

025 - Cockroach under the glass.

Matou Shinji


My voice echoes on the empty street as I stare incredulously at the ATM machine. My card just got rejected, a notification informing me that 'due to irregularities', I'll need to present myself at the bank in-person to offer proof of identity.

Fucking incompetent morons! Just because my home got destroyed and Grandfather is unavailable -he's fucking dead, of course he's unavailable!- suddenly I can't use my money? Why does all that bullshit have to affect me? It's not my fault!

All my identity documents were in the mansion anyway! It'll take me weeks if not months to prove my identity and regain access to my money. And that's assuming I don't need to leave Fuyuki at any point of the process, because I cannot leave Fuyuki during the War without getting the Church on my ass!

"Fuck!" I kick the machine, immediately regretting it when the piece of junk proves harder than my foot. "Shit!"

"'Oh, look at me! I'm Tohsaka Rin!'" I pantomime to distract myself from the tears welling in my eyes. Fuck, my foot hurts. "'I'm a perfect bitch and I'm going to kick your ass! But don't worry, I'll let you keep your money!' Well, guess who can't touch his money now, you insufferable cunt!"

If my voice is a bit higher pitched than usual, well there's nobody around to–

"Master, a police car is approaching." The useless slut I got saddled with materializes at my side, giving me the scare of my life. "I suspect someone called the truancy officers."

"Shut up!" A wet smack sounds as I slap her face, but her impassive face doesn't change. And now my hand hurts too. "Take me out of here!"

As she carries me out of trouble, I can only fume impotently. Why does all this shit have to keep happening to me? I just want to become a magus and continue the family traditions to make my ancestors proud! Is that really too much to ask? Why does the entire world have to get in my way?

The buildings race past us as Rider takes out of sight routes to take us to my temporary hideout. Hyatt Hotel is supposed to have the best security money can buy after the terrorist attack years ago, but that doesn't mean much to a Servant, even one as useless as mine, and we reach our room without trouble. A room we'll have to vacate soon if I don't get access to my money again.

All of this is Tohsaka's fault! Why did she have to blow my house up? Why did she have to have a Servant? Why did Rider have to be so useless? Yes, this is all Rider's fault! Nothing would've happened if she'd stuck to the plan and defeated that brat Archer! Then I would've captured Tohsaka without trouble and now I'd be raping the bitch out of her at home instead of hiding like a criminal in my own hometown!

"You useless Servant… Couldn't even overpower a kid…" I mumble as Rider slips us past the window. "But what can you expect from someone summoned by Sakura anyway. It's my fault for expecting better. Like Master like Servant after *Gurk!*"

None too gently, I'm thrown into the king-sized bed. If it wasn't for the five-star soft and downy mattress, it would've hurt a lot. As it is I still bite my tongue and waste five minutes writhing around in pain.

"Hey, be careful you dumb cow!" I discipline her as soon as I can speak again without sounding like an idiot. "Not everyone can be as stupidly sturdy as you! Some of us are actual humans!"

"I humbly apologize, Master." She says insincerely, after her cheek twitches into what I'm pretty sure was an aborted smirk. "Your degree of squishiness momentarily fled my mind."

"Impertinent piece of–" Remembering how it went last time, I lower the hand I was about to smack her with. Instead of bashing my head against a wall, I sit on the edge of the bed with my most charming smile. "Just for that, you're going to suck me off until I get bored of cumming down your throat."

I undo my pants and stroke my magnificent bitch breaker as Rider falls to her knees in front of me without a word of protest. You hear a lot about twelve inches and whatnot, but everyone knows that's all just porn props. The ladies have certainly never complained about mine and those grotesque things would never fit into a woman that hasn't been stretched loose first, anyway.

"What are you doing!?" I frown when the slut doesn't immediately work her lips around my shaft, grabbing her hair to pull her closer. "Get to it!"

Always keeping in mind my dear readers mental health, a brief and pathetic explicit scene has been removed. Not that much happened, because Shinji isn't man enough to move past third base with a woman like Medusa, but you can find all the nitty-gritty details in Ao3 or QQ.

Where does she get off being so insufferably cool anyway? It's not like she's actually good for anything beyond sucking cock! The idiot didn't even realize I'm out of Command Spells and still lets me order her around! Won't even react when I strike her. A dead fish in the sac, too!

… Sucks the fun right out of it

"I should've gone after Mitsuzuri yesterday." I muse. Then I could be forcing her to strip down for my enjoyment. "I don't know why I panicked when I saw Haku-chan with her, it was the perfect chance to just take the two of them at once." Then I chuckle at my own silliness. "What were they going to do, call the police? Maybe Haku-chan will call her brother? Cry for his help while I pound her virgin pussy until it takes the shape of my cock?"

"Fuck! That's kind of hot, actually." I slap Rider's cheeks a couple of time so she knows to keep shucking while I make plans. "Maybe I will call that bastard Emiya so he can hear her precious little sister get raped by a real man!"

My dick goes hard again in record time. I have fantasized about taking Haku-chan by force even more often than Tohsaka or Mitsuzuri. And sticking it on that bastard Emiya's face will only make it all the sweetest. I wanted to save her for the end but…

"Yeah, tonight Mitsuzuri goes down. And if Haku-chan is with her again, well…" I chuckle as Rider primes me up for a third load. "Two for one sounds like a sweet bargain."

