

Chapter Four: The action begins.

"Crash." – talks.

'Crash.' – thoughts


Time 8:41. Kurenai's apartment…

Yuhi Kurenai was not a morning person. Yep, she did not like to wake up early… yet she did. Of course, beauty requires sacrifices. So every day the red eyed jounin woke up at seven o'clock, or even earlier, to do morning exercises, refreshing shower, make up, etc.…

But not today.

Damn right! She felt too damn good for it. There was something strange with her legs, and her head felt very light… light and cozily buried into something comfortable.

"Mmm… warm…" She said, still half asleep. Then it dawned on her. 'Wait a minute… too warm.' Sleepiness away, Kurenai slowly opened her eyes, and saw a chest… man's chest.

"I see you're awake." A familiar voice said.

The raven haired woman looked slightly up, only to meet face to face with one and only Uzumaki Naruto… Sunglasses and necklace on.

"Yo!" He said, bringing up his only free hand with a can of cola in it.

It took all her willpower not to scream. "N-Naruto? What are you d-doing in my bed?"

Naruto only smirked. "What? Forgot already? By the way, have I told you that you're sexy when you stutter?"

Her memories hit her like a ton of rocks. She clutched her head. "Ooh… yeah, sorry. It's not usual for me to wake up with a man in my bed."

Naruto's smirk widened. "Well, get used to it." He exclaimed, getting out of the bed.

Kurenai's eyebrows rose. "What?"

"You don't remember that either? Well, then I guess I'll have to refresh your memory a little." The jinchuriki stood up and turned to her. "You said I can stay with you."

After suppressing the will to nosebleed from witnessing Naruto's form dressed only in sunglasses and necklace in front of her, the female jounin was a little confused. "Well, it's okay with me if you want to stay…" 'Especially after last night.' "But don't you have your own… oh right, you don't." Indeed, everyone, or at least almost everyone, knew about the sad fate of Naruto's ex apartment house. It was hard not to notice a burning house in the middle of the village, when people were screaming about horrible demons, and in which cruel ways their lives must end.

"Exactly, I don't… Where are my fucking pants?" Naruto looked around the room but could not find them.

"How should I… oh, there they are!"


"Look up." And look up he did… only to find his pants hanging down from the fan.

"How did they get there?" He asked, trying to get them down.

"How should I know? I only remember being on the fan myself…" She blushed a little.

Naruto smiled. "Yep, that was nice… wanna go another round?"

Kurenai smirked back. "Maybe…"

"Heh, well then…" He started to unzip his pants back… when knocking on the door interrupted him. "Fuck! And that promised to be a great morning."

Kurenai was a little angry herself, but it just couldn't be helped. "Hey, can you please open the door?" She asked.

"No worries." Naruto said with a smile and went to the door.

Meanwhile outside Kurenai's apartment house...

"Alright, we're here."

For team eight this morning has proven to be unusual already. Why you ask? Because their sensei Yuhi Kurenai was an hour late to their team meeting… And she was NEVER late! Yep, the red eyed woman was very proud of herself always being the first to arrive… And now she was late for an hour! That was really strange… especially when she appointed the meeting herself.

"Still, what could hold her for so long." Asked a boy that was riding a dog. Large canines and face paint identified him as a member of the Inuzuka clan.

"Mission might she has." Answered his partner, who was covered in clothes from head to toe.

"No way. Then she would've told us."

"A-Ano M-Maybe Kurenai-sensei does n-not feel well." The only girl in group finally spoke.

"Maybe, let's find out."

They were already within reach of the door, when Kiba suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong Kiba-kun?" Hinata asked with concern on her face.

She became even more concerned, when he… stuttered, for the first time in his life.

"T-That sc-cent… it can not be… but there is n-no mistaking it." With shaking hand, he reached for the door…

With Naruto…

"If that's not important, then I'm gonna smash heads." Our favorite jinchuriki stated, walking to the door. "Who the hell is it?!" With that he opened the door… only to see a dumbfounded team eight. "Oh, it's you guys. What are you doing here so early?"

Kurenai's subordinates stared at him wide eyed. Naruto was back!

Stupor chose to leave Kiba first. "Naruto! It's good to see ya, man! When did you come back!" Akamaru decided to also greet the blonde boy with excited "Arf!"

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "Well, yesterday, if I remember correctly."

"Awsome! Man, you'll have to tell me all about your journey!"

"Yeah, yeah…"

"Good to see you it is, Naruto." Said someone in the hood.

