

Chapter 25Summary:

Nat gets a call from Xandar.

Plans are made.

Nebula comes home.


oscillographic image = visual representation of sound waves

Chapter Text

"We have." Tony nodded. "All she'll say is that she had shield-sisters and that while she might be the last of them, she won't be the last Valkyrie."

"Then she started training the girls in whatever she can." Bucky grunted.

"Do you think she'd be interested in showing what she knows?" Coulson was curious.

"Sure." Tony said. "But not down here in the City. We're heading up to the lake house, from the 12th. You're welcome to join us. If you want to bring a couple of extra bodies for educational purposes, that's fine, too. Just drop us a line with how many we'll need to accommodate. Space can be limited when we all get together."

"The two of us and… four(?) more?" Coulson looked to Fury for confirmation of numbers and the other man nodded. "At most, four more."

"Cool bananas." Tony nodded and made a note on his phone. "Don't forget to bring you stuff on the Initiative, we can hammer out some details, while your kids get taught some manners."



May 6th 2006


Denarian Saal frowned. "Do you understand any of this? It makes little sense to me."

"I do." Nebula replied.

"How do we work out if he remembers that other future, like you do?" Irani Rael asked.

"I am uncertain…" Nebula replied. "Analysis of the data that you have provided indicates both that he has and also that he hasn't."

"Is there anyone that you can say, conclusively, has?" Saal asked.

"Someone that would trust you?" Rael added.

"I doubt that any of them…" Nebula paused as something occurred to her. "You can access Terra's information network, correct?"

"Yes." Saal replied.

"This woman?" Nebula touched a face, in the background of the larger image. "Give me everything you can, on her…"

"Why?" Saal asked, even as he touched screens and slid files and images towards the area at Nebula's left.

Nebula studied the first information file and tilted her head in consideration. "Her name, when I returned Stark to Terra, was Natasha Romanov."

"Yet this information states, that it is Natashalie Rushmanov." Rael stood beside Nebula and looked at the same information.

"You think that she may remember, too?" Saal asked.

"Natashalie was a… pet name?... that Stark called her." Nebula said before jerking. "Stop!" She lifted a finger and said, "her," pointing at another image, this time of a woman in her mid to late twenties.

"Darcy Anne Lewis, married to James -"

"James Buchannan Barnes." Nebula answered. "That's not possible."

"Why do you say that?" Saal turned from his holo-screens to face her.

"That's what she looked like when I met her." Nebula answered. "And I didn't meet her until after Thanos was killed."

"Ah…?" Rael made a confused sound.

"At this point in time, she should be a child, not yet having reached maturity." Nebula said.

"Ah…" This time Rael understood.

"Exactly." Nebula nodded.

"Would you like us to contact her?" Saal asked.

"You have the means?"

"We do. Although, at this distance, it will be audio only."

"And the time lag?"

"No lag. For audio, we can bounce off of pre-existing relays. Visual would require buffering to a relay before access." Saal replied.

"Audio is fine, but not her. The other woman, Natashalie." Nebula indicated towards the redhead. "Please." She forced herself to remember the courtesies that Stark, that Tony said most people used.

"Certainly." Saal nodded. "It will take a moment for the connection to stabilise." He gave a satisfied smile when the link connected and an oscillographic image appeared on a holo-screen in front of Nebula.

"Hello? Who is this?" The voice was exactly what Nebula remembered.

"I wish to come in, Romanov."

"Who is… Nebula?" Natashalie exclaimed.

"I wish to come in." Nebula repeated. "How can this be achieved?"

"Come in?"

"Yes." Nebula said. "I have left Thanos' service, he is under the impression that I am on a long-term mission to re-acquire Gamora. He is not expecting my return for at least two decades. I will not return to him, ever."

"I understand." Natashalie said, her voice now calm. "Where are you, now, and are you safe?"

"Currently, I am on Xandar." Nebula answered. "Nova Prime and Denarian Saal are assisting me. We have the beginnings of a plan for altering my cellular biology."

"To what end?"

"To give me the physical and biological appearance of a Terran."

"How?" Natashalie asked.

"By rewriting my cellular data, what you call DNA." Nebula replied. "It will alter me completely. I will no longer be a luphomoid, but a Terran."

"Rewriting…?" Natashalie paused. "What will that do to you?"

"It will make her completely and utterly a Terran." Rael spoke. "I am Irani Rael, Nova Prime, Commander of the of the Nova Corps. We are the…" She paused, not knowing the Terran equivalent.

"They are the intergalactic version of what the Dora Milaje and the Avengers are." Nebula said. "With more emphasis on following the laws of whatever particular planet they're on."

