On the other hand, Prince Dareck, shocked by the news, grumbled, because this event hindered his plans, due to the fact that everyone would be focused on the event that just occurred, even his ministers were affected by the news and the message they heard, and some of them wondered if they were doing well with the way they were acting and if they repented. Prince Dareck, annoyed and displeased by the attitude that some of his ministers had taken, cast them out as traitors to their new king. , but some of them were only shocked, but they continued with their bad intentions together with Prince Dareck.
Prince Dareck: ¡What does this mean!, ¿Since when has the King had a younger Brother? Since I was created, this mystery has never been made known to me, and it seems that neither was it made known to the Princes and Princesses, if I had not already known, It seems that the King and Queen, they no longer trust me, but the King and the King's younger Brother said that he was somewhat weak in health, it is unusual being a Celestial being, the King also said that he had a lot to learn and was disinterested, That would represent a serious problem for me and an offense that someone so weak had to be my Uncle "with disgust."
Prince Dareck: But since he is someone weak it will be easy, there is also the fact that he loves the King and the Queen and his people very much, prepare yourself Uncle "with disgust", Little Brother of the King you will see, you world fall and those you love will be defeated by the new king hahaha, Ministers "calling to his people" get they together and give our respect to our highness "with sarcasm" who has just returned from his recovery.
The Ministers and his people: Hahahaha, "laughing sarcastically", someone like that cannot be the Uncle of the future king.
Prince Dareck: Prepare the fleets and presents, to impress his new highness, so that he cannot suspect our hostility to the King and Queen, also prepare presents for the King and Queen, so that they do not suspect our hostility to the newcomer, sarcastically, that is, towards your highness Scy-Fy, Hahaha.
Also on the other hand, the Princes and Princesses of the other Regions of the Celestial Kingdom were shocked and shocked, so willing to ask, they came with their fleets and with gifts for the recently announced little Brother of the King, with sweets ready to offer him. , each one arriving crowded into their means of transportation, excited and shocked, greeting each other, and Prince Dareck also arrived, with his ministers, and the other Princes and Princesses said.
The Princes and Princesses: ¡It is the Prince of Dareck! Came he from their busy schedules, "saying such, they believed that of him."
One of Prince Dareck's ministers: It seems that the other Princes and Princesses from the other Kingdoms who govern the other worlds, have come, you can take advantage of this opportunity and influence them, future king.
Prince Dareck: Don't talk nonsense, we will just do that the King and Queen will be suspicious of us, we will invite them so they don't get suspicious and so the Princes and Princesses won't refuse.
While the Princes and Princesses arrived, Prince Dareck also arrived with his ministers and people on his fleets to the Capital of the Celestial Kingdom, the King remained with Scy-Fy and the Queen prepared to welcome her beloved Princes and Princesses accompanied by her Guards, and received them so that they could prepare to receive the new member of royalty.
King Eerion: It has been a few days since we have introduced, you to all the Kingdoms in all the Corners of the Universe, they will surely come to meet you and pay their respects, I know you're not very good at dealing with a lot of people around you, but let it pass please.
Scy-Fy: Okay, that also means that the one who is causing this problem will come, ¿right?
King Eerion: I hoped you wouldn't ask, but yes, it is so, he will also be here, be as tolerant as you can so that the Princes and Princesses can also notice for themselves their actions as rulers that they are and crimes, be revealed, and the Princes and Princesses, and the Celestial Beings, can understand the true nature that he has and be accused by the tests, and will not be offended by such a delicate situation.
Scy-Fy: Okay, I'll control myself as best I can, inhaling and exhaling with a grimace on his face he says, well my Big Brother, your Little Brother will do the best he can, haha relaxing.
King Eerion: ¡Mmm!, with complexity, within himself <<I seriously don't know if this boy is joking or he means it>>, my impression of you disappeared you know, imagine that recently you seemed to want to crush us with your presence, <<¿I wonder if you've always been like this? He doesn't seem to be pretending "somewhat blushing">>, he inhales and exhales, and says within himself "Well, if we go this direction, I won't let myself be defeated", well then Little brother, smiling, ¡how about we make it a wonderful evening!.
