
Ch 11

"As for the mobile game…"

"perhaps you could go ask the creator of the mobile game who is also by chance the owner of this gaming cafe," Lisa suggested.

Venti pondered for a moment, then gave a slight nod, " then I will go and inquire about it."

After Venti left, Lisa tapped the screen although this mission have been a failure, the prologue story was still far from over.

Diluc decided he would use his contacts to track down the abyss mages whereabouts when he got results they would regroup at Dawn winery.

The story seems to be coming to a temporary conclusion. At this point however the screen suddenly went blank and the perspective changed to a third person view.

Lisa knew that another bit of hidden plot was being revealed, in the scene, the environment was shrouded in mist and looks like a storm was unfolding, not too far ahead and massive Tower stood alone in the central of ruins Lisa's expression turn serious realising where this was.

These little bits of hidden plots often reveals critical information that would be near impossible to find out in any other way, on top of the cliff A young man was facing the Ruins with two abyss mages bowing behind him, Dvalin flew from above towards the ruins.

Between the two abyss mages a small light appeared, followed by the Cryo abyss mage Who had been previously mocking everyone on starsnatch Cliff, it then bowed to the young man before it.

" your highness… your humble servant returns, when your homeland returns to this world we shall revel in its glory."

The old man slowly turned around, and the earring on his left ear Illuminated with a bright white glow, his eyes were cold and lifeless, this person was none other than the travellers missing brother! Lisa was astonished.

At first, she thought that the travelling pair of twins were created just to offer different gender options for players, to enhance their immersion but now it appeared to be far from that simple. It seemed the other twin had become the [prince] controlling the abyss order!

The abyss order had always been a mysterious and terrifying organisation teaming within inhuman creatures, they operated in secrecy across Tayvat, conducting unknown schemes. Information about them with scares and many regarded them as dark and ominous. Now the plot was beginning to unveil some of the abyss orders secrets.

What concerned Lisa even more was that if the travellers twin held such an important role in the game, the perhaps their characters were not fictional at all. Maybe they both truly exist in the real world just like Venti. They just hadn't yet appeared, because the time has not come for the traveler to arrive in Mondstadt!

This mobile game was revealing events that are yet to pass! the thought made Lisa's breath quicken, She put a great value on this game, but now it seems that her estimation was still inadequate. Perhaps the knowledge, this game would reveal could change the fate of the entire world, whether that destiny would lead towards the good or The bad depended on which side, the owner of this game, it's developer, stood on.

Now it's all about confirmation, what was the other parties true identity? Lisa had one thought Taylor might be the anemo Archon, but now the answer had already been revealed. Venti is Barbatos, so Taylor who is he? Venti already planned to enquire about Taylor who in Lisa's view, level of existence should be at least on power with an Archon.

Perhaps two beings of similar level makes experience some peculiar events? At this moment the phone screen gave a prompt: [chapter prologue, act 2, for a tomorrow without tears, completed] [chapter prologue, act 3, song of the Dragon and freedom], Will be unlocked in future updates.

" Future updates…" lisa's eyes showed her sense of relief, in this mobile game It seems the journey was still far from over.


Inside the Goethe Hotel, One of the fatui agents lightly knocked on the door in front of her, "enter." a stern yet fair feminine voice came from behind the door.

The agent wiped the sweat from her brow, clearly the person inside the room, exerted great pressure on her to the point, where just hearing this person's voice was terrifying, after all, this individual known as {the fair lady: la signora} was famous for being cold and dominant. However, she had vital information to report to her.

She gently opened the door. The room was dimly lit and Signora Stood by the window gazing out at the scenery outside. "Report!", the Fatui agent immediately knelt on one knee and gave her report. " I have completed the first act of the plot in the mobile game, and It can be confirmed that the game alines almost perfectly with the real world, which is of significant importance for our infiltration into Mondstadt and locating the anemo Archon among other targets."

" furthermore, in the games, second act, it reveals our plan to steal the 'holy lyre der Himmel' and exposes the location of the base we have built outside the city." Singora turned around her face expressing no emotion concealing how she truly feels.

"What about the plot afterwards?" " Currently, the fastest among us has only reached this points we're still diligently aiming to complete the subsequence plot" " how utterly incompetent!" A cold glint flashed in Signora's eyes, and she unleashed greater pressure on the agent.

This Fatui agent trembled with fear bringing her head even lower.

"It is reported that the librarian Lisa has already completed the second act storyline as well, but you've only cleared the first act. It's because of this mobile game that the Knights of Favonius have been fortifying against us and been able to exert pressure from many angles."

" This subordinate apologises for her incompetence, please punish me, my lady" the Fatui Harbingers subordinates had their own grievances to share. After all. Everyone was encountering this new and intricate phenomenon for the first time ever, and the content inside was so extensive and complex that many things were still not able to be fully understood at this point. Moreover, they dare not communicate too much with the other players as they may inadvertently expose their identities. however, as a result of this, Lisa had cast suspicious glances their way on several occasions already.