"Police." Natashalie grunted.

"And more, but yes." Nebula agreed.

"How do they plan to rewrite your DNA?"

"I do not understand the exact particulars, but they have a device that breaks the genetic record down beyond the cellular level, to the…. atomic(?) level. Is that the correct word?" Nebula didn't wait for Natashalie to answer. "Their machine can remove the information that determines my species and rewrite it with Terran information."

"It will be an extremely painful process and will alter Nebula's appearance significantly." Rael offered. "It is unlikely to alter her actual bone structure, but will alter her skin, hair and eyes. Also, depending on how long ago her arm was removed and… when and what organs were removed, the process may attempt to regrow them."


"Nebula wishes to use genetic data from Anthony Stark and Ava Weldham as her basis. We know that Ava has all her limbs and organs, so it will depend on Stark having his, as to whether or not the rewrite will recognise what organs she should have, that she doesn't, currently." Rael said. "Unfortunately, we are lacking when it comes to Stark's genetic make-up, to use him as a donor, it would be easier and less painful for Nebula, if we were to have a sample of his blood or at the very least an image of his genetic coding."

There was a pause as Natashalie thought about what they said and JARVIS translating it into something she could understand. "You want Tony as your father?" She asked.

"Yes." Nebula replied.

"What of a mother?"

"My wife is Terran." Saal said. "Many years ago, she was removed from Terra by slavers, the Corps apprehended those involved and the victims were given the chance to return to their homes. Ava rejected the offer, she had been parentless and homeless prior to her removal and in her own words, Earth held nothing for her to go back to."

"Ah." Natashalie grunted. "That, I can understand."

"Yes." Saal said. "We talked about it and while Ava has no wish to return to Terra, ever, she is a healer and helping people is her calling. Offering up her genetic coding is extreme, true, but not as extreme as asking for a cellular rewrite to be performed on oneself."

"Right…" Natashalie made an understanding noise. "How long does it take for the… rewrite… to happen?"

"Twelve hours, once we have the data." Saal said.

"And how long would it take for someone to physically fetch a blood sample?"

"There are currently only five people aware of this… plan. The four of us and Ava." Saal said. "It would mean that someone, probably myself, would have to travel to Terra, meet with Stark, retrieve the sample and return to Xandar. That would take time. Approximately three-hundred and twenty-two hours."

"Hmm…" Natashalie made an objectionable noise. "This… number, link, connection? Can data be sent via it?"


"Prepare for incoming information." Natashalie said. "A basic translation of human DNA structure and how we read it and a copy of Tony's DNA. If that's not enough, then we'll look at a physical pickup."

"Data package, received, forwarding to Ava." Saal said. "We'll know within an hour if it's enough information or not."

"If it's enough and Nebula, you're okay with it, go ahead. Saal? I'll need all the information that your wife is able to give me, about who she was, before she left Earth. With this, I can have JARVIS, Tony's AI, create a complete history for Nebula. I'll need to bring JARVIS in on this. And probably a few others."

"What is an AI? I am unfamiliar with this abbreviation." Saal asked.

"JARVIS is an AI, an Artificial Intelligence." Natashalie explained. "A completely electronic being, with thoughts, feelings and emotions, but without a physical body."

"A electronic sentience?" Rael gasped, she hadn't expected Terra to have progressed that far. 

"Yes." Natashalie confirmed. "You that said this… process would be painful for Nebula. How painful?"

"Very." Saal replied. "It will rewrite her entire body, from the inside out."

"I see…"

"We thank you for your assistance." Rael said. "There is one matter that must be discussed with Stark directly, however. And that is his consent to having his genetic code used in Nebula's rewrite. The rewrite is considered extreme for more than just altering species. It also alters the physical age of the recipient."


"Our device…" Rael hesitated, "creates a simulation of the blending and maturation of the donated codes, from conception to the current age of the recipient. But it halts the external process at the point where the majority of development is complete. This is usually, shortly before a being reaches full maturation, irrespective of the actual years the recipient has lived. In the case of Terran females, it is somewhere in the approximation of fifteen to eighteen Terran years."

"So, Nebula would be younger, somewhere between fifteen and eighteen?" Natashalie asked.

"Yes. But without Stark's consent we cannot proceed any further."

"Will you accept a sound recording of him stating that he considers himself to be her father?"

"Why not allow us to speak to him, directly?"

"Two reasons." Natashalie replied. "One, he's not here. He's in meetings with military leaders in regard to providing them with equipment he's designed. And two… he misses her and we'd like to give him a pleasant surprise."

"I see…" Rael mused.