"Who are… Shino? Is that you?"

"Yes, I am it is." He answered quietly.

"Damn! Call the fashion police! Besides, isn't it too hot in all this clothes?"

"It's… tolerable."

"Well, whatever you say… and…" He turned to the last member of team eight. "Well, if it isn't Hinata. How have you been?" Naruto asked, giving her a wink.

But Hinata could not answer. Oh no, that one moment her mind was occupied by problems of global scale.

'Oh My GOD! Naruto-kun… Naruto-kun is back… Naruto-kun is shirtless… Naruto-kun is shirtless IN FRONT OF ME! And even winking at me! What should I do? Oh God! Time to show the results of my hard training!' She concentrated real hard, and even bit her lip a little. 'Don't faint… Don't faint… Don't faint… DON'T FAINT!'

It took all her will, but she indeed didn't faint… Actually that was mostly because of one fact that came already to the entire team eight. 'What a shirtless Naruto was doing at Kurenai-sensei's apartment?' Was their mutual thought.

"Who is it?" They heard a sound of still somewhat sleepy Kurenai's voice.

"Oi, it's your fucking team." Naruto answered to her.

"Who?" And then she came out… but unlike her new roommate, who had at least his pants on, she was dressed only in a blanket, which barely hid her body.

Of course, Kiba had an almost fatal nosebleed immediately, and even Shino tried to hide his face deeper under his hood. The only one, who had different reaction, was Hinata and after seeing her eyes Kurenai knew why.

"Oh no… Hinata, I-It's not what you think…" She tried to get out of this mess, but Naruto thought otherwise.

"Pu-ulease, don't give me that." Then he gave Hinata an evil look. "It's exactly what you think…!"

This time Kurenai interrupted him. "No, no! Me and Naruto… we're just… played… shogi! Yeah we just played shogi, and…"

Naruto interrupted her again. "And Damn, that was good… especially that set on the fan… by the way, should have seen your face, when you… lost. Made me very… excited… about the game of course hahaha…"

Now if you consider Hyuga Hinata, she was many things: shy – yes, timid – of course, sweet – absolutely… but she sure as hell wasn't stupid.

"K-Kurenai-sensei, why did you do this…?" She said already in sobs. "W-hy di-d y-y-y… HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" She finally snapped.

Now Kurenai felt extremely bad. Hinata was her favorite student. It should not have to be this way. She opened her mouth to say something apologizing… but Naruto was faster.

"Wait a minute… To you? Oh no, she did this to me… and I liked that." Naruto said with an evil smirk.

"Naruto, what are you…?" Kurenai tried to ask, but he stopped her by raising his palm.

"Whoa, whoa, hold it. You have nothing to apologize for." He turned to Hinata. "It was not Kurenai but me who initiated all this. And I don't remember promising you anything… To tell the truth… I barely even know you. What are you so upset about?"

Hearing this from Naruto was too much for a timid girl. That resulted in her runaway in tears.

All remaining members of team eight stood with wide eyes.

And Naruto… he still had a blank face, as if nothing happened.

"Y-You! You heartless bastard!" Kiba spat at Naruto. "I will get you for this." With that he ran after Hinata.

"Pardon I beg of you." Shino said to Kurenai, and, without even sparing a glance at the blond boy, slowly walked behind his teammates, leaving a shocked Kurenai and Naruto, who still stood with emotionless look.

The jinchuriki was the first to break the silence. "Damn, gotta cook something." He turned and left for the kitchen.

When red eyed woman finally snapped out of her stupor, she quickly became angry.

"Why did you say that to her!" She screamed. "Do you know, that she was in love with you from the academy, and…" She could go for another hour about Hinata's affection, but Naruto thought otherwise.

"Of course I knew, and don't scream now. I can hear you pretty well." He opened the refrigerator and started to examine the food.

Kurenai's eyes widened. "Y-You knew? Then… why?"

"That's exactly why!" He answered.

"… I… I don't understand…"

Naruto sighed. "Alright, if you want an explanation, then I shall give it to you." He closed refrigerator's door, then walked to the table and sat down.

"Well, first of all let me ask you this… Do I look like an idiot?"

The temptation was too much. "You mean back there, or right now?"

Naruto sweatdropped. "Ha, ha, very funny. Now, think about it. With her stealth skills following me everywhere I went… You thought I never noticed her? Oh please, I knew it was her, and I knew exactly why she was following me. Now, before I tell you why…" He pulled out another can of cola out of nowhere. "Tell me, do you remember my apartment problem?" He opened the jar and took a few gulps.

