming breath and got ready, he aimed, drew his arrow. Just as he was about to shoot, another arrow pierced the centre of the target. Everybody turned to see Arya with a bow in her hands smirking. She gave a mock courtesy and then Bran dropped his bow to chase after her, much to the amusement of everyone watching. Jon laughed loudest as Arya vaulted over barrels to escape her little brother.

He looked up and his eyes met Lady Catelyn's, her piercing blue eyes met his grey ones. All the life and happiness drained away from her eyes and was replaced by coldness and hate, he quickly looked away. He had seen that look many times over the past seventeen years. It was not his fault he was born a bastard. Once again, his mind wondered as he thought of his mother, Who was she? What did she look like? Would she be proud of me?

He decided to head back to his room and get out of the way of Lady Catelyn before she found something to be angry at him about. He walked silently through the castle and back to his room, he was greeted by Arya.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm hiding from Bran,"

 "Why in my room?"

 "Everyone knows you always lock your room, but he doesn't know that I can still get in,"

 "Right, remind me to change the locks," he said with a small smile. He sat down on the bed next to his little sister and Ghost sat on the bed next to him.

"Have you named him yet?" Arya asked

"I've named him ghost," Jon replied. "Have you named yours?"

"Nymeria" Arya replied proudly "It's much better than Shaggydog or lady"

"Leave Rickon alone, he's only young" he said, giving her a playful shove.

"Well, Shaggydog is a stupid name, he's not a dog, he's a direwolf".

Jon chuckled at his sister's joke and he ran his hands through her hair affectionately. Suddenly Nymeria sprung out of her arms and started to run around the room.

"Nymeria! No! Come back!" Arya pleaded as the wolf bounded out the open door. "It took me forever to catch her last time" she complained as she ran off after her wolf.

Jon laughed as he stroked Ghost's fur and scratched him behind his ears

"You don't cause me trouble do you boy?"

Those ruby red eyes stared back at him unblinking and Ghost licked his face in response. It had been over a month since they had found the wolves. Greywind and Nymeria were the largest and now had to be kept in the kennels as they scared the horses. Ghost himself was about the size of a small dog. He heard footsteps coming from the hallway and he wondered if Arya had returned with Nymeria.


"Where is Arya?" Jon looked up to see Lady Catelyn in the doorway to his room.

"She just left to chase after Nymeria" said Jon quietly, quickly averting his eyes

"Speak up boy, I will not ask you again" Catelyn glared at him

"I said she went to chase after her wolf, Lady Stark", and with that, she left.

Jon sighed with frustration. He thought of the wall and of his uncle Benjen.

"I am seventeen. I cannot hide behind my father forever. It is time to become a man" he resolved. He looked at Ghost who seemingly gave him another lick of encouragement. Jon stood and went to go and find his father


The Lord of Winterfell


"Come in," he called after he heard the knock on the door to his solar. "Jon, what can I do for you?"

"Father, I know me being here makes things difficult between you and lady Catelyn"

"Jon please it's"

"Father please, let me finish" Jon interrupted. "I know she doesn't like me much, or at all. I know that I cannot stay here forever,"

Ned started to feel his heartbeat slow, he knew where this conversation was heading

"Father, I want to join the Night's watch. You said before I was too young. Now I am seventeen, I want to go, I want to join, please father. I'd like your blessing before I leave" Jon pleaded

Ned's blood ran cold. He stared at Jon, his mind flashing back through the past seventeen years. Ever since he took the boy from his mother's arms, her last words promise me Ned

"Father?" Jon's words snapped him out of his trance.

Ned looked at him, his eyes unblinking. He knew it was time. He had to know before he made this decision, he owed him that

"Jon, I will allow you to leave-"

"Thank you, father,"

"but before you go, it is time I tell you. It's time I tell you the truth. Please, come with me to the crypts"

Jon nodded and stood up. Ned took a drink of ale before standing up to lead him through the castle. They walked through the castle and out into the courtyard. The sun had begun to set and the air was frigid. They both knew that the night was going to be colder than normal. Ned pulled his cloak tighter around him as the wind threatened to cut through to his bone. The entrance to the crypts loomed up ahead. Jon paused at the entrance, he looked cautiously back at him.

"Follow me" Ned said, he took a torch and pushed the Ironwood door open. They started their descent into the darkness below.

Jon looked uncomfortable in the crypts and Ned understood why. He felt like he didn't belong here. This was a place for people with the name Stark, not Snow. He took a deep calming breath and tugged his cloak tighter around him. It was even colder in the crypts than it was outside.