Signora pondered for a moment, and then said, " No matter what this approache is to slow, it might be better to just go directly and find the creator of that mobile game, his name is Taylor I believe, and make him reveal all he knows…"

Ever since they installed the new membership system Eula Felt that her current job had become extremely easy. Occasionally new members would come in and top up their account and she would help them activate their new membership cards, but Musa time she had nothing to do. Taylor had set up a phone at the front desk so that you could play with her own kind during her free time. He on the other hand was experimenting with verious drinks in front of the beverage maker.

All the ingredients Eula had brought where put into this machine by Taylor, he had successfully prepared some well-known drinks from his own world mainly some milk teas, Eula tried them and found the taste to be extremely good. She had never tasted such a rich textured drink before and praised it to no end, she thought Taylor should open at Tavern, specialising in these beverages and the business would without question thrive, however, Taylor had no such intention. He had created these drinks to satisfy his own desires and sell them to customers who wanted to try them so Taylor used A drinks menu to handle these orders, surprisingly those customers greatly appreciated the drinks, and would often order a cup of bubble tea every time they visited.

"20,000 mora Per cup, It seems, they are more wealthy people in Mondstadt than one would think." Taylor sighed as he said that, then Taylor turned his head and saw Venti standing at the bar, "good sir, May we talk somewhere else?" Venti asked. (TN: 20,000 mora is way too much in my opinion, 2,000 mora would be more reasonable, but hey what can I do? I'm just a translator.)

"What's the matter? we can talk here," Venti glanced over to Eula, making a very obvious hint. However, Taylor had no problems, "Eula It's not an outsider she works for me right now so you can speak without worry."

Upon hearing this Eula's hand holding the phone tremble slightly, venti took a deep breath, having made up his mind he said "mister Taylor I want to ask for your help in saving Dvalin."

"Oh?" Taylor gave a slight chuckle, " so instead of going to the knight of Favonius, you come to me… what makes you think I have the ability to even help you?"

" just based on the mobile game you've made."

" That can we prove my talent and game development and design."

" no it shows that you know a lot about this world, including… my real identity."

Venti expression was serious, but Taylor remained unfazed.

Taylor began to think.

' the Traveler hasn't yet arrived in Mondstadt If I agree to Vanti's request, it's like replicating the Travelers journey, but I'm certain if I wait just a little longer longer, one of the golden haired Travelers will naturally come to Mondstadt with their emergency food.'

' then they will tirelessly assist, the Knights of Favonius in resolving various problems, however, because my mobile game has revealed a lot of content before it's even happened. This process would be greatly shortened and it would no longer follow the games plot step-by-step.'

Taylor's appearance and the GenshinImpact mobile game he developed had already altered this world fate trajectory, but currently it seems the major direction won't be changing when the Traveler arrives they might be directly invited to the Knights of Favonius headquarters then Jean will explain the specific situation, and while the traveller and Paimon would be very bewildered, they'll probably be pulled into the battle against stormterror.

Taylor is always the earliest riser when there's profit that can be made. You originally wanted to hint Venti that he should follow the games plot development, so that when the Traveler comes to Mondstadt They can join in and save Dvalin after all, from the plot perspective, the traveller doesn't have the ability to purify the corrupt blood in Dvalin.

But then suddenly a system prompt sounded.

[Trigered a Hidden Quest] [Collect The seven Gnosis from the seven Archons] [Reward: 3 wishes]


Hidden Quest? three wishes? Taylor's expression had a subtle change, '

Can any wish be granted' [based on this worlds, highest possibilities wishes such as becoming, The absolute ruler of this world or reviving, anyone or thing that is deceased. Can all be granted.] was the systems reply.

Taylor took a deep breath. Just collect the seven Gnosis and three near Omnipotent wishes would be granted. it was definitely very tempting. Even if he wanted to alter the fate to his whim, it was entirely possible.

Taylor felt quite tempted to go tell the Tsaritsa, " don't bother competing with me for the Gnosis, just gather all seven for me and I'll change fate for you."

Of course, the consequences of doing so right now, would be getting seen as a raging lunatic by the Tsaritsa completing this task, shouldn't be achieved overnight, although Taylor was now the Herrscher of Thunder and no Archon could actually stop him he didn't want to ruin his own enjoyment by speed, running the quest.

'A 1000 mile journey begins with a single step, let's set a small goal first, get Venti's Gnosis first.'

"… I could help you, but I would need something from you in return." Taylor said in a relaxed tone.

That is smiled, and generously revealed the Mora in his hats " no problem all this mora is yours."

" oh no, you misunderstand me what I'm asking for is your Gnosis."

When Venti heard the word "Gnosis" his expression changed.

"What on earth do you want that thing for?"

"I will use it to summon a celestial dragon that will grant me any three wishes, do you believe that?"