Scy-Fy his Impressed to understand that he felt encouraged, he is happy and tells him with a super happy and natural expression.
Scy-Fy: ¡Hmm! nodding happily saying, sure.
King Eerion: Within himself <<Aaa, it can't be, what is this boy made of? My eyes, the day will come boy, he who laughs last best, I'm already waiting for that day, hahaha>>, Well, let's go to prepare a good presentation, the other Princes and Princesses are about to arrive.
While they were preparing Scy-Fy kept his soup ostentatious, but he transformed his hand armor into bracelets so as not to seem like he was hostile to others and all the other Princes and Princesses from the other Celestial Kingdoms began to arrive, and Scy-Fy began to get dizzy from so much public, and said.
Scy-Fy: He said inside himself <<I'm getting dizzy>>, No! I must stay calm, I must not forget to give a good presentation "somewhat dizzy" Well, I will accompany my Big Brother, inhale, and exhale.
While they arrived at a stage to have a welcome banquet, all the Princes and Princesses and also Prince Dareck were preparing, and the Queen turned pale when she saw him because she was worried that he could do something harmful to someone not be noticed, she kept it inside herself. Kept within herself, greeting him so that everything would continue according to the plan of the banquet and not be ruined, for any commotion that might cause in an angry reaction, only worried because she did not want him to influence her Princes and Princesses negatively, the time came. In which everyone could gather and the Princes and Princesses were impressed that Prince Dareck was at the banquet, but they were very oblivious to his intentions.
And the hour came when the King was to present Scy-Fy, and the Queen wanted to do such an action, and the King allowed her such an opportunity to present him, addressing Scy-Fy in a low voice with some mocking laughter.
King Eerion: Hahaha, good luck Scy-Fy.
So the Queen took him by the hand to introduce him and Scy-Fy started to get dizzy, and the Queen told them.
Queen Moon: Out loud, well my Princes and Princesses, he is Scy-Fy, the King's Little Brother, be kind to him and respectful, he is somewhat shy at times, and addressing him she says, the same way for you, My little brother, understand it and take good care of them.
Scy-Fy: Smiling slightly, he nodded energetically.
Queen Moon: Well, go ahead, it will turn out well, don't worry about your nerves, smiling.
While Scy-Fy was very nervous, he inhaled and exhaled and looked at the Celestial beings who got along well with each other, and he was happy, and it showed on his face, which the King and Queen realized, rejoicing, Scy-Fy inhaled and exhaled again and said with a voice full of energy.
Scy-Fy: Out loud, ¿how are you Celestial Family? It's a pleasure to greet you, have a good time and let's get to know each other better, and let's get along super great yes, I'm honestly encouraged that you get along well and appreciate each other, keep giving The best thing yes. I am someone who is somewhat disinterested, but I like to help, now that I feel better, My big Brother brought me to introduce myself to you along with My Big Sister Queen, since it was time to introduce ourselves ¿right?, Hahaha, then you don't they have to forget that even though my body looks like this I'm still his Uncle okay, so if you cause harm to each other, I will reprimand you yes, always find a way to get ahead they, getting along, good, if My Big Brother and Big Sister Queen allow it, let's start this banquet.
The King and Queen: Nodding they say, you can begin this presentation banquet, and saying after what was said previously in a low voice among themselves they say.
"¿Where does this boy get so much courage? ha ha ha".
"I wonder the same thing, he will be someone scary the older he gets hahaha in an ironic way".
Princes and Princess: Thank you Father and Mother.
Queen Moom: Well, let's take advantage of this occasion, with the photos for an album and the Queen took many photos for her Family album, with photos that included Scy-Fy.
King Eerion: Laughing lightly, hahaha, cheer up Scy-Fy.
Princes and princesses:
"¡Father, because she didn't tell us before that we had an Uncle, it was very shocking! Princess Sophia fainted from the impact even though she was a Celestial Being!"
"¡Princess Raíza too! ¡she just couldn't think of what present to bring!"
"Haha, the same thing happened to Prince Sora, right?!"
"¡Don't say that, Brother, it makes me embarrassed, admitting it with nerves, but if it's true it was too much for me Hahaha!"
