
What is the true treasure?

"No, no, no! Not just that!" Usopp shook his head. "He's probably made up of bears and elephants and lions and tigers and herrings and a cod! One terrifying beast!"


"Whoa! He's that awesome, eh?!" Luffy excitedly exclaimed.


"That's ridiculous!" Nami and Zoro snapped, the swordsman now becoming fed up with the ridiculous speculations the sharpshooter made.


With Chopper,


Chopper shook as he watched the humans draw closer, whatever determination he had earlier was slowly starting to dwindle. His eyes widening and his jaw clenching as his body started to violently shake more at the thought of what these fiends looked like. "Where's the Animal King?" Luffy loudly asked as he and the others finally reached their destination, scaring the reindeer as he screamed and ran the other way. The parrot finally gave in to the weight on his back, body falling from the sky and roughly hitting the ground as the rubber man went rolling off him. Landing right in front of Chopper's hiding spot.


"Stop!" the reindeer cried out before growing silent the minute he spotted who it was. "Luffy!" he gasped.


"Oh! Chopper!" Luffy smiled as he sat up.


"Chopper!" Nami and Vivi happily exclaimed as the orange haired woman fed the goat the paper she had promised.


"So, you're safe!" Usopp smiled as he ran towards the reindeer.


"What's with that outfit?" Sanji raised an eyebrow.


"Aw, don't you look adorable" Robin cooed.


"Did you guys come just for me?" Chopper asked as the others made their way over to him.


"Man, you had us worried" Zoro said.


"That's for sure" Zack nodded.


"What are you doing? Hurry up and exterminate these fiends, your majesty!" Mobambi snapped.


"Your majesty?" the Straw Hats questioned excluding Zack, becoming confused.


"Could it be...that you're the...?" Usopp trailed off, not having to finish the question as it was clear what he was trying to ask.


"Yeah! He's our king!" Mobambi proclaimed.


"Be afraid, humans!" Karasuke exclaimed as Vivi and Robin couldn't help but chuckled at how intimidating the bird was trying to be. "Soon you will be crushed at the hands of our great king!"


"Chopper, you're the Animal King?" Sanji questioned.


"Hey, Chopper, recognize this guy?" Luffy asked as he pulled a boulder with a drawing on it over towards the reindeer. "He's like 1,000 meters tall and got horns and fangs and he's made up of bears and lions and whales and-"


"That's Chopper, idiot!" Sanji and Nami cut off their captain.


"What! When did you get to be that cool?" Luffy gaped as his eyes widened.


"Don't you get it yet, moron?" Sanji frowned as he kicked his captain in the head.


"Everyone, there's nothing to worry about" Chopper reassured the animals. "They're my nakama."


"Yo" Zoro greeted as the all the animals fearfully backed away.


"Looks like they're scared of you, Zoro" Zack snickered.


"P-pirates!" Mobambi stuttered out.


"Yeah! Aren't they something?" Chopper smiled right as Luffy's stomach loudly growled.


"Man, I'm hungry!" Luffy whined as he draped himself over a rock. "Chopper, there anything to eat around here?"


"Eh? Oh, I'll go get you something right now" Chopper said.


"You mean it?" Luffy quickly hopped back up, him and the others following the reindeer.


"That's the Animal King for you" Usopp smiled.


"It's great! This is great food you've got here" Luffy complimented as he continued to stuff his face. Robin raised an amused eyebrow as she watched her captain devour everything in sight before shaking her head as she gave a small chuckle and bit into the apple in her hand.


"You sure were hungry" Chopper chuckled. "I'll go get you some more."


"We're pretty lucky, huh?" Nami questioned. "We found Chopper and then he turns out to be the Animal King."


"I kinda envy him, I could get used to being king, although I'd rather be a prince than a king" Sanji said, causing Vivi to raise an eyebrow. "I'd rescue beautiful damsels in distress and-"


"Are you some kind of moron?" Zoro interrupted causing Robin beside him to choke on her apple as she started to laugh.


"What?!" Sanji snapped.


"You talk too much, just use your trap to eat, Prince" Zoro continued as robin pounded her fist against her chest, loudly coughing as she continued to laugh.


"That's rich coming from someone who does nothing but sculpts his body all day" Sanji grumbled.


"You piece of shit! Why don't I shut that foul mouth of yours?!" Zoro snapped as he and the blond started to fight causing others to burst out into another fit of laughter. Watching the two with amusement.


