
The bells

The next day was coming soon, Ryo woke up early and then had a good breakfast, it was still 5 o'clock in the morning, Kakashi had delivered the letter to them, it said he wanted them at 6 o'clock in the morning near the Heroes' Stone. While eating cereal, Ryo remembered this stone, it was where the names of many ninjas who died on missions were written.

Finishing his meal, he began to get ready, putting on his ninja outfit with the equipment, he had a small compartment on his leg, and another behind his waist, both containing some scrolls with kunais, shurikens, but mainly medical supplies.

After checking everything, he left his house, looking up in the direction of Naruto's apartment, hoping he would manage to wake up on his own today. This was something Ryo had been doing for some time, he would call Naruto to wake him up before going to the academy or training. Of course, since it was early in the morning, the boy often just continued sleeping without even responding.

Naruto hadn't seen Ryo yet, nor had he seen that Ryo had already become a Genin, but it was something Ryo was avoiding, since Naruto usually took up a lot of his time and in the past few days Ryo hadn't had much time. As soon as he knocked on the door, Ryo flickered away towards the Heroes' Stone.

It didn't take him long to get there, using flickering he arrived after 10 minutes. It was still far from 6 o'clock. But Ryo knew that Kakashi had a habit of being late. Or rather, observing the students from afar. Arriving at the location, there was still no one there yet. Ryo could see the stone from afar.

Emitting three location pulses, Ryo couldn't sense anyone within a 300-meter radius. So he soon sat on the ground, leaning against one of the trees there, while waiting for the others. After a few minutes, Denji and Haruka arrived at the location, each coming from a different direction. Denji had a sleepy face, while Haruka was completely fine.

"Ryo-kun, are you already here?" Haruka spoke calmly, she seemed accustomed to waking up early. On the other hand, Denji yawned while saying something that neither of them could understand, he had a sleepy voice and then rubbed his face with his hand. "Ah. Too. Early." He then looked at the two of them. "Where's the sensei? Kakashi?"

"He hasn't arrived yet," Ryo said as he got up, then turning to Haruka. "Good morning, Haruka. I arrived early, I usually wake up at this time to train." Haruka looked at him for a few seconds. "It's no wonder you were the best in our class then, do you train every day, all day long?"

Ryo nodded. In the end, he trained almost every day, all day long. But he had no idea what his days would be like now being on a ninja team, as they would have to go on missions, and some could last for weeks or even months!

"I have to train. I have to get stronger, there are things I need to do," Denji laughed. While walking around the area with his hands behind his head, relaxed. "What's so funny, Denji?" Haruka said with a serious tone.

"What me? Nothing, I'm laughing thinking about how Kakashi-sensei's expression will be," Denji seemed to be slowly waking up, then he started doing some stretches while taking the staff off his back and after warming up, he started making a series of movements.

Ryo watched Denji's movements while talking to Haruka. "It's all right, Haruka. Denji is always enthusiastic like that, you know." She crossed her arms and then sighed. "But I can't disagree with him, if it's a fight, I'd like to fight a Jounin too." Ryo said this, of course, he imagined it would be the bell test.

But he didn't know if Kakashi had already done this test from the beginning to test the teams, and since he was the first, Ryo had no way of knowing exactly what it would be. Then thinking, "The bells, he used them as a way to see Team 7, but considering that he was trained like this in the past by Minato. Me, Denji, and Haruka will possibly receive the same training."

He spent a few seconds thinking, slightly lost in his thoughts. Then hearing from Haruka, "Ah, boys." Ryo looked at her and chuckled lightly. "It's all right, we'll pass the test and become a real team. I believe in that." Denji, on the other side, waving the staff in the air, stopped and looked at them. "That's it, Ryo! Let's go on various missions and fight against ninjas and everything else!"

Of the three, who was most excited about all this was clearly Denji. Haruka was calm while maintaining a simple but cohesive mindset. As for Ryo, Ryo wanted to go on many missions to become a Chunin as quickly as possible. But he also wanted all the teachings that this year of missions would give him.

He interacted with his two teammates, Ryo tried not to give too simple answers to them, even though he didn't interact much or talk to them all the time, Ryo wasn't apathetic and emotionless, nor cold and calculating. But all the events so far had affected him in a certain way.

After more than 40 minutes, it was already past 6 o'clock in the morning, but there was still no sign of Kakashi at the location. They had started to exchange glances. Ryo took the paper and said, "It says here the time and the location, and also that we can't leave until he appears. I think the test has already begun." As soon as Ryo said that, the three of them looked at each other, seeing that it made sense.

Time began to accumulate as they waited there, Denki had given up training, he had spent the first 40 minutes training, but after realizing that Kakashi wouldn't appear on time, he had stopped, not wanting to waste his energy before the time.

Haruka was talking to Ryo in the meantime, they talked about some things about the last year at the academy, some tests, and more mundane things. However, even so, time was passing, and everyone there could see the sun slowly rising to its highest point. The problem was hunger, everyone there slowly started to feel hungry.

Until then, none of them had brought food, thinking it would be something quick. "It's not cool to call us at 6 o'clock in the morning and not show up until now, it's almost noon!" Denki said indignantly. Ryo looked at him and sighed. "A ninja has to be prepared for situations like this, Denki."

Ryo said, and as soon as Denki turned to him, Ryo grabbed a scroll while opening it on the ground, putting chakra into it, three ninja rations appeared on the scroll. "And as the medical ninja of this team, I have to be the one who is always more prepared than you."

He opened a slight smile as he spoke. However, none of them had a chance to grab one of the bars, as in the next moment, smoke appeared between them, revealing Kakashi.

Ryo looked at the masked man, knowing that Kakashi was observing them from somewhere, but unlike the previous day, Ryo hadn't been able to sense Kakashi at the location, as if he were disguised or hidden in some form of nature. He thought, "So there's a way to hide from my sensory ability? Of course, if I can sense shapes, it makes sense if someone is hidden like a tree or inside the earth."

Kakashi looked at the three of them, Ryo could swear there was a slight smile beneath the mask, but he couldn't confirm it. Then the jounin began to speak. "That's right, Ryo. As the medical ninja, you have to be prepared for all kinds of situations, but that doesn't mean the other two don't have to be prepared either."

He looked at Denki and Haruka before speaking again. "Remember that, Ryo. We'll start the test with you now." Then he put his hand in his pocket and took out three bells. Ryo was surprised that there were three instead of two. "You have to get the bells from me together. Each one must have a bell, and you have one hour. Every time you get a bell, the difficulty will increase for the next one."

[ Author here!

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