"¡If Father is simply too much to process quickly! ¡please tell us some details!"
"¡Yes Mother! ¡the Princesses put accessories upside down because they were so excited!"
Queen Moon: Calm down, Calm down My Princes and Princesses, for me it was also a surprise that was very shocking, Father will tell you the details.
King Eerion: Will they see, Scy-Fy is in delicate health and had to remain crystallized for a long time due to his health. I couldn't say it, knowing that he suffered from this condition. If something happened to him, it would be a great sadness for all and it would be something serious too, for his Mother if she discovered, and this happened in front of her eyes.
Princes and princesses:
"It is true that it would be very serious, for Mother and Father, after all he is his only Brother and he is a very small person!"
"Yes, poor thing, it's good that he's better, now that I think about it Father and Mother have been in better spirits too!"
Scy-Fy: Inside himself <<hahaha they make me look like I'm going to break, well it's the plan he chose carry out solution this problem, "with a complex" I'll have let it go>>.
Princes and princesses:
"True, it's shocking how similar they are unlike their eyes and their skin tone!"
"And if you think about it, we have a great Uncle, "with enthusiasm!"
The Princes and Princesses began to give gifts to their little Uncle, and to beat them to it, Prince Dareck came along with his ministers.
Some of the Princes and Princesses said:
"With some admiration, Prince Dareck is going to go first, let him pass, come in, come in, Prince Dareck".
But some of Prince Dareck's guards and ministers were truly moved by his way of being, especially a Guard who previously worked in the Capital, along with others who were also from the Capital, who wanted to be his personal servant and protector for how moved and remorseful she was for her actions up to that moment, there was another guard who thought the same, they themselves understood that Prince Dareck had his hostility to the King and Queen, and manipulating them with greatness and those things made them work like guards for him, but when they saw that small and fragile boy, "good as he had made himself known" who despite his condition appreciated the King's people so strongly, They decided right then and there that they wouldn't do it. They would no longer allow themselves to be manipulated by Prince Dareck., since they said, "If they are willing to protect us in this way, as guards we will protect our protectors" something they had learned in their Royal Guard academy, a concept that at the same time finally they understood a little better.
And Prince Dareck and his ministers and guards came to greet Scy-Fy, and Scy-Fy acted like she did not know who they were, since she understood by her nature who they were, greeting them.
Scy-Fy: ¿And well, well, what are their names?
Prince Dareck: My name is Dareck, Prince who rules the Northern Zones of the Celestial Regions, "greeting him with displeasure within himself, in haste to begin his plans for him".
Scy-Fy: Nice to greet you, speaking naturally, ask is it or do you look like that? It seems like you have constipation, or maybe you have anemia. You are very tense, you should rest from time to time, Prince Dareck.
Prince Dareck: His Excellency, he is someone very wise, "saying it with bad intentions, annoyed by Scy-Fy's comments," for caring about his royal people.
Scy-Fy: What do you say, haha, I'm not wise, Prince Dareck, I just like see them motivated and happy in a constructive sense, don't you think?
Prince Dareck: Telling him with bad intentions to irritate him, he tells him, it must be great to be the minor of royalty, not the majesty of him.
Scy-Fy: Hahaha the truth is that yes, because when I get older, I may have to be more responsible and that is something very delicate to take, you have to be careful and respectful and also responsible, so I want to take advantage of everything I can learn from my elders and My Big Brother, and Big Sister Queen, addressing the King and the Queen tells them, so continue helping me to be someone great please yes.
The King and Queen: Nodding with a slight grimace and saying within themselves, <<What's wrong with this boy, he doesn't seem real, seems like a fantasy>>.
Scy-Fy: Analyzing the guards, he greets them by saying, ¿and who are these cool guards? and ¿what are their names?
Male Guard: ¡Ooo! Your Majesty, thank you for speaking to us, we are the guards of Prince Dareck, we do not have a name, the Guards are given a name according to their merit, each lord gives his name to his Guards, they as we decide be the Prince's guards Dareck, he alone must give us names, unless his royalty allows someone else to give us one.
