

Chapter XXII: Disordered.

Last Time.

Naruto blocked a punch before dropping a dissolving pellet and breaking out of the glue, before punching Cluemaster back into the vault, knocking him out cold. Naruto caught his breath before turning around and untied the hostages.

France, Paris; October 18, 19:00 CEST.

Naruto, in a black suit with a dark red undershirt and matching pinstriped tie, lifted his glass as Talia, wearing a black backless dress with a slit on the right side, lifted hers.

They clinked their glasses together as fireworks went off at the Eiffel Tower. "Beloved... I don't think I've ever been this happy before." Talia said as Naruto smiled.

"I aim to please... Darling." He smiled as she blushed at that before standing from the table and offered his hand. "Care to dance?" She took his hand and walked to the middle of the deck outside, where they slow danced. Talia rested her head on his chest and hummed in content. She looked up to Naruto and leaned up to whisper in his ear.

Naruto blushed before looking down at her. "Let's wait, Talia... I think at least part of the reason you want to do that so soon is that Ra's has been pressuring you for an heir." She looked down in shame, making Naruto frown before moving his hand under her chin, and lifted her to look at him.

"I've told you, darling... I see you, and you alone. I don't care who your father is... I'm not going to leave you. I only want your word that you won't force our children into the Shadows until they're old enough, or respect their wishes if they don't want to join." He rested his forehead on hers before pulling her into a kiss.


Mount Justice; October 23, 17:15 EDT.

"Recognized Kage, 17."

Naruto drove in on his Tomahawk and parked near the other bikes before walking to see Donna practicing her Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere). Only to jump as it started to turn red and quickly canceled it. "Honey," Naruto said walking over to her. "You want to talk about anything before talking to Dinah?"

"N-No." She said as Naruto put his hand on her shoulder as Batman came in, and talked to both J'onn and Marvel.

"Donna, please talk to me. I'm not your Leader right now. I'm your father." Donna looked down to avoid her father's gaze. Naruto sighed before pulling her chin up to look at him. "Donna... If this is about you using Kurama, I'm the best person to talk to about it."

"You've never done anything like this!" She said as Naruto raised an eyebrow, and looked around to make sure no one heard her. "You've never lost control!" She said hugging herself before Naruto spoke up.

"I've almost killed my Godfather and a teammate when I was in that form. Hell, I went into eight tails worth, and almost killed not only myself but my Village."

"And the last two was just to get one guy." Donna's eyes widened, never hearing of these moments of her father's life before. "Listen, Donna. You don't need to be afraid of the Fur-ball... Now, anyway. He's just like a cat." Naruto said as Kurama walked in.

"Screw you Naruto! Screw You!" Naruto ignored him as he continued.

"See, all bark and no bite. Besides, you don't have Kurama. I do. Now go on, and talk to Dinah." He watched her go into a room that Black Canary has chosen for her sessions with the Team, and sighed as he rubbed his neck.

Inside with Donna and Black Canary.

"Welcome, Donna." Canary greeted as she sat on a green chair. Donna sighed as she looked down.

"I... Don't really know where to start Canary. I just talked to dad about some things before coming in here." Canary nodded as she crossed her legs.

"How about any feelings you went through when you were in the simulation?"

"Well... I, of course, felt fear when I was in... 'That' form." Canary nodded as she sighed.

"Well, your parents would be the best ones to talk to if you want to talk about going to war. Most of the League only went through the Invasion several years back. The closest person would be John Stewart, one of the Green Lanterns. He was in the military before joining the Lantern Corps."

"I... Don't know. I don't want to talk about this if I could help it." Canary nodded before she spoke up.

"A lot of veterans don't want to talk about it. They'll refuse help, bottle it up until they explode, and sometimes it's too late to get them the help they need."

Later with Conner.

"I can only imagine how devastating it was," Canary said in front of Conner. "Losing your friends, and in essence your family." She continued as Conner stayed silent. "Convinced the whole time it was real. I know you're Superboy, you're not supposed to have feelings of sadness or-"

She stopped as Conner stood up, and walked outside. "You don't know what I feel." Naruto was standing outside as Conner walked out, and to the hanger. He looked inside and grinned.

"You must be that good. He was only in there for like a minute." She glared at him before he sighed and spoke up. "Fine, just give me a sec and I'll be right with you."

Metropolis; October 23, 17:28 EDT.

A portal opened up, and a flying car with five people in all speaking an alien language. One is a black-haired woman with violet eyes. She's wearing a pink dress with light blue stripes, black leggings, and matching pink boots. She also has a short black cape with pink stripes. She has an assortment of jewelry, including a white armband, pink earrings, and a purple and pink diadem.