Finally, they stopped before a statue

"Do you know who this is?" Ned asked him. His breath had started to condense in front of him, it was that cold in the crypts.

"Aunt Lyanna" Jon replied after a moment, "Your sister"

"That's right, and what do you know about her?"

"She was kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar Targaryen" Jon paused "This started the rebellion, why are you asking me this father?"

"Kidnapped and raped," Ned said softly, "That is the story the realm knows, but it is not the truth…The truth is, they loved each other, and she left willingly, there was no rape, there was no kidnapping, just love"


Jon frowned in confusion.

"Then why were we taught this father? Why didn't you tell people the rebellion was based on a lie"

"Sometimes the truth causes more harm than good. The mad King did not deserve to rule, he was an evil man. What good would have happened if I told Robert this after the war was over? That his betrothed loved another man? The Targaryen's were gone and the realm had bled enough…No. I couldn't tell people the truth. I don't know how Robert would have handled it…lives were at stake"

"but father, why are you telling this to me? Why give me this history lesson now? This has nothing to do with the Night's watch" Jon pointed out impatiently

"I found her after the war was over," Ned continued as if he never heard him. "In a tower in the red mountains of Dorne. Outside the tower stood three members of the Kingsguard. Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent and Ser Gerold Hightower. I demanded to see Lyanna, they wouldn't let me see her. They drew their swords and we drew ours. It was seven against three but gods were they good. Out of our seven, only two survived. Howland Reed and I…" Ned's voice had dropped to a whisper, his eyes closed as he recalled the horrific tale. The sword of the morning had cut down two of my men with ease

"I entered the tower and I found her there. Lying in a bed of blood. I ran to her and grasped her hand. She was dying, I knew it and she knew it. I could do nothing but hold her hand as my only sister died in front of me,"

A tear slowly fell down his face and he felt his chest tighten

"She pulled me closer. She said that Robert would kill him if he knew… she made me promise to protect him. Her son,"

Ned's eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at Jon. His grey eyes stared into Jon's. Jon stared back his brow furrowed in confusion. Then suddenly his eyes widened in realisation

"Her son," he repeated

"I'm not your son?" Jon asked quietly. He already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear the words spoken aloud

"No you're not. I'm sorry for keeping this from you but I had to. She made me promise. I heard what Robert did to the other royal children. I couldn't take that chance with you. I claimed you as my own to protect you. She named you Aegon, but I couldn't have that, so I named you Jon, after Jon Arryn,"

Jon stared at the statue, unblinking. He looked so tense, Ned was afraid that if he touched him he would shatter into a thousand pieces. Instead he moved towards Lyanna's statue. He moved the base and it opened and inside he pulled out a small parcel.

"After she died, I looked through the tower for anything that belonged to her. I collected anything that I could find that belonged to them so that you could have it one day, something to remember your parents by. Everything I found is in this parcel Jon, I'm sorry" Ned said quietly.

"I understand if you want to be alone…I had to tell you…before you joined the watch"

"All this time, my mother was down here?" Jon asked, his voice barely above a whisper "Why didn't you tell me sooner, why wait until now?"

"I had to tell you the truth before you made this decision, I thought…I owed you as much," his father said quietly. "The Night's watch is no place for you, I've seen it, it's full of criminals. She would never forgive me if I had let you go there. You deserve better Jon,"

When Jon said nothing to him in return, he realised that he wanted to be alone. He left Jon to his thoughts in the crypts.

Promise me Ned "I told him Lya, he knows who you are" he said softly as he left

The Hidden Prince

Jon stood there for hours, every muscle in his body taught with the task of holding himself together. He stared at the statue, looking at his mother's face. The initial shock was slowly starting to be replaced by anger. The man he thought was his father had lied to him his entire life. It was only when he was going to exile himself to join the night's watch had he had the courage to tell him the truth. Then there was Rhaegar, how many thousands of people had died because of what he did? Of what his parents did? How many people lost their lives because of his parent's foolishness? He had a wife and children and he abandoned them both. Why would he do that? How many people would still be alive if he hadn't been born?

When he finally exited the crypts, and reached the surface it was the middle of the night. The moon was full and shone brightly. He looked around the quiet courtyard. He saw guards in their watchtowers huddled into their cloaks to keep warm. He stuck to the shadows, moving through the castle like a ghost.