I let myself fall backwards into the bed, tired but happy. I don't tell the slut to stop though, let's see for how long she keeps it up by herself. It's not like I'm not going to punish her for stopping afterward, no matter what.

Medea of Cochis

Letting out a long sigh, I lean on the backrest of the couch, running a hand through Jackie's hair and enjoying the way she leans into my touch. Exactly like a cat. Making something for her to wear in bed has been a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours and I'm quite proud of the fluffy set of white pajamas with heart stamps.

There was some grumbling about the color, but Jackie fell in love with the cat-eared hood. I'm a bit miffed that she somehow convinced me to make the heart stamps anatomically correct, but I can't really say no to Jackie's pouting face. And the cartoonish organs are kind of cute on her.

'Daaaaaaw~' Our glorious Head Wife coos through our mental connection. 'Jackie looks adorable in her new pajamas.'

"Of course, she's my sweet daughter, after all." I graciously accept the compliment, tightening my embrace just a little bit. Then I point at the TV screen that I'm using to scry into a certain hotel room. "But that's not what the connection was about."

'Oh, yeah. That.' Haku-chan's voice gains a tone of disdain as she watches our target ejaculate for the third time in a minute and immediately fall asleep. 'No offence, Sakura-chan, but your Nii-san kind of sucks.'

"You have seen how he treats poor Medusa and what he has planned for Haku-chan." I add my two cents in a more conciliatory tone. "Are you sure you still want to defend him, Sakura-chan?"

'He… wasn't like that, before.' The girl finally speaks up. 'He was a nice big brother once.'

"Matou Zolgen used to be a great man too, a real hero who saved the world." I press on, speaking gently. I want her to break free, to cast out her tormentors and deny their influence in her life… But there's no point if she doesn't make the choice herself. "That doesn't mean the monster he became later on deserves to be spared to continue being a disease upon humanity."

'Is that what Nii-san is now?' There's sadness in her voice that the manipulator in my sould immediately picks on. The girl stands at the edge of acceptance. 'A disease?'

"He's a hateful creature who fouls others upon touch." Just a small push, to get past her hesitation and break through. That piece of trash doesn't deserve her loyalty. "What can you call him but a disease?"

'I not sure how bad things got.' Haku-chan pipes in. 'Nii-san always refused to go into detail but… Want to talk about it?'


'Come on, Sakura-chan. We are together in this.' Haku-chan insists. 'What's the point if you can't trust us?'

"This is a bad idea." I interrupt when I realize Haku-chan might actually get her to open up. "Not now, not like this."


"I know how bad things got." I explain, feeling Sakura's mental flinching at my admission. "It's not a tale to tell lightly, and never without your loved ones close for comfort."

In fact, it is a tale that makes my blood boil. I've seen worse, I've done worse. But having it done to someone under my protection fills my mind with ugly thoughts. What Matou Zouken did to Sakura, that sort of methodical and unrelenting grinding of a person's very being, in mind, body and soul should be enough to earn him a place in the deepest pits of hell.

'You're sure he can't be redeemed?' I recognise Sakura's question for what it is. A last, hopeless attempt at finding a compromise, she's already resigned herself.

"Maybe he can." I concede diplomatically. "But–"

'No.' The last voice I expected to hear in this conversation cuts me off, icy cold and barely containing the fury buried underneath. 'He can't be redeemed, he won't. I won't allow it.'


'Nobody threatens my Master like that.' There's something inflexible and hard in Ecchan's voice that's usually nowhere to be found. The steel of a naked blade at your neck, the suffocating charisma of a natural-born tyrant. 'This is not up to discussion.'

There's a tension that can be felt all through our mental connection, a threat and a warning, to let sleeping dragons lie, to not defy her on this. In my arms, Jackie's body tenses as a silence that nobody seems willing to break stretches out.

'I… understand.' Sakura-chan's voice comes back with a long sigh after a brief silence. 'Just… Please don't make me watch it. To me, he'll always be the Shinji-niisan who helped me get up after Grandfather's training sessions.'

With those words, she breaks the scrying. Nobody else seems in the mood to talk again, and soon the telepathic connection is unanimously dropped. Well, here we are. We just talked this beautiful and strong girl into accepting the necessity of killing her beloved big brother. Mission accomplished. Feeling like a real hero right now.

Sometimes, victory tastes like bitter ashes.

Maybe sensing my mood, Jackie turns around in my lap to wrap her arms around me and bury her head on my chest. Running my hand through her hair again, I can't help but smile, feeling my spirits lift just a little bit at the gesture.

I have a confession to make. I kind of messed up my lore checks about the inner workings of the [Book of the False Attendant] which caused me to base important plot points on faulty information. It's too late to correct those without introducing major changes to the story, so we're officially deviating a bit from the source material.

This is how the book works in this story:

[Book of the False Attendant]

A Mystic Code developed by the Matou family that allows an outsider to usurp the bond of a Master with their Servant. By transplanting a single Command Seal into the book, the contract is complete and the original bond between Master and Servant completely taken over. For all effects and purposes, including prana supply, telepathic bond and authority over the single available Command Spell, the usurper will become the new Master of the Servant.

While the Book is active, the remaining Command Seals of the original master, alongside any other identifying traits on the original Master, will disappear. These effects last until the Book is destroyed, at which point the original Master regains all authority and privileges, but not the Command Seal spent during the creation, even if it remained unused. Even if the pseudo-Master were to be killed or the Command Seal in the Book spent, this Mystic Code would still maintain its functionality.

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