"Shut up! You're not much better with yours!" Sanji snapped right back.


"What's so good about these people?!" Mobambi bitterly asked as his body shook with anger and an irritated mark on his head.


"Hey, Shorty!" Luffy called over to the child, continuing to stuff his face.


"I'm not "Shorty"! I'm Mobambi!" the boy snapped.


"Fruits are good and all, but don't you have any meat?" Luffy asked. "Meat?"


"M-" Karasuke stared in shock.


"M-" the parrot's eyes widened.


"Meat!" the animals cried out.


"Maybe you shouldn't have said that Luffy" Zack said as everyone looked towards the mostly idiotic captain who was still stuffing his face, soon growing confused as the animals ran away.


"They all ran away!" Nami snapped as she hit her captain.


"Be careful with what you freakin' say!" Usopp scowled.


"Listen, all of you. Once you're done with that, leave this island and don't ever come back!" Karasuke frowned.


"But, before that, would you mind telling us something?" Nami asked. "Is there such a thing as the Heart Treasure or...?"


"Heart Treasure? What's that?" Karasuke tilted his head.


"It seems you came here believing a fairy tale, but it honestly was a waste of your time" the parrot told the group.


"Please don't say that, now even a little hint?" Nami clasped her hands together.


"Let's just forget about the treasure" Usopp said. "We've found Chopper, let's just take him and get out of here."


"You can't do that!" Mobambi suddenly cried out. "Chopper is our king! He'll remain here and protect this island!"

"Are you mocking our king?" Mobambi frowned.


"That kinda sucks" Luffy suddenly piped up, eating a banana as he rubbed his inflated stomach. "You like Chopper too, eh Mombran?"


"I'm Mobambi!" the child snapped.


"Sorry, but he's an important nakama to us" Luffy said.


"Shut up, you pirate!" Mobambi snapped. "He's a much closer nakama to me! Now and forever, he'll stay with us on this island!" he proclaimed just as an explosion sounded out.


Suddenly all the straw hat tense and a direction sensing from their observation haki.

"That direction is-"


"This is bad! That's Papa's cabin!" Mobambi cut the parrot off as he, Chopper, the parrot, and Karasuke rushed in the direction that the smoke was rising from.


"Oi, what's going on?" Usopp asked as he and Nami ran after the four.


"What's that?" Luffy asked as he tried to follow, only to get stuck in the entryway due to the heavy pounds he had gained from the excessive amount of food he ate. Swiftly digesting ,he followed along with Zack with a serious expression. Others too followed behind. But suddenly the only bridge connecting snapped and only Ussop , Nami and Vivi were able to cross it. Other have to take another paths.


With Chopper and the Others,


"It must be them! They've come looking for the secret of the treasure!" Nami exclaimed as she, vivi and Usopp followed the reindeer, boy, and animals along with others. Down below, Butler hastily searched through what was left of the cabin as his two henchmen kept any of the animals from interfering. Soon the pink-haired man smirked the minute he spotted what he was looking for, a Log Book.


"What the...?" Mobambi frowned as he peered down at the three men right as the Trumpet Pig released its strange cry.


"They're the ones controlling the Horn Eaters?" Chopper questioned as he looked at the pig.


"Found it!" Butler joyful exclaimed, holding the Log Book up for all to see. "This is it! The answer to our search for the Heart Treasure!"


"Heart Treasure? In Papa's Log Book?" Mobambi questioned.


"Does that treasure really exist?" Karasuke asked.


"What? You guys really haven't heard of it?" Nami owlishly blinked as she stared at the animals.


"None of the details, I'm afraid" the parrot truthfully answered her. "The elders who did know of it have all become victims of the Horn Eaters."


"The Heart Treasure dwells within the gilded horns upon the head of the Animal King" Butler read.


"The Animal King's horns" Mobambi quietly repeated.


"The horns possess the mysterious power to bring out an animal's greatest strength" Butler continued. "After the Animal King's lifespan has ended, a new Animal King will inherit the power and protect the island. It seems that is how this island continues to flourish as a paradise of animals."


"Oh, I see, that's what it is!" Usopp snapped his fingers as Snake tilted his head upwards.


"You fiends! You've managed to steal secrets from us yet again!" the raven-haired man exclaimed as he spotted them.


"Your boss was saying it straight out again! Zack's right, how can you call yourselves geniuses?" Nami raised an eyebrow.