"Oh… right."

"Right it is… Now imagine this! I enter the Hyuga compound, come face to face with Hiashi, slap his shoulder, and say: "Hey, man! What's up! You know I'm gonna crash into your house! You don't mind right?" huh?"

The red eyed woman giggled. "Yeah, that would've been funny."

"Now, point number two. Even if the skies would have fallen, and Hiashi would've let me stay…" He looked at her questionably. "Say, did you feel good last night?"

Kurenai blushed. "Well yeah, but that would not explain…"

"Yeah, I felt good too… And what do you think Hinata would do, if I come and say: "Hey Hinata! Let's do this?" well?"

"Fainted… or screamed probably…"

"Exactly, and I don't wanna deal with this teenage girl crap…"

"Well, that just explains why you came onto me instead of Hinata, but it sure as hell doesn't explain why you had to be so rude to her?!"

Naruto sighed again. 'Damn! Why am I sighing so much?' He asked himself and drank cola again. "You… just don't get it, do you? Who is Hinata from my point of view?"

"W-Well I… uh… I don't know."

"Fuck, Kurenai, Hinata is a fangirl!"

Jounin's eyes widened. "No, Hinata, she… even in the academy…"

Naruto interrupted her. "Right, in the academy she was a fangirl, not Uchiha's but mine. Now believe me when I say that everything I said was for her own good." He took a drink again. "Even if she wasn't a fangirl! Sure, she is a sweet, caring, innocent girl… but did anyone ask me if I want a girl like that? Of course not. But still, let me tell you the answer… No!" He paused. "She doesn't know a shit about me, and I don't really give a damn about her feelings. It would be best for her to find someone who really cares for her and not chasing me for the rest of her life…"

Now it was Kurenai, who sighed. "Actually, you may be right. During the entire time of your absence the only things I heard from her were Naruto-kun this and Naruto-kun that and what she'll do when you return. Maybe… maybe, it was for her own good…"

The genin smiled. "I'm glad you saw the 'light'." He emptied the cola can and stood up. "Now, if I remember correctly…" Moving towards her he threw an empty can over his shoulder, right into a garbage can. "We were somewhat interrupted."

"What are you…?" That moment he grabbed her and put over his shoulder. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeep!"

"Nice said."

With Hinata…

After just receiving a rejection, one Hyuga heiress could be spotted crying near the river.

"Oi! Hinata!" Kiba's voice echoed through the area. He ran as fast as he could to catch up with her. Of course, he had feelings for her for a long time. And now, with Naruto out of the line… maybe he can finally express them.

"There you are! How are you feeling?" Her answer was not promising.

"Sob… sob… why? Why her? Why not me? Sob…"

Kiba became a little angry after this. "That bastard! Who does he thinks he is?! I'm gonna kick his ass!" He shouted… but two seconds later realized that Hinata was not listening to him.

She was still sitting near the river, hugging her knees now. "I loved him… I really loved him. Why didn't he notice me? I tried so hard… I wanted it so hard…"

'Time to make a move, Kiba!' He thought. "Umm… Hinata… you know… Naruto is a blond asshole, yeah… but… I… uh… well, I'm…" But she gave him no chance to finish.

Hinata's eyes burned with fire. "I know!" She exclaimed, looking with confidence of a Kage. "It must be that bitch's fault! I wanted him for so long, and now he returns even more handsome and powerful, then she quickly comes around, seducing him, or… or maybe even…" The girl quickly jumped to her feet. "Of course! How could I not think of this earlier! She must've pulled a rank on him! Yes, that's it! That has to be it! No matter how strong he is, he's still a genin. He must obey higher rank's orders! Don't worry Naruto-kun! I'll save you from this!" And then reality cast its shadow down on the girl. "Damn! I'm still a chunin, I can't compete with her here… yet. But I won't give up! I will become strong, and I will save Naruto-kun no matter the cost… even if I have to become Hokage to do it!" With that she turned around and started to run away.

"O-Oi, Hinata, wait!" Kiba tried to stop her.

"Oh, sorry Kiba-kun. I'll have to train now. Bye!"

After that, Kiba just stood there with wide eyes… until the buzzing sound behind put him out of his stupor.

Kiba turned around. "S-Shino? Did you…"

"Yes. Everything I've heard… And a problem we have I believe."

Kiba stared at the place where Hinata just sat with a sad look. "Yeah, I couldn't agree more…"

Time 10:45. Outside of Kurenai's apartment…

"Oooh yeah! That was nice." Naruto stretched and started to walk in the direction of Hokage tower.