Beside her is a large muscular man with dark skin. He's wearing dark blue armor and a helmet with bright green markings on them He picked up a small box as the boy behind the woman spoke up in English. "When can we see them, cowboys?"

He resembles a young boy with blond hair and violet eyes, and a small gap in his teeth. He's wearing white pants and a black shirt with a brown poncho over it. He also has a black belt with holsters holding guns. His poncho and belt are decorated with blue markings. He's also wearing a black cowboy hat.

"Your fascination with the barbarians will have to wait, Serifan."

"Mother Box, please camouflage all extraterrestrial energy signatures, scan the Planet, and advise." The Mother Box beeped for a moment before the woman spoke up. "The New Genesphere is here." The man driving grinned.

He has brown skin, long red hair a little bit below his shoulders, and a black headband with a large black gem on it. He has very large red eyebrows. He has a vest that seems to be made out of fur from an animal, and his skin has blue stripes on his arm. He's wearing a black wristband that goes onto one part of his hand and on his wrist. He has large, baggy, green pants, and wears black and white sandals.

"Then we shall take her back! The Forever People shall not be denied! And woe to any that stand in our way."

The final man is a lean, black-haired man with bright blue eyes. He's wearing a black and dark blue bodysuit with purple lines on them, black boots, a red sash, and a red headdress.

Mount Justice; October 23, 17:30 EDT.

Naruto and Donna stood in front of Conner who was on his bike as Wolf walked up. "Move."

Naruto crossed his arms as he snorted. "Please, like you can do anything to me. Just calm down, and talk to Dinah." Sphere rolled over as the hanger door opened. "Red Torna..." Naruto trailed off as Sphere transformed into a large red three-wheeled motorcycle.

(A/N: Look at Super Cycle Young Justice Wiki/Fandom for a better picture.)

The trio and Wolf stared at Sphere for a moment before Naruto spoke up. "My bike's still cooler." Conner got in the driver's seat as Donna kissed Naruto on the cheek, and jumped on as Wolf did too.

"I'll keep an eye on them Dad." She said just as Sphere flew up in the air, and out the door just as Batman and Tornado ran over.

"Superboy return-" Batman stopped as he heard two echoes, and saw two earpieces on the ground.

"Oh, man!"

They turned to see Naruto sitting on the grounds with a rain cloud over his head. "My bike just lost it's cool... Well, maybe Dinah can cheer me up." He got up, disappeared in a flash, and reappeared in front of Canary.

"Ready?" She asked as he shrugged before sitting down.

"Yeah, shoot."

She rested her head on her left hand before speaking. "You're in denial with what's-" She stopped as he raised his hand.

"No, I know what happened in there was complete hell, pardon my language. But I'm not in denial if that's what you're thinking."

"Then what do you call this chipper attitude for someone that went through hell?"

Naruto sighed before leaning forward, resting his arms on his legs, and clasped his hands together. Canary eyes widened as he saw the change in his eyes. 'The only person I've seen with eyes like that is when John Stewart talks about his time in the Military.' She thought before Naruto explained his time in his World.

From his rough childhood, up to being involved in the Fourth World War when he was sixteen. "So I wouldn't call it denial as much as I've just been through worst shit in my life." Naruto finished as Canary saw he's been talking for half an hour.

"Well... Thank you for sharing that with me, Naruto... It couldn't have been easy." He stood up and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"It is when you've got someone willing to listen, and a beautiful someone at that." Naruto then left the room. Leaving Black Canary with a deep blush on her cheeks.

Stephanie's Session.

Stephanie in black jeans, sneakers, and a white shirt made her way in and sat down. Naruto closed the door before she spoke. "Look, I died before everything really went to hell. So, no real trauma after M'gann's subconscious took over." Canary sighed as she leaned forward.

"You're tough, I know. Or you're too tough to know when you need help. Stephanie... It's not a weakness to rely on your Team. Your friends. You're also keeping secrets fro-" Canary stopped as Stephanie yelled out.

"You can't tell them!" Canary lifted her hands before continuing.

"I won't... But you should. You can start by admitting you're not my niece." Stephanie snorted at that.

"Yeah. Can you imagine what Wally would do with that?" She asked reaching for a glass of water on the table and making Canary smirk.

"Interesting... So the person you're most worried about... Is Wally?" She asked making Stephanie spit her water out.

Starfire's Session.

"Hello, Kori." Canary greeted as Starfire sat down, and kept her head down. "I know 'dying' must have been hard on you."