"The recording is audio and visual, taken within the last twenty-four hours." Natashalie said. "And I can have his wife verify it."

"Do you believe that Stark would welcome Nebula as his child?"

"I do." Natashalie replied firmly. "I have heard him say that he had four children and only one of them shared his blood. Another time I heard him talk of his sons, Peter and Harley and of his daughters, Morgan and Nebula. I can send a copy of that conversation."

"He would not be concerned that you are sharing private information?"

"I'll run it by his wife, first, but given the circumstances? No, I don't believe he would be."

"We would need to speak directly with his wife, just to confirm that, you understand?" Saal asked.

"I do."

"Excellent." Saal let a smile fill his voice. "How long will it take you to reach his wife and inform her of this matter? We can contact you sometime after that."

"Just a moment." Natashalie's voice became distant from the communications device when she spoke next. "JARVIS? Have you been keeping Pepper in the loop on this?"

"Yes, Miss Natashalie, I have. Ms Potts is already on route to you and her arrival is expected to be within the next three minutes." A masculine voice said.

"Thanks, JARVIS." There was a pause and Natashalie's voice returned. "Tony's wife, Pepper, is one her way to me and should be here in the next couple of minutes. JARVIS has been keeping her informed of this conversation and you'll be able to clarify that with her, yourselves."

"Thank you." Nebula said.

"While we're waiting, letting get started on the background history for you." Natashalie said. "Until the rewrite is complete, we can't be exactly certain of your age but we can at least get started on filling in other details."

A soft ding sounded at Saal's elbow.

He raised a hand from the holo-screen, enough to catch Rael's attention. "Excuse me for a moment, it's Ava." He stepped off to one side of the room. "Ava?"

"You didn't warn me that she wanted to use Tony Stark as her second donor, Garth." Ava didn't bother with a greeting.

"Does it make a difference?"

"Only in that you need to confirm his consent. He's wealthy enough that using his code without his consent would be on a level with using Irani's or yours."

"Ah. I'll be speaking with his wife in a few moments and we already have an audio-visual recording of him calling the recipient, his daughter. Will that suffice?"

"Why not speak to him directly?"

"They wish to give him this as a gift and believe that he will welcome it as that."

"I want to view the recording and the conversation with his wife."

"With his wife, it will be audio only, however we have enough information on her to verify her identity, simply by her voice."

"If you verify it, I'll accept that, but I will insist on, at least, viewing and hearing recordings… Even if we won't be documenting this case." The latter comment was said with a sigh of resignation.

"The Corps prides itself on having our records available to the public, my heart, documenting this case would mean that the being hunting this female, would be able to locate her and given the difference between luphomoid and Terran, she would be vulnerable to attack." Saal reminded his wife.

"I know, dear." Ava sighed. "I know and agree, but I am a creature of rules and rules says that all cases must be documented. Not doing so, is… frustrating."

"I understand, my heart, but needs must be taken into consideration."

"Very well." Ava nodded. "The information provided is sufficient for a cellular rewrite, blood would make it easier, but I understand that distance is a factor. If he was to be her only donor, blood would be essential, but with two donors, variance is expected and allowed for. We will need to provide them with images of the girl during the process, for simulation of a visual history."

"Agreed. But the information is enough?"

"It is, we can start the procedure any time the girl wishes." Ava said.

"I'll confirm and inform you of a time." Saal said.



May 7th 2006


"Do you have a… plan for integrating, once Nebula arrives on Terra?" Rael asked, studying the newly formed Terran.

"We do." Natashalie replied. "Her history is complete, the entire compound is aware of her imminent arrival, all bar Tony. As she will be arriving in front of outside public, we want his reaction to be genuine. He will be only told a few seconds before he actually sees her, enough that his apparent shock with be commensurate with what would be expected of such an event." She paused. "With Nebula's 'adoptive mother' already having been deceased, having her and her 'father' involved in a traffic accident in… where was it? Oh, right, Los Angeles… the accident happened late yesterday and JARVIS added her and her 'adoptive father' to the victim list and even managed to blend in a few images of them. It made sense to use pre-existing people. We've added documentation to state that Nebula was transported to hospital, along with a number of other survivors, before being transferred to a private hospital, further away. The hospital is extremely private and staff are unable to acknowledge whether or not Nebula was ever actually there. The hospital itself is in New Mexico, one of our southern states and where we would recommend your transport land. Pepper has already assigned a pilot to fly the plane and Happy will accompany Nebula from your transport to the house in New York, as we will be up at the lake house by the time you touch down in New Mexico."

"And your reasoning for us landing in such a remote location, at such distant to where you currently are?" Saal asked.