He entered his cold room and lit a fire to try and warm up. Once the fire was started he collapsed onto his bed and rubbed his eyes

"My whole life was a lie" he said to Ghost quietly "He would never have told me. If I hadn't decided to leave, he would have kept this from me my entire life".

Ghost stared back at him as if in understanding Jon lay on his side and stared into the flames. He watched as the flames danced together, red's mixed with yellow's and oranges, It was mesmerising. He stared into the fire until all the colours merged together, and he drifted off to sleep.

That night he dreamed of Dragons. He dreamt that he was flying high in the skies above Winterfell, he saw Robb, Bran and Arya staring up in the sky towards him. "Look at me, look I am no bastard" he yelled as he brought his dragon flew lower over the castle. They looked up at him in amazement, Jon could see the wonder in their eyes. Then he watched as their eyes turned wide in horror, as they were consumed by Dragonflame.

Jon awoke with a start, his chest heaving and dripping with sweat. The first rays of sunlight had started to creep through the window. He looked into the fireplace, the fire had long since gone out. "It was just a dream" he said to himself. Ghost looked up at him as he said the words, Jon could have sworn his wolf was mocking him.

"Come boy, let's head to the kitchens. I didn't eat last night and neither did you" he said. He got up and realised he hadn't undressed last night, he found his shoes and quickly left his room and made his way through the castle.

As he neared the kitchens, the smell of frying food caused his stomach to rumble noisily. Fortunately, this meant the castle servants were already awake, and Jon had no problem securing food for himself and Ghost. He sat outside opposite the stables as he ate his bacon, his mind going over the events of last night. Rhaegar and Lyanna are my parents. The thought made him shudder, he had never met these people and he knew nothing about them

By the time he had finished eating, more people had awoken, and the castle became busier. He quickly headed back to his room, he didn't want to speak to anyone today.

Jon realised he couldn't stay here. Everything about the room and the castle was a reminder of the lies he had been told his entire life. He thought of Lady Catelyn and how she had treated him, the thought filled him with rage. She had no right to treat him like that, it's only because Lord Stark didn't tell the truth that she treated him this way. He started to pack some belongings. He didn't take much, he didn't want to be slowed down. Halfway through he heard a knock on the door and he froze. He didn't want to answer, and he hoped the person would think he was not here and walk away.

Unfortunately, he had no such luck. The door opened, and he turned to face his father, no his uncle, no Lord Stark. He turned away sharply and tried to hide his bag behind his body.

"Jon, I am sorry. I know you are angry that I didn't tell you sooner and I am so sorry. I couldn't let you join the Night's watch. It is a place for criminals and you had no place there. Lya's son deserved better,"

"So, you did it for her, not for me," Jon snapped. It felt good to release some of his anger, but to twinge of sadness in his uncle's face caused him to relent slightly.

"Jon, I am sorry. I understand if you don't want to be here, but please don't join the Night's watch. I truly believe you deserve better,"

"Then what would you have me do, where can I go, we both know I can't stay. Especially after what you told me,"

Ned sighed.

"I have a plan. Lord Manderly's son is here, I plan to send you to Essos. They won't care of your birth or of your surname. You can travel and see the free cities and so much more of the world. "You could be a guard for a merchant, or become a sellsword and travel from place to place. You know the Night's watch vows Jon, don't give up your chance of living your own life," he pleaded

Jon stood silently and watched. His mind racing with the possibilities. He had never considered a life beyond the narrow sea. He recalled Maester Luwin's lessons, he could travel to Volantis, Lys or Braavos. The thought caused some of his anger to be replaced with excitement.

"Lord Manderly's son is returning to White Harbour today, from there, he can take you to Essos. I will make sure of it,"

Jon nodded his head slowly. A smile slowly coming to his face and some of his anger had started to fade.

The Princess of Dragonstone

Daenerys hated her birthday. She never enjoyed the day as Viserys always took it upon himself to remind her how much better the day would have been if they were back home in Westeros. He blamed her for this, saying that if she had been born earlier, Rhaegar would have married her and not ran off with the Stark slut. She pushed those dark thoughts to the side and opened the doors to her room to allow the slaves to enter.

She let them past as they entered her room and laid out a dress. No doubt it was yet another gift from Illyrio.

"This dress was picked out by the magister for you" the slaves said to Dany. "he believes it will bring out the colour in your eyes,"

With their help, Daenerys pulled on the dress. They were right, the dress was beautiful. She ran her fingers over the fabric and it felt like water slipping through her fingers. The door to her room suddenly burst open and Viserys strode in loudly.