"His personality prevents him from being able to keep a secret" Hotdog defended.


"You whelps, where's the Animal King? Where is he? Tell me!" Butler demanded. "If you tell me I'll take only his life and let the rest of you live! Refuse my offer and you shall all fall victim to my Horn Eaters!" he put the Log Book away, replacing it with his violin that he started to play.


"This is bad! The Horn Eaters are coming! They're going to kill everyone!" Usopp cried out as all the animals huddled up against one another, listening to how the Horn Eaters plowed their way through the jungle.

"All animal gather behind me." ordered Ussop taking out his shooter.

"Oi, Chopper!" the sharpshooter called out the minute the reindeer slide down the hill and towards Butler.


"Who the hell are you?" Butler frowned.


"I am...the Animal King! Tony Tony Chopper!" the reindeer proclaimed.


"You're the Animal King?!" Butler laughed as he stopped playing his violin.


"This little runt can't be the Animal King" Hotdog said.


"He's not lying! He'll take out the likes of you in the blink of an eye!" Karasuke claimed.


"Interesting" Butler hummed.


"If you're satisfied, stop your Horn Eaters and fight me!" Chopper exclaimed before blinking his eyes as the pink-haired man burst out laughing while the Horn Eaters continued to make their way through the jungle.


"I'll consider your challenge once you defeat my Horn Eaters" Butler smirked.


"What?" Chopper asked.


"If you live through it that is!" Butler laughed.


With other members,


"Oi, put some more power into it!" Sanji ordered as he, Zoro, and Zack pushed against their captain in an attempt to cross to the other side with him. "We'll never get out of here at this rate!"


"Shut up! What about you?" Zoro frowned. "Show with a little more spirit!"


"How about you both shut up and keep floating untill we cross the canyon.!" Zack snapped at the two as all four of them made little process.


"Dammit! Who in their right mind would try to float such a distance with this risk?" Sanji frowned.


"Don't frown it's a good for training. Now hurry up" said Zack

"Well, this is nothing!" Luffy told the four . "After this , I want to eat more!"


"You're still hungry!" the three out of four snapped.


With Chopper and the Others,


"They're here! The Horn Eaters!" the parrot cried out as the Horn Eaters came stomping out of the jungle, causing Butler to laugh.


"Okay, in a pinch like this, my special sure kill weapon will come in handy!" Usopp proclaimed switching his weapon. "Usopp Boomerang! Surrender! Once I throw this, there's no turning back!" he loudly proclaimed as he pulled out a boomerang and threw it towards the pink-haired man. Butler only laughed, bending his body backward and dodging the attack as the boomerang soared right over him and clattered to the ground.


"What's wrong with it?" Nami asked. "It didn't come back!"


"Like I said, there's no turning back!" Usopp exclaimed.


"You meant that?!" Nami snapped as she hit the sharpshooter.


"Chopper!" Mobambi called out the minute he spotted the reindeer running towards the nearing Horn Eaters.


"He's charging them by himself!" Usopp gaped. "What's he planning on doing?"


"Chopper!" Nami called out to the reindeer and just as he reached the Horn Eaters, he made a sudden turn.


"He's running away?" Usopp questioned.


"Don't let him escape!" Butler ordered as he continued to play his violin, the Horn Eaters quick to turn and face the reindeer just as the pink-haired man jumped on top of one of them. Hotdog and Snake quick to do the same, Chopper came to a sudden halt as he removed the stupid prince getup before he continued running.


"Chopper!" Luffy called out as he rushed down the hill, Zoro, Sanji, Zack and Robin quick on his heel following chopper soon joined by Nami, Vivi ,Ussop and Mobambi.


"He ran away, hey, is Chopper really a coward?" Mobambi asked as he looked at the pirates. "Isn't he supposed to be strong?"


"What are you talking about?" Zoro raised an eyebrow.


"In any case, let's go help him" Sanji said as both he and the swordsman took off with more speed using soru. Zack picked up Mobambi and followed behind with soru as well.


"Will Chopper...get killed?" Mobambi looked to be on the edge of crying.


"If you're that worried about him, why don't you come too?" Luffy suggested.


"But..." Mobambi trailed off.


"You'd better not, even if you went, you'd honestly only be killed as well" the parrot told the boy tried catching up with crew speed.


"And it won't be just a scratch you'll get this time" Karasuke said causing Mobambi to bring a hand up to his chest. Lightly touching his fingertips to the faded scar on it.