Starfire shook her head before speaking. "No, it's not the dying that got me. I would proudly sacrifice my life for my friends again. The... 'Invasion' just brought back bad memories about Tamaran being invaded."

"I see... I can't imagine going through two invasions at a young age." Canary said as Starfire talked about the Invasion she went through, and how she eventually sacrificed herself for peace. Starfire walked out of the office where Blackfire and Robin were waiting for her.

Eastern Seaboard; October 23, 18:04 EDT.

Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Wolf flew above the water before the Forever People flew in front of them forcing them to stop. They explained Sphere is theirs making Conner narrow his eyes as Sphere revved its engine. "Wait! The New Genesphere said they saved it from the real thieves."

Wonder Girl blinked at how quickly the Forever People took to that as they introduced themselves.

Later, they flew to Metropolis as the Forever People explained that they're from New Genesis, and are on a mission to retrieve stolen tech from their homeworld. Soon, they stopped at a construction site beside Metropolis's Federal Reserve. "They have stolen a drill," Vykin said as Wonder Girl switched her costume to the stealth setting.

They saw several people standing near a large hole, and dropped down. Dreamer shimmered into an elderly woman with black graying hair and walked to an armed teen wearing jeans, and a black shirt. "Ma!? What are you doing here!?" He asked turning away from the group, not noticing several Wonder Girls knock them out.

"I thought you could use a coat," Dreamer said before Wonder Girl knocked the teen out.

They dropped down the hole and walked through a tunnel where they saw a group of people taking futuristic carts of gold to a futuristic van. Two people, a man, and a woman ordered them as they stood to the side. The woman is a Caucasian woman with very long red hair and pale white skin. She's wearing gray cargo pants and a form-fitting black jacket.

The man is a stocky, thick-necked man of medium height. He has dark skin, dark eyes, and black hair in a pudding-bowl cut. He also has a Fu Manchu mustache framing a square chin, and a unibrow.

"That's not technology from New Genesis..." Dreamer said as they hid behind rocks. "They are from the enemy... From Apokolips." She said before Vykin walked over, and ordered them to give up making Wonder Girl facepalm.

"Even Dad wasn't that stupid when he was a kid."

Mount Justice, 18:30 EDT.

Black Canary watched as Kaldur sat down in front of her. "I was the General, but behaved like a Soldier, and sacrificed myself... I don't know how Naruto can handle the pressure." Aqualad said as Canary crossed her legs.

"For one, he knows his Team comes first... He told me how he faced a Leader from another Village who faced ten thousand enemy forces so his comrades could flee to safety."

"And in doing that, he's regarded as the greatest Leader of that Village. Sacrificing yourself so your team can live another day is admirable Kaldur... it's a strength, not a weakness. I would've been more worried if you left them, and ran away." She said to him as he sighed.

Wally's Session.

Later, Wally walked in with a bowl of popcorn, sat upside down on the chair, and smiled. "Nothing I need to talk about. I'm not down." He said throwing popcorn in the air.

"So you want me to believe that after everything you went through... Even your own 'death'. You're peachy?" He nodded before she spoke up again.

"What about your extreme reaction to Stephanie's death?" Wally choked on his popcorn as he sat up in the chair.

"I'd rather talk about you, babe." Canary rested her head on her hand before speaking.

"Wally, you're in denial."

Wonder Girl, Superboy, and The Forever People.

"Wait, Sphere's a 'She'?" Superboy asked before getting a feeling of dread.

He turned to see Donna with her hair floating up and split, making them look like tails. "Oh, so you automatically think she's a 'He' because she's technology?"

Superboy quickly shook his head before a bright light blinded them for a moment. They looked to see the Forever People transformed into a mechanical, 10' 'Man'.

He has a shining yellow hide, with blue plating on the chest, shoulders, wrists, lower legs, and hips. He's wearing a helmet that hides his eyes.

The Man attacked the people and disintegrated their weapons before the man created a portal fleeing with everyone but the woman who was captured with a bolas.

The man turned back into the Forever People as they explained that they merged to form Infinity-Man to become one with the Source before walking to the woman.

"I'm not talking." Dreamer walked in front of her, and her eyes glowed pink.

"You don't have to." Smoke came off the woman and formed into a man.

He is a frightening figure with pale skin, sunken red eyes, and stringy black hair. The right side of his face is deformed, with flesh growing from his cheek down the collar of his clothes. He's wearing a purple, hooded robe with a metal shoulder/neck covering.

Dreamer gasped before explaining Desaad is from New Genesis' enemy World Apokolips, and how they've been at war for a long time.