"Out" he ordered to the slave girls, who quickly scurried to the exit not meeting his eyes.

He walked around his sister, eyeing her like she was a piece of meet.

"You look nice sweet sister" he said with a sneer "Come, your birthday feast awaits" He offered his arm to Daenerys and she reluctantly took it.

He led her through the manse and out to the gardens where a feast had been laid out to celebrate her 18th birthday. She was spotted by their host, Illyrio who smiled and walked over.

"Happy birthday princess" he said with a smile. "You look as beautiful as always"

Daenerys smiled politely but Viserys started to grip her arm tighter in anger. It may have been her birthday, but she knew Viserys did not like to be upstaged.

"Unfortunately, princess, Lord Naerys will not be joining us today. He had to leave to attend to urgent business in the harbour, he offers his apologies" said Illyrio. Daenerys smile faltered and she was afraid to look at Viserys. Viserys always found a way to be crueller when he wasn't here.

"But let us continue with the festivities!" he shouted, and he motioned for the slaves to start moving serving their food. She took a seat at the table with Illyrio to her left and Viserys to her right. She stayed quiet during the meal, preferring to focus on the roasted boar that was in front of her than engage in conversation with her brother.

Thankfully, the meal passed without incidence. Viserys had started to drink and soon she could hear the alcohol begin to slur his words. She noticed that he had started to leer at some of the servants as they brought him more wine, his hands beginning to wander inappropriately all over their bodies. The sight made Daenerys's skin crawl.

Soon it was time for the gifts. Viserys had gifted her a blue silk dress, she was sure it was stolen from Illyrio but she nodded her head politely all the same. The sooner the ceremony was over the sooner she could leave. Lord Naerys had gifted her a book about Aegon's conquest. This made her happy, she loved to read and to lose herself in the pages. To be like the princesses in the stories, living in a castle with a kind husband. She had this dream many times, he was a handsome man with dark curly hair but she could never see his face, it was always a mystery. Instead she lived a life on the run, moving from place to place, running from the usurpers hired knives.

She was about to take her leave of the ceremony when she noticed the slaves carrying a wooden chest towards her table. She put the book down and looked towards Illyrio in confusion. The magister saw the look on her face and smiled

"Now princess, my gift for you" he said to her as the box was placed on the table before her. Daenerys opened the box and her eyes widened in amazement.

"Behold princess, three dragon eggs" the magister said proudly. Daenerys stared at the eggs in amazement. One egg was a deep green, with brown flecks. Another egg was pale cream, streaked with gold. The final egg was as dark as the night, with red swirls. Daenerys was speechless.

"Thank you magister, you are far too kind" she finally managed. This time the smile she gave him was genuine and she hoped he understood her gratitude.

"How dare you!" screeched Viserys. "These eggs should have been given to me! I would sell them and buy myself an army. Instead you gift these eggs to this girl who is too stupid to understand their value!". Viserys had stood up, knocking his chair to the floor in the process.

He looked at her, his purple eyes reduced to slits. "Give them here sister. Now," he demanded. When she didn't move, he slapped her.

"Now my prince, Lord Naerys will not be happy if he knows you have taken your sisters gift," warned Illyrio cautiously. Visersys looked at him, seething with rage but he understood the magisters words. He released his grasp on Daenerys and stormed away.

Daenerys looked thankfully at the magister and then at her eggs. She quickly gathered up her gifts and hurried back to her room making sure to lock the door behind her. She took out her eggs placed them at the foot of her bed. Then she got the book and began to read. It was the happiest birthday in Daenerys's life.


The Lord of Winterfell


"I guess this is goodbye," Jon said evenly as he offered his hand. Ned could tell that beneath the calm exterior, Jon was still angry and upset.

Ned looked at the outstretched hand and instead pulled Jon into an embrace, one that was not returned

"I have written letters, so they have something to remember me by," Jon handed over a small stack of letters and then got onto his horse, he called for Ghost and his wolf obediently ran to his side

"Jon remember, as long as I am Lord of Winterfell, you are always welcome here,"

"Thank you, Lord Stark," he said stiffly

Jon nodded his head. "Ready to go?" he heard Wendel Manderly call as he climbed onto his horse.

Jon gave a quick curt nod and together, they rode out of Winterfell. 

Ned watched them ride away with a strange feeling building inside him. He had finally told Jon the truth, and his conscience should have been clear. Yet his mind flashed back to that second letter, and the guilt started to return.

He knew where he was sending Jon and he hoped that he hadn't made a grave mistake.

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