
Chapter 87: Hogwarts' 5th House, lol

The temperature in the air had reached freezing point, and the cold was like a steel needle piercing into his skin, bone marrow, and even soul.

Cyrus was still looking pale inside the car he had 'borrowed' from someone in the middle of the night as to not use more magic and strain his core, the Aurors were everywhere searching for 'Tom Riddle' everywhere not spearing the muggle world also.

The temperature in the air had reached freezing point, and the cold was like a steel needle piercing into his skin, bone marrow, and even soul.

When Cyrus opened the gate of the vintage car, the biting chill became even more unbridled.

The wind was so strong that it was almost impossible to stand. It was as if there were hundreds of Snapes hiding in the wind and they were all using the ''Sectumsempra''.

The wind hurt like a knife. But Cyrus almost ignored the temperature here and was attracted by the terrifying sight in front of him - even Voldemort's memory almost never showed the appearance of Azkaban.

Cyrus's impression of Azkaban only came from fragments of novels in his previous life.

But when you are on the scene, this feeling becomes more obvious.

What came into view was a huge black vortex. The strong wind seemed to sweep away the dark clouds from the entire world. The sky became very heavy and low, and seemed to be connected to the gray square tower.

Cyrus's eyes turned green and pupils turned horizontal.

There are almost no days or nights in Azkaban, let alone seeing the moonlight here.

He raised his head looking at the grey tower. The Dementors floated in the air, like sharks hovering around their prey, greedily tasting the not-too-many positive emotions.

There are no Aurors stationed in Azkaban now. The Aurors are only responsible for escorting prisoners. To be honest, this is a good thing for Cyrus.

The black water laps against the even darker rocks, and the only thing on the island that is pure and flawless is probably the messy tombs that are clustered together but look lonely.

"It is indeed the fifth house of Hogwarts. It is really magnificent." Cyrus walked through the tomb, 

The Dementors sensed something, a new soul was here!

These wandering Soul Eaters couldn't hold it any longer after noticing a new snack's smell.

They had already absorbed most of the happiness of the prisoners in the prison. At this moment, they were very hungry and eager to taste Cyrus' plate of fresh desserts. A soul that has not been exposed to these so-called 'Soul Eaters' is more attractive to them than anything else.

In comparison, the emotions of other prisoners in the prison are as disgusting as dead fish that have been rotting for hundreds of years.

Dementors are some of the ugliest things in the world. They haunt the darkest, filthiest places, they live in decay and despair, and they suck peace, hope, and joy out of the air around them.

They were covered in tattered, black robes, and underneath the robes seemed to be dense bones, but they had no faces.

Now, hundreds of these disgusting creatures are rushing near the gray tower's entrance to catch Cyrus like crazy, fearing that they will completely miss out on the delicious food if they are too late.

Cyrus got inside the tower.

Entering the gray tower, you are greeted by an unbearable stench. It was obvious that no one had ever taken care of it, and the feeling couldn't be compared to a hundred Snape's greasers piled together.

Stepping into the gate of the tower, the prisoners wearing black and white striped prison uniforms were all unkempt and lying on the ground as if they were dead.

As he goes deeper and deeper, the prisoners inside the prison become more and more abnormal. If the prisoners at the front just lost their happiness, as if they had turned on sad rock music at 12 o'clock in the morning and were completely EMO, then the deeper parts of the prison were completely a lunatic asylum.

The prisoners here are all lying on the ground with their wrists bound, rolling their eyes from time to time, twitching like they are suffering from epilepsy, and making unexplained howls from their mouths.

The long-term mental torture made their faces ugly and their bodies haggard. 

Almost all he saw along the way were Death Eaters who had been imprisoned for more than ten years.

The depths of Azkaban were almost surrounded by Death Eaters.

Those who didn't know it was a prison might think that the Death Eaters are holding a department team building here!

Their eye sockets were sunken deeply as if a skeleton had been covered with human skin.

Cyrus also saw Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband Rodolphus Lestrange, as well as the third member of the family, Rabastan Lestrange. In addition, there are Antonin Dolohov, Mulciber...

They were all named Death Eaters, some of whom were very old. They were all those who had followed Voldemort when he was in school.

Logically speaking, these people have met Tom Riddle. But when Cyrus passed the Death Eaters, none of the madmen noticed him. No one discovered that the person walking was actually their "master" who disappeared eleven years ago.

They all opened their eyes, but what they saw was no longer what was in front of them. They could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. What appeared in front of them was the most painful illusion in their lives.

Normally, the Dementors would not let go of a little bit of happiness, but it was different now. Their shadows quickly shuttled through all the passages in the tower, trying to reach where Cyrus was before the other Dementors.

The crazy Death Eaters fell silent for a moment, their eyes stared as if they were about to fall out of their sockets, and their faces were as pale as the tombs on the island.

 Because whenever they came- all the good feelings and all the happy memories were taken away by them as layers of illusory shadows were pulled out from their bodies.

The sudden drop in temperature announced the arrival of the Dementors. Everyone couldn't help but huddle in the corner and open their mouths numbly.

There was only one exception - Sirius Black.


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