Female Guard: A little nervous, It is that way your highness, It is also possible that other lord name us, if the previous lord decides to hand over his guards to the service of someone else or no longer needs them, somewhat self-consciously she tries to correct herself in case she He gave a bad understanding, I mentioned that in case I had any doubts regarding such a detail, somewhat she shakily. "I apologize if I insinuated something different, your highness."
And Scy-Fy looked at the King and he nodded.
Scy-Fy: I see, I see, apparently My Big Brother wants his guards to be Honorable, noble and gentle Warriors and not let it go to their heads when they have names, because they could be treated like Princes and Princesses, right? thus being recognized by the King and Queen, although they are still Guards.
The King and the Queen: Within themselves <<and that very detailed analysis, it grows quickly>>.
Scy-Fy: Looking at the King and Queen, I ask, please correct me if I'm wrong My Big Brother, and Big Sister Queen.
The King and Queen: That's right.
And the female guard teared up a little, and noticing Scy-Fy it said.
Female Guard: I apologize your highness Scy-Fy, a little worried, please don't misunderstand me, I was just moved by the message she said.
Scy-Fy: Don't regret it, it's a great guard, just like her partner, keep doing your best and the day will come when it will also be recognized as appreciation, in your names.
And the others also seemed moved by this situation.
The King and Queen: Within themselves <<That one in my Little Brother>>.
Prince Dareck: Deeply enraged inside, he changes the subject. Well, I see that I am very entertaining his majesty. Excuse my Guards. I will retire so that the other Princes and Princesses can pass by and greet him.
Scy-Fy: Okay, come in and wait for My Big Brother and Big Sister Queen to give the signal to serve you.
After this, the Princes and Princesses came to greet them one by one and Scy-Fy attended to them without feeling self-conscious, one by one, thanking them for their kindness, so the King and Queen happy helped themselves to the banquet prepared, and everyone helped themselves as well.
While the King, seeing the situation, worried that Prince Dareck would do something serious, in secret from the others, because he thought that being far away the King would not notice anything.
And Scy-Fy walks around the tables like a butterfly, greeting the Princes and Princesses and serving them, as something so natural, in full view of the King and the Queen was quite a sight to see and they were happy, since he also helped himself to the appetizers like a squirrel, and Prince Yoshio made sure that his little Uncle did not overdo it, saying something nervous.
Prince Yoshio: Be careful, your majesty Scy-Fy, try not to run so fast, eat sweets more calmly, because if you had a body of matter you would already have diabetes.
The Prince was happy at the idea of having an Uncle and was worried at the idea of understanding that he was so fragile in health, and he said something surprised.
Prince Yoshio: Where does he get so much strength from being so fragile? His Majesty Scy-Fy finally, reached him.
Scy-Fy: ¡Somewhat smiling Prince Yoshio! Looks a little agitated, have a rice sandwich, they're good.
Prince Yoshio: I'm glad you like them, but you should take care of yourself Uncle Scy-Fy, don't forget that Father said that his health was delicate.
Scy-Fy: Did you prepare these sweets Prince Yoshio? They are delicious!
Prince Yoshio: Haha I'm honored Mother also said the same thing, wait! Will not be able to convince me to continue eating like this, flattering me, remember that Father and Mother told you that you were not in good health.
Scy-Fy: Laughing a little, saying, okay, you win Prince Yoshio.
Princess Daisy: Queeee also taking the attention of Uncle Scy-Fy Prince Yoshio, but well this time I came prepared.
Prince Yoshio: It was just a coincidence.
Princess Daisy: Mmmm, your highness Scy-Fy, look, look, a little nervous, prepare something I would like to know what you think, I gave some to Father and Mother.
Scy-Fy: A little he excited, aaa, thank you for your kindness, Princess Daisy, this is so great, it's a soft but savory snack, it's delicious.
Princess Daisy: A little nervous, thanks for your review. If you want some more, tell me and I will ask my servants to make more, that is if I prepared these.
Scy-Fy: Seriously! Princess Daisy, you're as good at baking as Prince Yoshio.
Princess Daisy: Thank you Uncle Scy-Fy, I will give it to Mother and offer some sweets to Father too.