'Hmm… maybe I should use roofs?' He thought. 'Yeah, that would be much faster and with less possible encounters.' He then jumped high and landed on a random roof.

"Well, off I go!" Naruto started to jump from one roof to another, closing to the Hokage tower with high speed…

"Stop right there!"

"Yeow!" The jinchuriki almost fell off of the roof, trying to stop. "Who the hell is it?" He yelled and turned around to see… Asuma, who appeared before him. "Are you waiting for me, or you just like the view?"

Asuma said nothing.

"Well, if you don't need me, I'll be of." Naruto prepared to jump off, when the jounin finally made up his mind.

"What have you done to Kurenai?!" He yelled.

Naruto smirked. 'So that's what this all about.' "Oh, many things, you'd better ask her if you want more detailed explanation though…"

In an instant, Asuma appeared by his side and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket. "I said what have you done to her?!" He repeated in a little more commanding tone.

Naruto's smirk widened. "You don't know how it's called? Okay, I'll explain." He cleared his throat. "You see… when a man likes a woman, they…" But he was not allowed to finish, as Asuma pushed him into a wall.

"Don't play games with me Naruto! I know exactly what you did in her room!"

Naruto looked confused. "Then why are you asking?"

The jounin became even angrier. "Because she could NOT let you do this in her right mind!"

Naruto smiled evilly. "Oh ho ho! Asuma-chan is jealous!" He exclaimed. "You mean, why she chose me instead of you?"

"Damn right! I'm a jounin, stronger, smarter, more experienced, and…"

"Hahaha! Yeah, you just have to tell that yourself more often."


"Do you really believe that?" Naruto said chuckling.

"What do you mean?"

The genin sighed. "Well, if you're asking this, then the 'smarter' part is out of the question already. Now in modern shinobi world rank means nothing… and for the 'stronger' part." He grabbed Asuma's hand, which was still holding onto his jacket, then twisted it and threw the jounin away. "I guess you give yourself too much credit."


Naruto readjusted his jacket. "Oh really? Then consider this. You – a thirty two year loser, who smoke on his every step and oblivious to a word 'shave'. And I! Young, strong, handsome, gallant… and with a good sense of fashion. I think the choice is obvious…"

Asuma got up. "You don't actually think that I'll let it slide?"

The black clad ninja sighed again. "Look, jabroni, I would love to taunt you some more, but I have an appointment with the Hokage."

"Well, I guess you will miss it." The jounin yelled and ran straight at Naruto. "Take this!" He threw a punch… that Naruto easily dodged by sidestepping.

"Stupid." The genin said and jumped, grabbing Asuma's head.

A quickly approaching roof floor was the last thing he saw before sweet unconsciousness took him.

Naruto towered above the fallen jounin. "How did he even manage to become a jounin?" Then he kneeled slowly before him and with a much more dark and sinister voice… "I know you must be unconscious right now, but I'll say it anyway." He leaned closer. "I remember everything." And with that he disappeared.

Time 10:58. Hokage office…

Two sannins, one assistant and two members of team Kakashi occupied Hokage's office now. There was also an atmosphere of annoyance, slowly turning into anger.

"Where is this damn Naruto!" The world's greatest (and only) kunoichi with pink hair yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Stop screaming, Sakura." Tsunade said and of course Sakura was silent immediately. "It's actually a good thing he's late, because there is something that I wanted to say to both of you." She said with a serious face.

"W-What would that be master?" Sakura dared to ask.

Tsunade looked up. "It's about Naruto."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "Please continue." He said.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you that Naruto… have not trained under Jiraiya these three years."

Kakashi and Sakura almost stopped breathing. "What do you mean he hasn't trained under you?!" Kakashi shouted at Jiraiya.

The sannin looked down and closed his eyes. "Exactly what it sounds." He then looked straight at the jounin. "He escaped from me and was missing all this three years."


"No matter." The Hokage answered. "What I'm about to ask… you might not like it very well…"

"And what would that be?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm going to ask you to report to me about all his actions." She said with a stoic face.

"Wha…?" Sakura tried to ask, but was interrupted by Kakashi.


Chunin kunoichi's jaw dropped to the floor. "Kakashi-sensei! You can't be serious! You're going to spy on Naruto!"

"Yes, and you're going to help me. Don't get me wrong Sakura. This is just an order from a superior officer. Who are you to question it?"