"So, you're not coming?" Luffy questioned coming to an stop.


"If only I was stronger, then I'd help him!" Mobambi grounded out. "But...I can't beat them! I'm just..."


"Hey! So, what if you're not strong? I'm not strong either, but I'm not the least bit scared!" Usopp exclaimed.


"You sure about that, Ussop san ?" Vivi asked as she stared at the shaking pirate.


"Your legs are trembling" Nami bluntly noted.


"If you set yourself to it, you might be strong, right?" Luffy smiled down at the child which in turn brought a smile to Vivi's lips.


"That's stupid!" Mobambi frowned.


" Hey if you want ,I can still drop you before continue follow behind chopper." exclaims Zack with a smile .

"Okay, I getcha, Shorty" Luffy said. "But, just being with someone doesn't make you nakama, y'know?" and with that, he and the rest of his crew took off running even faster.


"My name's not "Shorty", my name's..." Zack trailed off with Mobambi on his back. As Mobambi looked after the group before sucking in a large breath of air. "My name is Mobambi!"


With Chopper,


'I can't let him hurt the others' Chopper told himself as he continued to run, at some point changing into his deer form in an attempt to pick up in speed. Quickly he grew big the minute he spotted the hole up ahead, grabbing for one of the low hanging vines and swinging across. As soon as he reached the other side, he returned to his normal size and continued to run. He screamed the minute he looked back to find the Horn Eaters hot on his trail. Forcing him to once again turn into his deer form and climb up the mountainside in an attempt to get away.


Hotdog swung his mace around before throwing it upwards, successfully having it land on the top and secure itself into the ground. Which allowed him, Butler, and Snake to follow the reindeer.


With others,


The pirates quickly jumped from rock to rock in an attempt to make it to the other side. Their bodies wobbling around as they attempted to keep their selves balanced and not meet a glory fate. But, the minute Luffy jumped on one of the rocks, it crumbled a little as he quickly continued onwards. The same thing happening to others using float with each other as they closely followed their captain.

With Chopper


Chopper halted in his tracks the minute he spotted the large mushroom shaped rocks before him, shoulders drooping as he sadly started to think about Doctor Hiluluk. A startled gasp soon left his lips the minute Butler and his two henchmen came up behind him. Turning around to face them, the reindeer was greeted by Hotdog's fist which knocked him backward. The minute first was about to hit Chopper's body , he side steped making the man hit the stone behind.

The heavy man was already rushing towards him, fist drawn back as he prepared for another attack but were evaded by chopper again and again. Chopper had unlocked his observation haki.



Luffy and others,


"T-that was close" Vivi swallowed thickly, hand clutching her chest as she attempted to calm her fast beating heart. Eyes wide as she peered back at the broken and ruined rocks they had hopped across. Thankful they all safely made it across.


"Chopper!" Luffy gasped, body shooting straight up into a sitting position.


With Zack and Mobambi,


Mobambi who is on Zack's back together rushed ahead of the other animals, swallowing thickly before jumping off as he hesitantly entered the home of the Qirin Lion, it's still body still resting in the same place it had died.

He found his eyes trained on the horns that adored the animal's head, nervously shifting around at the thoughts going through his head.


With Chopper,


Hotdog continued his assault of punches on the reindeer as Snake jumped into the air, drawing his sword and slashed it downwards towards the reindeer who quickly rolled out of the way though not a single one landed. Chopper quickly scrambled up on to his feet and took off running once more as the raven-haired man followed and continued to slash at him. The sword in the man's hand slowly starting to bend and move as if it was a whip. The reindeer came to a sudden halt as he looked over the cliff edge, eyes wide as he hesitantly looked back at Snake who now loomed over him and raised his sword. Just as the man was ready to swing it down towards the frightened animal, the ground beneath them started to crack before it broke apart and the two descended downwards.


"What?" Butler frowned.


"I-Insolent cur!" Snake snapped the minute he had spotted Sanji, putting two and two together and assuming it was the blonde's fault that the rock had broken. "Who the hell are you?" the raven-haired man sneered.


"The Prince" Sanji responded as he pointed the cigarette between his fingers towards the man.


"Sanji!" Chopper gasped, having been caught by Zoro who tightly held onto a stray tree branch that had been growing out of the cliffside. "Zoro?" the reindeer questioned as he looked up at the swordsman.


