
Chapter 29 Shinobi Pride

Land of River.

In the forest,


The wind blew by rustling the leaves and the grass and also blowing black and gold sand scattered around.


Kazuki stood with his eyes locked on Rasa and Pakura before him, and at some distance of mere hundreds of meters another battle seemed to be taking place.

Fixing his gaze at Rasa who had a different look from before, the slash mark on his wasted right eye from the last battle pretty easy to spot.

"I had expected you to cherish your life more after losing that eye yet you appeared before me again; both of you barely escaped death"

"Did that experience taught you nothing!?"

Asked Kazuki without a hint of arrogance and just pure curiosity on his face, there's a difference between trying and just asking for death.

If one doesn't care about his life at least consider those who will be affected by his death, both Pakura and Rasa suffered a disastrous defeat at his hands and nearly died and yet here they are; standing before and ready to fight him again.

"We are sand shinobi and a failure only forces us to improve ourselves; I'll keep fighting for the good of the village even if I lose all my limbs let alone a mere eye" Spoke Rasa in a resolute tone and no fear for Kazuki on his face, only the determination to kill him for the good of village.

"Maybe you Konoha Shinobi give up after one failure but we of the sand are different!" Added Pakura with a hint of pride in her tone.

"So it's all down to the shinobi pride again! This world has truly long since overcomplicated the power of chakra; I should really stop expecting basic common sense from anyone!'

Said Kazuki while shaking his head, when sage of six paths shared the power of chakra with his follower's years ago there was no concept of Shinobi, to him chakra was the power of love and not a power which made you sacrifice everything on the name of being a shinobi, protecting from the shadows and so on rules like this.

Being from earth he really doesn't overcomplicate the power of chakra, to him it's a tool to protect himself and those he wants to and kill those who harm him, he doesn't share the same love for the village like everyone else but nor does he hate it and it's the same for the rest of the villages.

He is fighting in the war now and killing those who are attacking konoha because first of all he is not strong enough to break the rules yet and secondly he really doesn't want to do that.

Those who he cares about will be harmed if something happens to the village so he'll fight but if you ask him to sacrifice himself or his closed ones for the village, which is the true definition of a shinobi then he will definitely not do that.


Hearing his words both Rasa and Pakura showed confused looks, from the perspective that Kazuki was thinking about it was impossible for them to understand anything.

Since the day they were born, they were taught to put the village first and if needed even the family, children or parents could be sacrificed, for them chakra a power of sacrifice and selflessness.

"Don't think too much about it as you won't get it even in a hundred years., anyway let's end this farce quickly!"

Said Kazuki seeing them obviously confused at his words and put on a battle stance, squatting down a little.


Like a bullet Kazuki shot from the spot he stood as cracks appeared on the ground, like a cannonball rushing at them.

Gold Dust: Sand Wall!!

The golden sand of Rasa rose from the ground and formed a three to four meters tall and half wide wall before them.

Lightning Blade!!

The wall didn't bring any worry to Kazuki as lightning immediately coated his blade and he slashed at the wall.


The overwhelming cutting power of the lightning blade was way too much for the sand, cut and blown away but no sign of Rasa and Pakura.


Seeing none of them Kazuki didn't panic and immediately traced towards the sky with his eyes, numerous fist size orbs raining down from the sky towards him.

And floating high in the sky were both Pakura and Rasa with feet resting on the sand shaped into a small platform under them.

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!!


Not panicking Kazuki quickly made hand signs as around him with a burst of smoke, ten of his clones appeared.

Water Style! Water Bullet Technique!!

Immediately all the clones of Kazuki including the real him put hands around the mouth and shot finger sized bullets towards the sky, with a boom roaring out of their mouths and hitting every fire orb in the way.


The collision between the water bullets and fire orbs set numerous explosions in the sky, like fireworks going off.

Read 20 chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.

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