Princes Yoshio: Hahaha so competitive Princess Daisy, it's good that you were able to prepare appetizers.
Scy-Fy: Well said Prince Yoshio keep doing your best.
Prince Yoshio: Thank you Uncle Scy-Fy.
They spent the evening and Prince Dareck tried many times to get close to Scy-Fy, and to manipulate him, but Scy-Fy walked like crazy everywhere and when he finally reached him, the guards who had spoken with Scy-Fy talking to him peacefully, and Prince Dareck came and said to his guards.
Prince Dareck: In a low voice, they can now retreat "with an intimidating presence."
Male and Female Guard: We are sorry your highness Scy-Fy, thank you for your kindness we leave.
Scy-Fy: Don't worry, thank you for your kindness Gentlemen, turning to Prince Dareck, he says, well, Prince Dareck, ¿what brings you to me?
Prince Dareck: I wanted to invite him to my palace to get to know us better and get along better, "since in his mind he was thinking of killing his Uncle Scy-Fy, and telling the King and Queen after what happened that Scy-Fy had died from an pain, and as a last wish, he wanted to tell the King and Queen that he should replace him in his place the Prince Dareck", "since Prince Dereck considered him an obstacle in his plans" ¿What do you?, a big dance will be held in your honor for your visit.
The Guards were able to hear and after the evening they planned to stop them since they did not want, as Royal Guards and Knights, for a be like Scy-Fy to disappear, even though they could have prevented it, Scy-Fy by his nature understood the Prince's intention Dereck and according to the deal with King Eerion, remained calm and said, holding his head.
Scy-Fy: Denied, My Big Brother said I have to be in the Capital.
Prince Dareck: My kingdom is also part of the Capital, so I would not be violating what his majesty the King said.
Scy-Fy: Wrong, Prince Dareck, he said close to him, shaking his head, trying to suspect something strange so that he would desist, telling him, ¿what are you trying, Prince Dareck?
Prince Dareck: I apologize if it was misunderstood, I just wanted my people to know how magnificent his majesty Scy-Fy is, also the gourmet of the kingdom that I rule.
Scy-Fy: Inside himself <<how creepy and hard-faced he is, ¿who does think I am?, I'm not senile, wonder ¿The why? Well, I'll remain calm>> hahaha, I'm not magnificent Prince Dareck, and I prefer the tranquility of My Big Brother and My Big Sister Queen to sweets or any food, after all I'm just a little boy. ¿Who is your Uncle, right? Well, enough talking, there are sweets I don't want to miss tonight, my Big Brother likes some from there and I'm curious to know what they taste like.
So Scy-Fy left, leaving Prince Dareck hanging, while he was furious inside him, as he said.
Prince Dereck: <<¿How is it that he was not intimidated by my presence and has succumbed to what I subtly ordered him? Many of the other Princes would have hesitated followed me without hesitation, but this weakling who calls himself My Uncle even fazed presence, must get rid him soon or will be a problem for later if grows>>, in a low voice he calls his guards.
Prince Dereck's other guards: Yes Prince Dereck.
Prince Dareck: In a low voice addressing them, I want you to kidnap his majesty Scy-Fy, after the evening and take him to the kingdom of the Northern sides, distract them and they will not know what happened to him until it is too late for the King and the Queen.
Scy-Fy: ¿What do you think, My Big Brother? I see that he wants to make the first move and if it goes wrong, blame the guards I talked to.
King Eerion: I see, do what is necessary but don't harm them yet.
Scy-Fy: Okay.
Once the evening was over and the King and Queen had said goodbye to their Princes and Princesses, it was time for them to rest from that intense evening, and Prince Dareck sent a message through his guards in the name of Prince Yoshio, which was in another place, so that Scy-Fy would hear the call and come towards them, since Prince Dareck knew that he had liked the sweets that Prince Yoshio prepared, telling his guards to give him a message. Through a letter and the guards went to deliver the message saying.
Prince Dareck's other guards: Prince Yoshio left him a message, saying that if he could pick up a box of snacks prepared by him, which he had left for his majesty Scy-Fy.
And Scy-Fy, it was after hinting to the King what he would do to them about it.