"Jeez, what a poser" Zoro grumbled as he climbed back up the cliff, quick to avoid the punch Hotdog sent his way the minute he reached the top. Quickly the swordsman threw Chopper to the side, taking an offensive stance in front of the heavy man and smirk " Stop the animals, Chopper, this guy's mine to be played with."


"Sounds like fun" Hotdog smirked as the reindeer scampered away from the two. "Now face the steel breaking strongest kick in the world!" he spun towards Zoro, the swordsman quick to dodge the attack and let the mushroom rock behind him take the full force of the attack. Chopper cried out as his body was knocked to the ground and Butler sat on top of him to hold him down.


"You're not going anywhere!" Butler sneered as he wrapped his hands around the antlers that rested on top of Chopper's head.


"Gum Gum Rocket!" Luffy shot himself towards the two, knocking the pink-haired man off the reindeer.


"Luffy!" Chopper smiled.


"Chopper!" Nami called out to the reindeer.


"Thank goodness you're alright!" Vivi smiled as she, Nami, and Usopp ran towards their friend.


"You guys came for me?" Chopper questioned.


"Now that yours truly – Usopp-sama – is here, there's nothing to fear!" Usopp proclaimed as Vivi dropped to her knees and tightly hugged the reindeer close. Glad that the little guy was alright.


"Really?" Chopper asked, quick to hug the brunette back as he peered up at the sharpshooter.


"Yosh, go Luffy! I'm here now!" Usopp cheered causing Vivi to chuckle as she released the reindeer and stared up at the long-nosed pirate.


"Why don't you go?" Nami deadpanned as she struck the back of the sharpshooter's head.


"D-d-don't be ridiculous!" Usopp fearfully cried out. "My new move should be revealed in the final moments!"


"Is your new move running away and hiding ?" said Robin teasingly asked.


"No!" the long-nosed man snapped as the brunette snickered.


"What nonsense are you spouting...insects?!" Butler snarled as he pushed himself back up causing Usopp to take refuge behind Nami.


"Come on now" Nami sighed in irritation as she looked back at her friend.


"All of you are about to fall into hell!" Butler proclaimed as he pulled out his violin and started to play.


"This is bad, the Horn Eaters are gonna come!" Usopp cried.


"I think they're the least of our worries" Robin's eye twitched as she looked at her captain.


"Luffy!" Nami gasped as the four quickly rushed over to the rubber man.


"This doesn't look good" Usopp mumbled as they all leaned in close to the raven-haired man's ears, screaming at the top of their lungs. This seemed to frighten their captain as his body fell back just as the Horn Eaters came running towards the group which caused them all to scamper away and leave the rubber man behind.


"Oh shit!" the four cried out the minute their captain was flung into the air by one of the Horn Eaters and sent flying pass them.

But in mid air , Robin used her power to take away the violin and bind Butler, stopping Luffy and horn eaters.




"Qirin Lion, I hope you can forgive me" Mobambi sadly mumbled as he took a step closer to the still lion.


"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Karasuke frowned as he stood at the entrance of the lion's resting place.


"But...Chopper will get killed if I don't..." Mobambi trailed off as he continued his attempts to pry the horns off of the lion's head.


"If you do that, you'll be exiled from the island!" Karasuke squawked.


"But, they're after Chopper because they think his antlers are the treasure they've been looking for!" Mobambi argued. "If I show them the real treasure-"


"Forget about that reindeer" the parrot interrupted from outside the entrance, causing Mobambi to emit a startled gasp. "Honestly, just what do you think the likes of us can accomplish? We must entrust everything to the new Animal King" he explained as the other animals gathered around the entrance.


"You're just going to abandon Chopper?" Mobambi frowned. "But, we begged Chopper so dearly and he even pretended to be the king! You're all safe now because of that, right?" he desperately asked.


"The secret power belongs to the Animal King, humans must never wield it" the parrot scowled.


"B-but..." Mobambi sadly lets his head droop downwards, not knowing what to say.


"Don't you guys worry, it's Mobambi we're talking about here, he'll understand" Karasuke said. "Don't you guys fret about it."


"I'll leave this to you, Karasuke" and with that the parrot left, taking with him the other animals.


"Karasuke, are you going to abandon Chopper too?" Mobambi quietly asked.


"Idiot! Don't you care if you're exiled from the island?!" Karasuke snapped as he watched Mobambi slowly remove his hands from the Qirin Lion's horns looking at Zack.