"Yes, but…"

"No buts!" This was already Tsunade. "You will watch him carefully and report anything worth reporting. Understood?"

"H-Hai." The pink haired girl answered hesitantly.

That was the exact moment when the door opened, and Naruto entered the picture.

"Ow, what's with that serious look?" He paused. "Or have you decided to start without me?"

"Actually…" Tsunade started. "I was beginning to think about this, seeing that you're even later than Kakashi."

The jinchuriki sweatdropped. "Yeah, yeah, settlement problems. Now, if I remember correctly, this is the time for our first mission as a team again! Cheer up!"

No one even smiled.

"Well, fuck you then." He walked closer to the desk. "So, about that mission…"

"Someone's impatient I see." Jiraiya taunted.

"Nope, just want to get this over with so I don't have to witness your ugly painted loser face anymore." Naruto threw back.

"Why you little…"

"Enough Jiraiya." Tsunade commanded. Needless to say Jiraiya shut up immediately. "Your First mission will be… an escort mission."

Jiraiya smirked, Shizune released the breath she was holding, Kakashi was stoic as usual, Sakura looked determined, and Naruto… narrowed his eyes.

'I see. So she doesn't know yet. Gotta stall for time.' He looked at the Hokage. "A C-Rank mission?" The genin asked.

The slug mistress almost dared him to argue with her. "Yes, it is. You have a problem with that?"

Naruto took a thinking pose. "Hmm, you know, I've been off this teamwork stuff. So I think it would be better to start off with some D-Rank missions maybe?"

Perhaps even meteorite crashed into the center of the village could not put the occupants of Hokage's office out of their shock.

"D-D-Did he-e j-jussst say...?"

"Either this is the case, or I'm starting to hear things… and actually I think it's the later."

Their shock was completely understandable. The hell must be freezing over, Uzumaki Naruto asked for a D-Rank mission.

"What?" He asked.

"Should I start reporting already?" Said a still shocked Kakashi.

"W-Why do you want a D-D-D-Rank mission, Naruto?" The Hokage asked.

"Why you ask?" He smiled. "Well, think about it. One D-Rank mission takes no more than a few hours, and one C-Rank can last even a month. Now if you compare their payment, it's not such a big difference. So why should I spent an entire month when I can work for a few hours and be off with my business?"

The shock again. No one even thought of this. Still Tsunade came up with something.

"But C-Rank missions are more prestigious."

"Sure they are. Then let people who want prestige to complete them."

Slug sannin's eyes narrowed. "Don't you want to be a Hokage anymore?"

'NNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!' "Well, yes… I do, but…" 'Damn, this is bad! Must think of something.' But to his happiness, destiny decided to relieve him of that burden.

"Tsunade-sama! Tsunade-sama! Emergency message from Suna village!" A very disturbed descriptor ran into the room.

'Whew, saved by the bell.' Thought Naruto.

After reading the letter, Hokage's face became extremely concentrated.

"What does it say, Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked with obvious concern in her voice.

Tsunade put the letter down and closed her eyes. "Suna's Kazekage has been kidnapped… by the Akatsuki."

"How horrible!" To everyone's surprise, that was from Naruto.

Tsunade's eyes opened. "Team Kakashi! The situation has changed! Your next mission will be to go to Suna village and report anything you will find. You're to leave immediately!"

"Hai!" They all said in unison and ran out of the Hokage office.

"What do you think, Jiraiya?"

"He knew… even before he entered this room."

"I thought so… But when did he…? I mean the watching party said that he was in the village all day, and all night?"

Hermit's eyes narrowed. "Two options. First – he's working with the Akatsuki and knew all along. This version is almost impossible, seeing as they want him dead. But hey, when someone says that something couldn't happen, he's most definitely wrong."

"And the second one?"

"Somebody told him obviously… but even if that's true, it does not change the fact that we still have nothing."

"You're right. I guess we'll have to wait a little more then…"

With Naruto.

Newly appointed team Kakashi was just leaving Konoha forest.

"Ahh! Mission involving Akatsuki! At last! Now we can gather information on Sasuke-kun's whereabouts!" Guess who said that. "We'll definitely bring Sasuke-kun back to Konoha this time, right Naruto?"

Said blond turned his head to her. "Who?" Sakura's eyes widened, and Kakashi's narrowed. "Oh!" Naruto smiled and turned forward again. "Sure! Of course we will…"

Well, that's it for now. Reviews are always appreciative.

Sincerely yours… if you own "The Coca-Cola" company…


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