Later, they used Mother Box to track the technology to an abandoned warehouse and walked in after Superboy confirmed there are no heat signatures inside. They walked in disguised, and the lights turned on showing the group surrounding them.

Mount Justice; Robin's Session, A Few Minutes Earlier.

Robin looked down as he clasped his hands together, and sighed. "Hurt? Try traumatized, I finally become a leader on a mission, and it all went horribly wrong. Now I know I did what I had to... But I hated it. When we started this Team I was desperate to be the Leader. But not anymore. A-And that's not the worst of it."

"Promise you won't tell Batman?" He asked as she nodded.

"Nothing leaves this room." She reassured him before he continued.

"I always wanted... Expected to grow up, and be Him. And the Hero bit? I still want that. But that 'Thing' inside of him... The thing that drives him to sacrifice everything for the mission... That's not me, I-I don't want to be the Batman anymore."

M'gann's Session.

M'gann sat down and sighed as she hit herself on the head. "Hello, Megan! Who else can take a simple exercise mission, and turn it into a nightmare?" She asked as her skin turned white from the hands, and knees up.

"M'gann... You're white." Canary said as M'gann gasped, and stood up.

She looked at her hands in fear before letting out a relieved sigh. "Oh, you mean Caucasian." She sat back down and continued. "Yeah, I'm fine being Megan... But I can't be trusted to use my other powers." Canary leaned forward as she spoke up.

"M'gann. I know you talked with Naruto about it... But you can't be afraid to use your powers. It's like me wanting to stop talking. Which I tried to when I first gained my Cry and deafened my entire first-grade class." Canary said before hearing Naruto yell through the door.

"HA! I can't wait to tell the others that!"

Canary gained a tick mark before grabbing a paperweight, threw it at the door, making it go through, and hitting Naruto on the head.


She pinched the bridge of her nose before mumbling under her breath. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm falling for him."

"What was that?" M'gann asked breaking Canary out of her thoughts.

"Nothing! (Ahem!) M'gann. Learn from what happened, talk to your Uncle, he'll be happy to train you. Until you gain better control and regain... Your confidence."

M'gann walked out where Naruto was lying against the wall, with the paperweight beside him.

"Damn that hurt." He said rubbing the angry red mark on his forehead as he stood up. "Hey, M'gann... Feeling better?" He asked making her nod.


Naruto smiled as he kissed her forehead, having her change back to green from the kiss down. Naruto quickly pulled back as he felt a pull from a Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God) kunai. "I'll be right back." He said pulling his hood up and disappeared in a flash.

Wonder Girl, Superboy, and Wolf.

Naruto flashed to see a red and black-themed Infinity-Man punching his daughter and Conner around. Naruto dashed over and grabbed the man's fist as his arms glowed red. "OK, would one of you like to fill me in?" Naruto grunted out as craters formed under him.

"That giant man is made of a group of people who are here looking for tech being controlled by a bad guy." Wonder Girl quickly explained before Sphere flew on the head, and connected to Infinity-Man.

Sphere's handlebars came up as Superboy jumped on top, and attacked the group of criminals.


"We bonded, okay!?"

Superboy yelled out as the Forever People tried to convince them to take Sphere back to New Genesis. "Hmph! He's never defended me that passionately." Wonder Girl said crossing her arms with a pout. "What is it with men and anything with a motor?" Naruto brought his arms up in defense before speaking.

"It's a guy thing."

With their mission complete, both groups went their separate ways with Naruto, Conner, and Donna heading back to base while the Forever People went back home via Boom Tube.

Later, once arriving back at the Cave, Conner walked into the office and sat down in front of Canary. "Here's the ugly truth, after Naruto, Superman, you, Tornado... The League was gone... I wasn't devastated, after everything that happened, I felt... At peace." In response, Dinah widened her eyes in surprise.

"After opening my eyes in that pod, there was one thing on my mind that I both feared, and look forward to. To know what it means to be Superman. And now I know... And I was... Happy. How do I get over that guilt?" He finished as Canary reached over, and put a hand on his knee.

"I don't have any easy answers, Conner... But the hardest step to do is admitting it."

Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse, October 24, 07:00 EDT.

Naruto walked into Jade's room and smiled seeing her sleeping in her bed. He snuck over and kissed her making her moan. "Time to get up Jade. We're going to be late." She groaned as she pushed the cover off making Naruto turn around as she was only in a pair of black panties.

"What are we late for?"

"Hell in a Cell Pay-per-view. I got tickets for all of us since Artemis is a fan." Naruto replied as Jade hugged him, pressing her bare breasts against his back.