"No need to worry, Chopper will be fine. Nothing will happen to him. Let's go and join them."

"Before that I think there something interesting I need to see, Come with me to your father's ship to find some answers." Stated Zack while he continued walking towards the ruins of the ship.

With Sanji,


Sanji dodged each attack Snake sent his way, soon kicking out his foot and striking the raven-haired man in the face. Just as he goes in for another kick, the man this time dodges the attack and strike the blonde's back with his whip-like sword covered with haki. Taken aback, Sanji letting his gaurd down stumbles forward before dropping to the ground, grunting at the pain in his back. Snake smirks, as he brings his sword down, intending to deliver the final blow. Only to be taken aback as the blond suddenly stands back up and kicks him with a fire before quickly dodging the attack sent his way.


Watching in slight amazement at the blade of the sword returned to normal, the metal no longer bending and whipping around. Sanji dodged each attack sent his way the minute the sword went back into being a whip. Jumping up into the air, the blond dives towards Snake, intending on striking the man in the face. Only to discover the man before him was nothing more than an illusion as his foot passes right through the raven-haired man's body. "What! That bastard!" the blond growled as he landed back on the ground and looked around.


As the cook looks for his enemy, he notices the raven-haired man sneaking up behind him and raising his sword up high before slashing it downwards. Sanji kicks him in the jaw sending him flying and painting him on the rock . Lightning up his cigarette,

" These guys are not normal, they know how to use haki. Better capture them so Zack can inquire their purpose from them."


With Zoro


The minute Zoro took a step into the water, his feet instantly sunk down as the chain of Hotdog's mace instantly covered with armament haki wrapped around his body. The heavy man jumped forward, smashing his knee straight into the moss haired man's face before kicking the back of his head and then his face again. "Now, this is a surprise, you're still standing after tasting the world's strongest kick" the heavy man noted. "But, I wonder how long you can last" he devilishly smirked as he started to beat up on the chained swordsman.


With Chopper, Usopp, Nami,Vivi and Robin


"Usopp!" Nami and Vivi waved their arms towards the sharpshooter and reindeer that were desperately trying to get away from the Horn Eaters who were just been freed by Robin.


"Nami! Vivi ! Where the hell have you two been?" Usopp called over to the two women.


"Come on!" Nami called back.


"Get over here, quick!" Vivi motioned for the two to hurry.


"Alright, gotcha. Chopper! Oi, you alright?" Usopp asked as he cast a glance down towards the reindeer that ran beside him. "Crap!" he cried out the minute he saw just how close the Horn Eaters were to the two of them. "Shit, sorry!" he quickly apologized as he kicked the reindeer over some rocks and pulled out his boomerang. "Usopp Boomerang!"


"Hey, wait, what do you plan on doing with that?" Nami asked.


"You're kidding, right? How is a boomerang going to be of any help?" Vivi raised an eyebrow.


"Just watch" Usopp told the two as he held the boomerang up to his forehead.


"Usopp! You're not going to..." Nami trailed off as realization hit her and vivi.


"Hey, Horn Eaters! Catch me if you can!" Usopp loudly exclaimed as he took off running.


"He's so reckless!" the two women snapped as they quickly followed their long-nosed friend, Vivi keeping a close watch on the sharpshooter as she rested a hand on her staff given by Zack while Nami started to draw on to climatact .


"Fetch!" Usopp threw the boomerang over a pile of rocks that were blocking the cliff edge. Smiling as he climbed on top of the rocks and watched the Horn Eaters try their hardest to follow the boomerang, but found they couldn't get pasts the pile of rocks.


"Usopp, that rock!" Nami pointed up to higher ground and towards the rocks that lined the edge of the upper cliff. "Listen, target an explosion on that twig 15cm below that rock, hurry!"


"Oh, that one? Are you sure?" Usopp asked.


"I'm sure! Provided my calculations are accurate, even the slightest bit of gunpowder should do the trick!" Nami nodded.


"Oh! I see now"Vivi nodded as she now understood what the orange haired woman had planned.


"Yosh!" Usopp took aim, doing exactly as Nami instructed.


"Hurry, Usopp!" Nami and Vivi yelped the minute the Horn Eaters turned their attention towards the two women. At that moment Usopp shot off the pellet in his slingshot, striking his target as the explosion that sounded out caused the rocks to go tumbling down the cliff and fall around the Horn Eaters. Blocking them in.