"Ah, we need to create a visible chain of events." Natashalie said. "Given the panic over the accident, forgetting Nebula and her parents' faces will be understandable. We need to have her firmly fixed in the digital records before she arrives here, so that when people question, 'did I meet that girl?', it won't matter, the records will support her."

"And how will she get from… New Mexico(?) to you?" Rael asked.

"The hospital she will be 'transferred' to, is in New Mexico. A car will leave Albuquerque with Happy driving, to any outsiders watching, it will look like he is going to collect Nebula from that hospital, but instead, he'll meet you transport in the hills." She paused. "We chose the hill region as it will provide some radar distortion and with JARVIS' assistance, this should render your transport invisible. Once Happy arrives, Nebula will go with him and you can return to Xandar. Happy will drive Nebula back to Albuquerque, to a smaller, private airfield, where a Iron Technologies jet will be waiting for them. He will accompany Nebula, by air, to the airfield Stark Industries and Iron Technologies prefer to use, in greater New York, once landed, they will transfer to a known Iron Tech vehicle and Happy will drive them from New York City, to the lake house."

"And Stark being the only one surprised, won't raise alarm?" Saal inquired.

"No, because we'll state that we knew in advance but that we wanted to surprise Tony. By then Pepper will have the 'official' documentation stating that Tony has custody of Nebula, using paternal DNA testing as grounds for applying for custody." She sighed. "The video of Nebula undergoing the rewrite has enabled JARVIS to create images of Nebula and Tony… and most of us, too… to cover most of her 'life', this provides a visual history of their connection while the tests provide a genetic one. And the after-effects of the rewrite won't have worn off, completely, which to outsiders will look like the after-effects of the vehicle accident."

"Excellent." Saal said, quietly. "We will be departing from here, in approximately one hour. Transport time to Terra will be one-hundred and fifty-seven hours and twelve minutes."

"Happy will have the beacon that you sent the specs for and will be in place in one-hundred and fifty-six hours, from now. Just to be certain that we don't have any conflict as far as time management and recognition is concerned."

"Understood. We'll be there." Saal said and cut the connection. "I never expected that being promoted to Denarian, would require me to be personal pilot to a child, to a planet that barely reaches level three, halfway across the galaxy."

Rael smiled at him. "Such are the consequences of helping those most vulnerable, Denarian Saal."

"Oh, the sarcasm." He replied in a monotone voice.



May 13th 2006


"Agent Agent, Director, welcome to Iron Tech's Compound." Tony called out, as Coulson and Fury emerged from a standard black SUV.



"Welcome home, Miss Nebula, you look tired, why don't you climb in and get some sleep?" Harry turned from the pretty young redhead to the taller male. "Welcome to Earth, Denarian Saal." Happy stood in front of the black hire-car. "We have a few gifts for you to take back with you. For Irani, Ava and yourself. Not official ones, personal ones of thanks from our families." The last comment was hastily added when Happy saw Saal begin to frown, a frown that cleared as Happy spoke.

"Thanks are not necessary, Chief Hogan." Saal replied.

"Maybe not, but we still want you to have them." Happy gestured to the side of the car and Saal's eyes narrowed. There was a collection of plants and seeds in bags. "All have been sterilised to remove parasites and have bare roots to avoid transporting bacteria."

"My word…" Saal whispered. "That is a thanks worthy of a daughter. Plants are… much valued gifts."

Happy heaved up a box and carefully placed it on the transports ramp. Doing so, prompted Saal and for a few minutes the two men worked silently to move the containers.

"Keep in touch, you'll always be welcome here." Happy nodded and stepped back. "If there's anything that your wife wants from Earth, let us know and we'll see what we can do towards getting it for her."

"A meezer." Saal said. "I don't know what it is, but she has said many times that the only things that she misses from Terra, are her grandmother's meezer and rocker. She missed holding the meezer in the rocker. If you can figure that out, I would be most appreciative." Saal gave a huffing sigh.

"Meezer is a slang term, a pet name, for a particular breed of cat, the Siamese and in the context that you've given me, rocker is likely to be a rocking chair." Happy mused. "If you don't have to head back to Xandar straight away, find a hiding spot and give me a couple of hours. Both cats and rocking chairs are easy to find."

"Shall I call you?"

"Best call Miss Natashalie, she'll likely be the one to sort that out. I'll give her a call and get her on it." Happy nodded to the Denarian and headed back to the car. "Let's get you home, Miss Nebula." He said to the already sleeping girl. She looked bruised and battered, much as he would expect from someone that had been in a vehicle accident a few days ago.

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