"Want to take a shower together? It'll save both water and time."

He smiled before glancing back. "Already took a shower. Plus I need to go to the other rooms on the floor to wake everyone up." She pouted before turning around.


Only to jump as she grabbed her ass with a mad blush, and looked back at Naruto. "Payback for pressing your chest on me, and trying to coax me. You're not the only tease around here."

Texas Dallas; October 24, 19:00 UTC.

Naruto wearing a black shirt, faded blue jeans, and boots pushed Paula as Artemis and Jade both in jeans, and dark green shirts walked with him in front of the stadium with a large picture with 'Hell In A Cell' on it. With it is a man with tattoos on his arms that are crossed across his chest, long dark hair, mustache goatee combo with his eyes rolled back in his head.

He's wearing a black studded sleeveless coat and fingerless gloves.

"Everyone should be here soon," Naruto said before two vans pulled up.

The Team minus Mary walked out before a black car pulled up. "I hope you guys don't mind. I promised a friend I'd bring his little cousins." Naruto said as Billy and Mary ran over to them.

"Hi, Naru-oof!" Billy said as his sister brushed past him, and ran up to Naruto.

"Hi, Naruto thanks for bringing us!"

Billy rolled his eyes as Naruto looked to see Starfire look down. "Sorry that Komi's not here Kori... She's helping Roy with a mission." He said before pushing Paula inside, and away from the stands.

"Hey Naruto, we're going the wrong way," Wally said as Naruto looked back.

"No, we're not. We're going backstage, and see the Wrestlers, and Divas fir-oof!" Naruto said before Artemis grabbed him by the shirt, and shook him.

"How the hell did you do that?! I didn't see any backstage passes in that envelope!" Naruto lifted his hand before speaking.

"I know a guy here." She stopped as they saw workers pulling equipment past them before hearing a male voice speak up.


Artemis quickly looked back, and her jaw dropped seeing a muscular man standing at 6'4 with a buzz cut, purple hat with 'U Can't C Me' on it along with a no symbol over the 'C', a purple shirt with "Never Give Up Cenation' on the front, and 'You Can't C Me' on the back.

He's wearing a purple armband, and wristband with the 'You Can't C Me' on them, with beige shorts, black knee pads, and sneakers.

"Hey John, we're not late are we?" Naruto asked ignoring the gaping Artemis as John walked over to the stunned group minus Paula, Starfire, Conner, and Donna who just blankly stared at them.

"No, you're right on time. We're just doing the preshow for the televised audience, and warming up the crowd with dark matches." John replied shaking Naruto's hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry John, this is my adoptive mother Paula, and her daughters Jade and Artemis. This is also Stephanie her Godchild, Billy, Mary, Kori, Wally, Richard, Zatanna, Megan, Conner, Kal, and Donna."

Once Naruto had introduced everyone, Billy and Mary ran to John for his autograph. Naruto smirked as he snapped his fingers in front of Artemis who hasn't moved, making her blink. "How... in the hell... do you know John Cena?!" She asked as he shrugged looking at the group as they talked to John.

"He stopped at the Gym we use one day when they did a show in Gotham," Naruto said before John looked up to him.

"Ever consider being a wrestler Naruto?"

Naruto chuckled at that before replying. "Oh come on John, it wouldn't be fair... I would whup all their asses and win all the belts. I'm just that awesome."

"Careful Naruto. You're starting to sound like the Miz." John said making Naruto roll his eyes

"Oh please, I was awesome before he was. But I'll admit Edge was pretty cool before me." Naruto said before John gave them backstage passes.

Naruto pushed Paula down the hall, and past two twin women in their twenties with long brown hair wearing black tops, and leather pants.

Mary squealed and ran over to them. Naruto smiled as the two gave her an autograph picture before walking down, and saw more workers take fireworks to the ring, and past the man from the picture on the building wearing an undertakers hat, and another man standing at 7' with a shaved head, and looks like he's blind in his right eye.

He's wearing nothing but black pants with a barbed wire theme, a black fingerless glove on his right hand, and carrying a large gold belt with 'World Heavyweight Champion' on it, and a gold nameplate with 'Kane' written in black.

They continued talking with the Wrestlers and Divas before going to one of the private boxes to watch the show.

They saw an announcer stand in the middle of the ring before announcing the first match. "The following contest is a Triple Threat Submission Counts Anywhere match for the United States Championship!" He said before they heard Ride of the Valkyries play as a video of a man with short brown hair in highlights of matches played on a titantron.

The man in the video walked out in trunks, and boots with an American-themed belt around his waist and made his way to the ring.

To Be Continued.

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