
Chapter 4

Third persons POV

In a dimly lit room lay a little girl on a bed, surrounded by 3 individuals. 2 male and 1 female.

They watch over the child as she goes through her transition, this is the 3rd day. Normally, when one goes through the transition, it only takes 3 days at most.

She was in pain throughout the process, luckily or unluckily she was unconscious, she felt the pain, but it would have been worse if she was awake. But due to her being unconscious, the girl's mind defense skill turned off automatically, and the gifted vampire boy was able to read all her dreams... Or rather, her nightmares. He knew they weren't simply figments of imagination caused by fear, but memories of what she had been subjected to whilst held captive.

The older male decided to sit in the corner of the room, looking over some of the files and tomes found in the previous lab where they saved her. With added research as to why her mate had acted the way she did. It was not like her to do so. Yes, it could be because of her past trauma, but knowing her and looking at her behavior in person, it seemed different, more. He hadn't looked at the child directly, he wasn't able to. His mate did not let anyone close to the girl enough to touch her. She hissed at us when we tried, ready to defend the child at any cost. She was tamer when it came to me, I'm guessing it's because of our mate bond, but Edward almost got shoved through the wall with the amount of force she had released, if he wasn't fast enough to dodge a human-shaped hole would've been seen there now.

Both men were thankful that they already hunted before all this, they could last till the transition ended.

Esme was solely focused on the girl... She watched as the sunken face of the child filled out, she was able to hear as her wounds healed... heart regenerated...

A peculiar sound was heard by all thrwakingwoke them up from all their musings, it wouldn't be weird or out of place to hear such a sound from a human. The living breathing kind of human, not a supposed turned vampire.

It was a heartbeat.

For the first time since they got home, the woman let the rest of her family come close and inspect the girl.

Carlisle, the doctor of the family reaches out to the girl's wrists to check for a pulse. And she indeed had a pulse, she was also not as cold as them. She was cold, but not vampire-cold, it still held a little bit of warmth.

Reading his adoptive father's thoughts, Edward's eyes grew wide in disbelief.

Seeing both of her mate's and son's reactions, she got worried. She knows that this is not normal, she got happy when she heard her heartbeat, it confirmed that she was alive, but a beating heart is impossible to have for a vampire.

"what's wrong, tell me..." clasping her hands together on her lap, seemingly to gain a bit of courage for the possible bad news that would come out of him.

"she's alive, I don't know what happened, but it seems she's not completely vampire, we can't be too sure how the venom affected her, since based on the research files we took from the lab, she's not human. The child was a siren" he let go of the girl's hand and finally took a look at the girl's appearance.

Both father and son are finally able to take a good look at the child's appearance, and what they see and feel shocks them to their core.

Pure white wavy hair, seeming soft milky white skin with a natural blush on her eyes and cheeks, pink lips... She looked like a cherub... An angel... All that is pure and right.

[an: at one point I'm going to try and put up a picture here, I found a perfect AI-made pic for her, it's in the comments]

They both felt that they had to protect this child no matter what...

For Carlisle it felt similar to her mate bond with Esme but different at the same time, he realized a possibility, one that he had read about before. He looked at Edward who was still looking at the child, he knew he felt something for her but he was not sure if it was the mate bond or similar to what he thought Esme and himself were also experiencing right now.

Edward hadn't felt like this before, not even when he was still human. Looking at the unknown child in front of him, all he wanted to do was cherish and protect her, a stray thought came to him that made him flinch.

'is she my mate?' he shook his head in denial, it's different... From what was described, it's hard to explain, but he didn't WANT her in THAT way. It feels familiar, and then a thought came in that felt right 'Sister...she's my sister now'.

Seeing both Carlisle and Edward frozen, looking at the girl. A slight curve upward was visible on her lips. She knew they felt it too, to some degree, they felt how special she would be to them. She was worried that they wouldn't accept her easily, since there was a possibility that the girl was an immortal child, but seeing their reaction, all her worries went away.

She went back to her original position, sitting on the chair beside the bed, holding one of her hands.

Carlisle went back to the corner of the room but didn't go back to reading, he just looked at her and his mate. It would be overwhelming for a child to wake up and see 3 adults hovering over her.

Edward hearing his father's thoughts moved to the other corner of the room and just leaned against the wall while still keeping watch of the girl.

Any moment now, she will wake up. They can feel it, the changes seemed final, all her wounds and even scars or any blemishes if she ever had any, all gone. The venom brought out all the best qualities and enhanced it further to its peak like it always does for every other vampire once turned. But it seemed that the girl was already very beautiful before the transition because the final result was surreal.

They couldn't take their eyes off of her, all of them were excited to see her wake up, to see her eyes...

Then they heard it... A slight shuffle... Then they saw it and were instantly mesmerized by her beautiful eyes...

They were the most beautiful pink... So innocent looking...


Unknown POV

Slowly opening her eyes, the first thing she did was turn on her skill so Edward couldn't read her thoughts. She needed time to process everything that just happened and the discovery of the fact that she was in the Twilight universe.