Venti shook his head. After a brief silence, he tried to negotiate a different condition, " besides the Gnosis…"

" do you actually have any other valuable possessions?" Taylor asked Without hesitation.

" Sorry I can't agree… although I don't mind giving it away, I already have a plan for it."

" You intend to give it to Rosalyne, don't you?" Taylor stated.

Venti hesitated for a moment, instinctively, wanting to ask how he knew, but considering the various plot lines in the mobile game, he felt that whether he asked or not, it wouldn't make much difference.

Taylor seem to know everything about the buried past of Mondstadt's history, Rosalyne was indeed Signora's Real name, 500 years ago, just before the cataclysm descended, she was once an innocent and lively girl with a beautiful life and cherished loved ones, until the cataclysm shattered everything and Rosalyne lost everything.

She transformed into the flame which swearing to burn away all the destroyed her life, at the same time, Venti, as an Archon couldn't return in time to protect his people, despite the chaotic situation, and his risk of being killed by the heavenly principles due to being an archon, he returned at the last moment to battle the corrupted Dragon Durin, with Dvalin alongside him was already a desperate effort. After this, he fell into deep sleep for the last 500 years however, morally speaking, he did owe Rosalyn, So Venti intended to "Give" the Gnosis to Rosalyn Who was now signora, he hoped it could be considered some Compensation for the events of that time.

If that was the case as Taylor had surmised he had a bold idea, after Venti had his Gnosis ripped from him and was taken away by Signora He could simply snatch up from her, after all, it was simply whoever had it in the end, it would all depend on who was the mantis and who was the oriole. In Inazuma, The Traveler, who could wield three different elemental abilities, was easily able to defeat signora in a dual. He had now perfectly integrated with the power from the gem of conquest so dealing with Signora would be a breeze.

" in that case, I'm afraid there's nothing more to be discussed"

Venti sighed and left.

At the front desk Eula's expression was somewhat complicated, she had overheard Taylor's conversation with Venti just now you thought she should feel shocked or any similar type of feeling, after all the illustrious, Lord Barbatos has appeared right before her. Although she was the " descendent of a sinner" Eula was still a true Mondstadt native raised from childhood on the tales of the wind gods deeds, now that the wind god had truly appeared before her Eula was not as surprised or moved as she imagined she would be. The reason behind it was that Taylor had already incorporated him into his mobile game. Moreover, just now Venti clearly had made a request of him, but was rejected outright. The status of the Archon had instantly been lowered to much lower level. Comparatively speaking. Taylor was still much more mysterious and charismatic.

" Taylor, why didn't you agree to his request just now?" Eula felt the urge to ask.

" I'm just in ordinary team developer, although I may know many secrets saving Dvalin is of course something I cannot do" Taylor stated it as fact.

Having become the Herrscher of thunder with power that far surpasses, anything, the electro Archon could dream of doing, Taylor was absolutely confident in killing Dvalin, however he could not purify the corrupted blood that was in him, something that was currently beyond his abilities.

"Ok… but even if like the protagonist in your mobile game, you did have the power to purify the blood in Dvalin, I still wouldn't want you to go."

"Oh? Why?" Taylor's curiosity was peaked at her statement. He thought you may ask this question out of a sense of responsibility as a knight form the Knights of Favonius, or perhaps she was somewhat dissatisfied with him, refusing to help her Archon, but seems that wasn't the case.

"Um… because Taylor you've been one of the very few people that I've been kind to Me, so I don't want you to feel bound by the so-called responsibilities or obligations and end up getting hurt." Eula blushed as she said this.

In fact, ever, since she first entered, this game cafe, Eula had developed a pretty unique emotion towards Taylor, even her usual way of speaking has changed, she would usually say " I will remember this grudge." But now in front of Taylor, it felt like she didn't need to care about anyone gaze or her own identity. She could just be herself and ordinary girl named Eula. She had already come to see Taylor as a very important person in her life, and for whatever reason, she did not want Taylor to be involved in anything dangerous.

"Eula…" Taylor gently touched Eula's cheek.

It felt very smooth, he was certainly the women in his previous world Would murder at the chance to have skin like this considering The amount of product they would usually buy to get their skin to feel only 10% as smooth as Eula's. The atmosphere gradually became more subtle, but just then a small group of players came towards the bar, chatting and laughing as they walked by, Eula suddenly opened her eyes feeling like her heart was racing, she looked for Taylor only to find that he had gone back to the beverage maker to serve the customers.

"Phew…" she took a deep breath, although nothing had happened Eula still felt a sense of exhaustion throat her body. She leaned on the counter and wondered what would've happened. If no one had interrupted them just now…

The liveliest time was in the evening at the game cafe. There was nothing more enjoyable than finishing off the days work and spending an hour or two playing games in the game area. Now, some of the high-end players of the gaming community had arrived, intending to complete the Fatui base and continue the storyline of reclaiming, the holy lyre der Himmel.

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