"Yosha!" the sharpshooter cheered. "The Horn Eaters are trapped! They won't be going anywhere! We did it, dammit!"


"Hey, where's Chopper?" Nami suddenly asked, taking note of the reindeer's absence.


"Yeah, where is the little guy, Usopp san? He was with you earlier, wasn't he?" Vivi placed her hands on her hips as she stared down the sharpshooter.


With Chopper,


"Found you!" Butler laughed as the reindeer fearfully back away from him tried, crying out and running away the minute the pink-haired man rushed him.


With Luffy,


"Chopper?! Dammit! Where is he?" Luffy frowned as he called out for his friend, eyes scanning the area around him before he spotted a familiar face. "It's him. Oi, you guys! Oi!'" he waved his arms around in an attempt to capture Mobambi and Karasuke's attention as the two rushed down the mountain. The child tightly clutching the Qirin Lion's horns to his chest. Zack walking behind.


With Chopper


Butler laughed as he chased after the reindeer, before pulling out a tambourine and throwing it at the animal. A smirk tugging at his lips the minute the instrument struck the reindeer's legs and knocked him to the ground. "You're a slick one" the pink-haired man said as he neared the fallen animal, picking up the tambourine and turning it into a knife. "Now, the Heart Treasure is mine!"


"Stop!" Mobambi cried out. "The Heart Treasure is right here!"


Only sec of distraction was needed as Zack kick came flying,

[Super sonic axe kick]

While Robin quickly using her hands rescued Chopper.

"You..." Chopper trailed off as he stared at the child still in Robin's arms.


"These are the former king – the Qirin Lion's – horns!" Mobambi exclaimed as he held up a piece of the horns. "The real Heart Treasure."


"What? So, those are the...shining gilded horns which carry the crown!" Butler who shakely got out off the hole he was kicked was in gaped. "Are those really them?"


"If you want them, come and fight for 'em!" Mobambi shouted as he and Karasuke took off running.


"I won this fight already!" Butler laughed as he gave chase.


"Wait, stop!" Chopper called out as he jumped out of Robin's arms and tried to follow the three, only to fall backward in the process. Zack picked him up and followed behind with Robin and Luffy.


"Hey, you sure this is gonna work?" Karasuke curiously asked.


"The Heart Treasure is a treasure that protects this island! We'll manage somehow!" Mobambi told him.


"But, if it doesn't work, you'll be..." Karasuke sadly trailed off, not liking the idea of the boy being exiled from the island or worse.


"Wait there, you!" Butler called after the two, watching as the child came to a stop and faced him, allowing him to take note of how the boy's body shook with fear. "Why are you trembling? If you're that scared, why don't you just hand me those horns?" the pink-haired man smirked.


"I'm not afraid of the likes of you!" Mobambi proclaimed.


"Then I won't hold back!" Butler sneered.


"You'll be the one to perish" Mobambi bitterly mumbled before he took off running once more.


"What you're saying and what you're doing seems to be a bit different!" Butler called after the child as he gave chase once more. "The horns are mine!" he proclaimed as he watched Mobambi jump down into a valley, to which the man quickly followed, only to now realize that the bottom of the valley was filled with lava.


"Mobambi!" Karasuke called out as he swooped down and catch the child. "You devil" he grunted as he struggled to fly upwards.


"You shitty brat!" Butler growled, shooting rope up towards the two which then wrapped around the crow's feet.


"Dammit! You fool, we're falling!" Karasuke squawked as Butler started to pull him and the child back down towards him.




"Mobambi! He..." the parrot gaped as he and the animals stood in front of their former king. Gawking at the sight of his missing horns.


With Mobambi,


Mobambi screamed in fear the closer he got to the pink-haired man, before being taken aback as a stretched-out arm wrapped itself around both him and Karasuke, retracting and throwing them both up into the air and dragging Butler along. "Whew, that was close!" Luffy smiled as he stared down at both the child and bird that had crash-landed in front of him. "Why the hell did you do that?" he asked the two.


"B-but...I want to be of Chopper's nakama who he can depend on too...just being together doesn't make us nakama, right?" Mobambi asked, peering up at the rubber man.


"I see" Luffy nodded.


"Mobambi! T-they're gone!" Karasuke squawked out, wings wildly flapping as he looked around the group with wide eyes. "The Heart Treasure Horns are gone!" he cawed, causing both Luffy and Mobambi to freak out as they too started to frantically look around.


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