'But I don't know which version. There are so many, and not all of them are good... They saved me, so that makes them good right? But I'm also tiny and young, they bit me when I was this young, Carlisle knows about the law, about immortal children... I could've been made an immortal child! They could have been punished, but they risked it. I'm not sure what exactly happened or who bit me, but they saved me... So there's a good chance that they're the good version or at least the decent version right?' She thought while looking straight into the ceiling.

Unbeknownst to her, since she turned on her skill, Edward couldn't read her thoughts and got worried, thinking that something was wrong.

'I need to decide carefully how I'm going to handle this now, how I'm going to act... I won't share about my past life, we don't need any of them to have an existential crisis. It's best if I act like my age in this life, it'll be hard because of my mental age, but I owe my previous self this... ROB even sent me here to learn to enjoy and appreciate life... I never had a good or normal childhood... It'll be cringe but I'm gonna do it, I don't know how to act like a normal child tho, or like normal anything.' clenching her fist, she noticed that someone was holding her hand and looked at her.

[AN: for real, this is going to be cringe. She's gonna give the Cullens the baby they want. 😂, their precious little princess.]

"Are you ok? How do you feel?" noticing that the girl was now looking at her she asked her.

'I don't know what to say, or do I even say anything? Like actually speak? What if I accidentally compel them? Not a good idea. Do I write? Wait no. I was a child held captive, nobody would have taught me how to read and write... So no writing.... What else. Uh...' she pressed her left hand on her left temple, pulling her hair slightly, a habit she had from her previous life, something she did when she couldn't curl into a fetus(among other things) to think.

Not knowing what she was thinking, not getting a response from her, and suddenly seeing her holding her temple and pulling her hair, they all panicked and thought that the girl was in pain.

"Edward, can you hear anything? What's happening?" Carlisle asked the boy.

Hearing the boy's name, a solution came to her communication problem. She looked at him, turned off her skill, and let him in her mind.

'I can't talk... I'm not allowed to talk... They say my voice is cursed... People get bad... I don't want them to turn bad...' she thought, and then sent memories related to her speaking and what happened and what was done to her after. And kept repeating the earlier thoughts while now holding her hands over her mouth, so no sound could come out.

Edward who saw and heard and saw everything had to pause for a second to calm himself before sharing the information.

"She can't talk... No, she doesn't want to talk out loud, she's afraid that she'll compel us and turn bad... They did bad things to her. Now she's afraid" he conveyed her thoughts and feelings with a face that seemed like he was about to cry.

She looked down and felt a bit guilty when she saw their face... They were hurt and sad for her. They just met, and they were showing me more kindness and love than everything combined from my past life.

Suddenly, a slight burning feeling was felt in her throat, like I'm thirsty... At the same time, my stomach made a sound...

'I'm hungry and thirsty... I'm sorry' she blushed from embarrassment. And it looked so adorable for all of them, they couldn't stop smiling. The atmosphere is a bit lighter.

"she's hungry and thirsty" Edward relayed her thoughts.

"hungry and thirsty... We still have no idea what you could eat or drink, so we will have to test some things out... Water, human food, and blood... Is there a burning feeling behind your throat does it hurt there?" he asks, trying to convey to the child what he means by action, he wasn't sure if the child could understand a lot of words, so he tried to Ask this way.

'yes,' she thought while nodding slightly.

Edward didn't have to speak for her this time, they got it.

"Ok! Let me make you something light for your first meal and we'll see from there. I'll be back after I'm done." Esme stood excited that she was able to cook for someone now, but as she was about to walk away, she felt a tug on her blouse. The little girl was holding onto her.

'don't leave me...' she thought while looking at her with those big bright pink eyes of hers. Then she held up her arms towards Esme.

All three adults felt like an arrow was shot directly at their hearts. That was too adorable!

"she doesn't want you to leave her" Edward conveyed while his hand was pressed against his chest where his heart was.

She turned on the skill again.

'heeeeh... I still do not know what I look like, but by their reaction, I'm hella cute.' she thought while still looking at the seemingly frozen woman. 'I think I might have overdone it, she's malfunctioning'

Carlisle recovering from the shock of pure adoration in front of him, pat her mate's shoulder to wake her up.

Esme waking up from shock immediately gave the child the happiest most motherly smile she could give and lifted her.

"Ok little one, let's go find you something to eat!" Esme says excitedly while walking out to go to the kitchen.

The men just let out a chuckle and followed them.



Owkie, 4th chapter. Just had time so I thought why not?.

But I saw that I had my first review, and it wasn't really about the story perse. But just hating on the LGBT, and a specific part of it.

I get it if you hate the story, if that's what you'll write about, sure... Share it. But why rate and review like that? Haaaah..

I already gave sufficient warnings and tags regarding what to expect in the story. So if it's not your cup of tea or coffee... Respectfully, just leave us alone.

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